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Hello all! My name is Caspyr

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Greetings all!


I'm so very excited I found Nerd Fitness (thanks ComicCon)!  I am a 38 year old psychologist feller who works as a director of clinical services.  This meant a whole bunch of schooling, and a whole bunch of sedentary.  I find myself getting way into the nerd approach here, so I have attached an rpg'esque rendition of my own personal backstory below (sorry if the third-person drives you crazy, but it was too fun to resist).  In terms of goals, I just want to complete one quest at a time for now.  I'm sure goals will be clearer to me as I go along.  As far as the big picture, I'd like to share my "big why" here so I can put it out into the universe:


I'm worried about how my physical health is affecting my mental health, and I want to change that.  I feel my physical health deteriorating my memory, my thought-speed, and my creativity.  I look down, or look in the mirror and my self-esteem tanks.  I'm tired of carrying this around like a hidden badge that eats my confidence away.  I tend to take it out on others around me with either arrogance or cowardice, and I want that to stop.  Though it will affect every relationship I have - if I change this for me, then I can give my wife a better version of me, and I love the thought of that more than anything else.




Even as a young child, Caspyr was different from others. He was extremely adept in the realm of the mind. He was able to solve puzzles that even adults struggled with, invoke creative solutions to living predicaments, understand the inner-state of others minds by simple observation. His atypical skill-set came with a price. Caspyr was very sensitive, largely introverted, and his skills made others around him leery of his presence. Some would lash out against him, others would simply avoid him. Of course, he had friends and family that balanced out the hardships of childhood that most go through in one way or another.


He was also not particularly fond of, or interested in, matters of the body for the most part. In particular, he did not like applying his body for its own sake. He loved games, and found gymnastics and tennis to be particularly enjoyable when he was a bit older. But, overall, being physical for the sake of exercise was not a part of his universe.


Caspyr's favored abilities saw him flow through many cloistered halls of academia, and with the tutelage of amazing sages he found himself attaining the highest level of sagacity himself, as an arcane arch-psion (known in other distant realms as a forensic psychologist).


During his journey to become a psion, Caspyr assisted his family whilst awaiting audience into one of several academies of knowledge. His family quarter-mastered for several farms by provisioning any feed or seed. Caspyr was put to work moving heavy sacks of grain all day, among many other duties, for several months. The work was purposeful and meant something to his family. His labors resulted in the best physical manifestation that Caspyr had ever achieved - he was even able to perform the lifting of his entire body-weight with just one arm multiple times without getting tired. Alas, his journey afterward meant innumerable hours before parchment and thought, the ways of movement were set aside.


Over time, Caspyr achieved a role being the Grandmaster Archon of a guild of healers who devoted their purpose to helping others escape and recover from the debilitating scourge that had overtaken the kingdom - the liquor of the poppy. He had worked very hard to get there, but he found that something was missing. He felt tired, he felt a niggling lack of confidence, he saw his robe-maker need more and more bolts to clothe him.  Ironically, Caspyr's education allowed him cognition around his circumstance, but knowing a thing does not make one immune to a thing.


One day he ventured to commune with hundreds of the thousands of others interested in the art and expression of lore (known as ComicCon). There he was faced with miles of walking to take in the rituals. At first he felt depressed because of how little effort it took to wind him, bind up his legs, and sore his feet. Over very short time, his body adapted. He felt better, and he felt more respect for the ability of his physical-self that he had forgotten. The last couple days of the great gathering, Caspyr found himself sore but eager to walk another 10 miles.

The gathering ended, but Caspyr found himself not wanting to let go of his progress and his feeling of balanced contentment. So, he reached into his bag and pulled out his scrying tablet. There he found a guild of rebels who sought what he sought. And a new story began...


Thanks for letting me share this with you.

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  • Caspyr changed the title to Hello all! My name is Caspyr

Welcome to Nerd Fitness, Caspyr! It sounds like you're in the right place. :) I love the RPG-style backstory! 


You said you wanted to focus on just one quest at a time, and in your Big Why discussed how your physical health is affecting your mental health (you're in good company; that one's been going around). If I can ask, have you given any thought to how you'll start to address your physical health? More walking, like at ComicCon, or getting back into lifting? It doesn't have to be grain sacks unless they're handy ;) 


Let us know if you need any help figuring anything out around the forums or with planning your transformation or just with life in general: we're a friendly bunch, and always happy to help. 


Let's see... we're just over halfway through a 4 Week Challenge, but you can head over to the Rebel guild and start your own if you want to jump in, or just visit the Juice Bar and check out a couple other people's challenges to see what they're about. Or, if you prefer to keep a running log of your progress not broken up into challenges, you can set up a Battle Log


Go ahead and poke around the forums, comment on things you know about, and settle in! We're glad to have you!

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Nice back story, it's one a lot of us can relate to. Why exercise when there is so many book to read?You're right though, our physical well being affects our mental well being. Now that I am moving more, I am much more energetic and creative. 

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Thanks for the support!


@Wobbegong I have given some thought to some incremental personal steps beyond questing.  I never thought about it, but getting some "grain sacks" to use as lifting tools is a pretty great idea.  I read somewhere that ninja used to use sacks of rice for the same purpose.  It would be cool to see if any of their routines with the sacks are still around.  I wrote my first 5 goals down for the goal-setting quest, and I'd like to share them here:


1. I engage in a physical activity for its own sake at least every other day.  (I will walk for at least 15 minutes to start.)
2. I eat a vegetable with every meal.
3. I read my Big Why every day for 1 month.
4. I drink no more than 2 sodas per day.
5. I share my progress with my wife at least 1 time per week.

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