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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Entirely fair! I'm not a big fan of the new kobolds, though they're certainly distinctive too... But otherwise I do like a bit of Pathfinder art.
  2. Your daily movement goal sounds fun - particularly if it involves dancing and messing around with your son.
  3. You too! And thank you, I think it'll all help. Good to see you too! We saw a couple of sessions of women's rugby 7s - the end of the heats and the quarter finals - and a women's hockey session - Spain v Argentina followed by France v Germany. Was amazing, particularly seeing the French teams play in front of a home crowd. I was really hoping to catch some of the triathlon too, as it was through the streets, but they postponed it so it clashes with our hockey tickets. That does help actually, thank you! Good to see you too, thanks for the well wishes
  4. Yeah, we saw a couple of rigby 7s sessions and a hockey session. I was really hoping to see the triathlon, but they postponed it and it clashes with the hockey. It'll be cool to be there then I'm sure! I sort of feel like the Paralympics is better than the Olympics anyway.
  5. Glad things are a bit more restful for you mate, must be a nice change!
  6. Glad you guys get to meet in Paris! Can confirm it's lovely right now.
  7. The Library space sounds wonderful, I like this for you.
  8. Fantastic commitment, lovely stuff. I'll never pass up an opportunity to post this gif.
  9. Seriously though, have a good challenge man. The obstacle course sounds like a great workout, and a lot of fun.
  10. Well, I managed to get caught up jere just in time to see that you're away . Hope you're having a lovely trip!
  11. This is a good fit for my current challenge - I plan to spend a lot of my time reflecting on life changes and future plans, as well as simply tracking what I'm doing on the basis that what gets measured gets managed. Also, gotta love a bit of Pathfinder. (Yes, I realise that @DarK_RaideR beat me to this point )
  12. Jarric makes marks A bit of background first. The last couple of months have been a struggle. Work has been stupidly busy, and we had a company event where we were given some very tough messages which left a bad taste in my mouth. Since then I've been looking at other options, but although that empowers me because it gives me choices, it's also pretty stressful in its own way. It's additional mental load to put in the work to get interviews, and it's tough trying to be clandestine about it. I also feel conflicted because I like the people I work with and don't really want to leave, but I feel like I might not have a choice to stop myself from burning out any further. My gym also closed, for good, at the end of June. That was pretty tough; I've been there for almost 7 years and I've got a lot of friends there, some of whom I may not see again now. I've spent the past month trialling new gyms, some of which were great and some truly awful, and today I've made my decision and joined one of them. That's another thing that's been taking up a lot of mental space for me. None of this is the reason why I'm starting this challenge late. I spent the last week in Paris watching the Olympic Games, which was excellent and has left me feeling somewhat recharged. I still don't want to put too much on my plate, because a one-week holiday is not a cure for burnout, but I do want to check in here and keep up with y'all, and also keep track of myself. The theme this time around is therefore about tracking, about keeping a record of what is done without any requirement about how it's done, and about doing art to unwind rather than burying myself in games on my phone. Tracking, logging, drawing, painting, making marks. The documancer [+2 SAN] Well, it's been a while since we've seen the documancer in the party, but she's central to this challenge. This goal is in two parts: Update my bujo with observations daily - including all of my goals and some general thoughts Update here by the end of the following day, every day, with all of that stuff (doesn't have to be word for word, but there needs to be an update) The cartographer [+2 CHA] This is fairly simple - do art every day. It could be painting minis, it could be drawing practice. I've got loads of drawing workbooks I can play with, or I can do some hand drawing for the drawing challenge on here. I'll try and share some of the stuff I do, particularly the painted minis. The decisionist [+1 CON] Track food food every day, in my bujo. By next challenge I'll need to be tracking calories again, before I start bulking from October, but in the meantime just writing down everything in a hope that that'll help me keep it reasonable is all I really need. I'd like to maybe drop a pound or two, if possible, but my current weight is basically fine to go into my next bulking phase with if need be. The muscle [+1 STR, +1 SAN] Track my workouts in my bujo daily. This, of course, means doing daily workouts, but I'm happy to call any intentional movement a workout. I've split the points on this between strength and sanity, because I've noticed a few times in the last few weeks that I've skipped workout because I can't bring myself to get out of bed. Some of those workouts have been afternoon climbing sessions as well, which is not good at all. That's pretty serious stuff, and I know that showing up and doing the thing makes me feel better in the long run, so that's what I aim to do. The general workout plan currently looks something like this: Crossfit Mon/Wed/Thu/Fri Running Tue/Sat Bouldering Wed/Sat Something on Sunday? And the running plan is something like this: Week 2: a. 30 minute run, aiming for 179 spm cadence b. 30 minute run, aiming for 179/180 spm cadence Week 3: a. 3 miles, 1 easy, 4 x 0.25 tempo, 0.25 easy b. 4 miles, aiming for 180 spm cadence Week 4: a. 3 miles, 1 easy, 2 x 0.5 tempo, 0.5 easy b. 4.5 miles, aiming for 180 spm cadence Week 5: a. 3 miles, 1 easy, 4 x 0.25 tempo, 0.25 easy b. 5 miles, aiming for 180 spm cadence I've got a physio appointment in week 3, which might change my running plan depending on what he says about my progress with my knee. Well, I think that's everything. Tracking starts on Monday, but I'll try and catch up with some other challenges in the meantime.
  13. A fallow challenge sounds lovely - enjoy a much-needed rest.
  14. To be fair, I very rarely set goals I can fail. Most of my mid-term goals are things like 'compete in this event', which really just means I have to sign up and show up. But having goals like that mean that I have intermediate goals of sticking to a running plan or going to the gym x number of times a week in preparation for the event. Struggling to think of a non-exercise example, but it's more about having something to work towards and saying 'I'm doing this thing on this date, how can I be best prepared for it?' Drawing moss. Painting moss. Stretching moss. Meditative moss. Gaming moss. I like this idea.
  15. Great job on this challenge! Amazing progress this month and you've set yourself up well to build on it.
  16. I've never got on with the Big Why either - my brain just isn't wired for planning where I want to be a decade from now. I usually just pick a thing I want to accomplish in the medium term, usually a year, and do that. Then when I get there, I can reassess and pick a new goal, deciding if I want to keep going in the same direction or change course. Your completed challenge spread is, as always, gorgeous by the way.
  17. I appreciate any training log that's got more than one type of curl in it I would, quite literally, die in that heat. That sounds awful. You can be the cool aunt that goes drinking with them in a few years time; that sounds much more fun that looking after under-10s.
  18. I need to develop this habit - usually when I jave time to do something I just stare at the wall until I have no time, and then think of all the things I could've done whilst I was staring at walls. I think I like your approach better.
  19. Glad to hear you've had a good rest - hope that you'll be able to continue to be rested and won't have to get back to too much.
  20. Would you find it more fun if you were playing a different character? There's nothing wrong with letting Greta retire to a cosy home life with Seamus, and picking up a new character who suits you better right now. And, of course, she can always come out of retirement again in the future if you want. Hope you get a decent quote on the house and a decent payout on the insurance. Seems mad in a way that they won't pay to remove the unsafe tree, because they'll be on the hook for the claim if it falls over and damages something.
  21. This really annoys me - you should be able to set your own day start/end time in apps like this. Now I go to bed early and get up early it doesn't really affect me, but I used to have exactly the same problem. These are the kind of things that make calorie tracking really tricky, at least until you get set up with your own regular foods. For something like cottage pie, if I was making it at home I'd add all of the ingredients individually on MFP - a bit more time consuming but it feels more accurate. For pizza, '1 slice' is a meaningless portion size. A 1/8 slice of pizza from a 7" pizza is less than half the size of a 1/8 slice of pizza from a 10" pizza. On the other hand, if you divide your 7" pizza into 6 slices and your 10" pizza into 10 slices, there's less than a 20% size difference (but even if you worked out how the get the same weight of pizza from both, the crust to topping ratio would be different. You might be better off trying to find a whole pizza entry for the correct diameter, then dividing it up. This sounds wonderful, I'll take 2. Thanks.
  22. This is a very good point. I do a load of construction on drawings when it's something I've learned to draw with construction, and then totally forget to do the same on anything else!
  23. Who doesn't Such a beautiful game! We bought it for my brother-in-law a while ago, but I really wish we'd bought it for ourselves instead. Yeah, I'm a big fan of Pathfinder (the RPG, not played the card game). My groups Pathfinder 2e GM is currently running us through Abomination Vaults - it's brutal! Just personal preference, but if that's the only day of the month you expect to really struggle to avoid junk food, I would just plan the rest of the month around the fact that you will faceplant a load of junk food on this one day. E.g. rather than averaging 1,800kcal every day, average 1,725 per day and then accept that you'll have 4,000kcal on that one day - it'll work out the same. Doesn't suit everyone, but that might be my approach.
  24. I like this as a mechanic. It relies on the GM being aware of it and putting spell books into the game for the wizard to learn from, but it feels much more thematic to the class than just getting them on level up. Is it worth discussing it with your GM, to see if he can tweak things a little? Pacing is hard, unless you're going to railroad your players a bit but that isn't appropriate for all campaigns, but if I were on there shoes I would want to know if there was something I could do to make the game better for my players. Is that on a different scale to your usual one? Obviously two scales should give you the same number as each other, but there might be a slight calibration difference? Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel
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