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HI I have no idea what i'm doing

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Hi, i'm Annie, and i'm not sure what i'm doing. I know I need to work out and eat right, but I don't. I've yet to find any form of workout I find remotely enjoyable. (I used to take a ballet class but I can't afford it right now also doesn't count in my head as working out because it's art-also why I hate any mention of Zumba, Zumba and other forms of fake dance are not art.) I'm struggling with mild depression and i've been told working out will help. So i'm here to find that elusive Unicorn that is a work out/ eating habits that will not fill me with dread.

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Hi Annie, welcome to Nerd Fitness! 


Aside from ballet (and maybe Zumba?) what other workouts have you tried? If we know what you've already crossed off your list, we can come up with some other suggestions. No matter what, when it comes to adding exercise to your routine you should start small and make the change so easy it's not worth begrudging it. Even just taking a twilight walk around the block is a great place to begin. 


For nutrition, again I don't really know where you're at right now, but the trick is still to start slowly. Identify one thing you should ingest less of (for example, soda), and try to lower the amount you have by one unit a week. Then two. Then go a whole day without it, once a week. Eventually you'll get a handle on not having that thing, and you can move on to the next. 


It works the same with things you want to add to your diet. If you're currently subsisting on freezer dinners, try adding one fresh vegetable or one home-cooked meal to your diet a week. If you don't know how to cook, then you can make an adventure out of learning a new recipe! The trick is to have fun with it, treat everything as an exploration, and don't be hard on yourself if you find something that doesn't work for you. As long as you're trying to improve, you won't fail. 

Keep in mind that you're looking for long-term, sustainable changes in all areas. You won't get where you want to be in a month, but you can get started on the path. 


Let us know if you have any questions! We're here to help :) 

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Hi Annie! Welcome!


We've all that that "I don't know what I'm doing" moment at some point. The good news is, there are many ways to stay active. And they don't always look like a traditional workout. Some performance arts are definitely a workout. They aren't mutually exclusive.


I struggle with depression too. Working out does help, but it doesn't help me if I hate what I'm doing. Finding what you do like is going to be trial and error. But if you're willing to try new things, you might find you enjoy something you never thought you'd like.


Like Wobbegong said, start small. Baby steps. You can do this. :)


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Current Challenge: Zeroh, stick to the routine!

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 Thanks  Wobbegong, and zeroh13 for responding. I've done yoga, which is okay in small doses, and more the 20 minuets and I get bored. I weight lifted once upon a time. I used to love to walk but now my three year old has opinions about that, he doesn'the always stay in the stroller and if the walk doesn't also mean the park there will be hell to pay. I get detracted when running. I use to swim but there's nowhere to really do that in my little town. (Which is confusing to me because the town I now live in is huge compared to where I grew up.) I've done palates, and a number of different video workouts that were more traditional style. I even tried a 'lazy girl's' work out once that was basic push ups sit ups ect... that lasted maybe a week.


I'm up for trying new things. I'm just limited by my pocket book and time right now. I have an almost three year old and an 11 month old, and especially after days like today I feel like I'm barely saying a float. I'm not trying to use my kids as an excuse (though they are a higher priority right now then me squeezing back into my pre-mommy dresses) but it is a reality of my life.


I hope I don't sound too negative, I really am just at a loss for what to try next.

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I'm really the worst for knowing child development by ages and such, but given you have small children, have you considered play as exercise? 


Games like tag, hide and seek, and duck duck goose will have you running around without thinking so much about the fact you're running, they'll tire out your kids, and you'll get to bond and hang out together. For something that requires less space and preparation, dance parties can happen anytime, anywhere: just put on some music and bust out those moves for a song or five, as long as you can keep it going. You can also do stuff like piggyback rides for weight training (as your little ones grow, they provide a naturally increasing resistance for you, which is convenient!) and partner balancing exercises to get them involved. 


I'm also very fond of sing-alongs (sing as loudly and as off-key as possible for maximum fun times), which are fun and lower energy than other options, but still bleed off that overwhelming excitement in children and are great breath work for you, sustaining those notes. Plus if they want to have a dance party and you're busy doing something (cooking, for example) they can dance and you can all sing together. I have no idea if there's any science to go with it, but I do know smiling is proven to be able to boost your mood, and sing-alongs usually improve my outlook at least a little. 

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/\ this! Playing and rough housing with your kids not only lets you get your exercises in, it also lets you spend quality time with your kids teaching them the fundamentals of exercise and play


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Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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