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Barefoot at Work

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Usually in my office I wear socks and if I need to go to a meeting or something, I just slip into my shoes. Most of the time I stand at my desk in just socks.

Today I got sick of putting holes in all my socks, so I'm standing here barefoot. Feels great, but I'm expecting that very soon someone will come into my office and freak out (as if the thin later of cotton with holes in it would have been worlds different). I'm preparing end of hte world scenarios ahead of time.

So far my favorite is the idea that my foul feet will cause a hermetically sealed event in the office and we'll all become barefoot zombies.

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I got warned at work for being in bare feet many years ago even though I worked at a videogame company in a really casual environment. Be careful! :)

Another company I worked at was even more casual though, and our CTO could be seen barefoot at times. I admit to getting kind of grossed out at seeing socks or bare feet in the bathroom stalls though (our bathrooms were not the cleanest...)

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am barefoot right this minute at my desk (and building maintenance was just in here and didn't say anything).

I rarely wear shoes or socks when I'm at my desk. My boss knows and doesn't care. BUT if I'm in the hallway, etc. I slip on some shoes b/c the people I work with are super weirded out by feet and barefeet. One day, I was in the kitchen showing someone the surgical scar on my *ankle*, not even foot, and I slipped off my shoe to show her and people completely freaked out. I tried to explain that my tootsies were probably cleaner than their hands but that didn't work.

I often have to travel to other offices and locations at work and being barefoot is not an option for my health. But that being said, if I could be barefoot there I would be.

anymore, I'm kind of "this is my office box, live with my barefeet".

And when the zombie apocalypse comes (and it will), I will be able to run away barefoot because I run that way now, I'm not encumbered by stupid woman shoes or any shoes, and I don't mind being barefoot 99% of places so I'll be running down that stairwell barefoot and won't care that I have dirty feet.

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I ALWAYS sit barefoot if I'm wearing heels that day :)

And my coworker, who never wears socks (even in winter.. gasp!) usually takes off her shoes at her desk too. When the office is quiet we'll even walk to the copier without shoes... yikes! I don't think you're alone. But do make sure you won't get in trouble!

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I almost always take my boots off at work, the only time I really put them on is if I'm going to the bathroom, no telling what's going on on that floor haha. I've been trying to decide if I could get away with wearing vibrams in the office.

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And when the zombie apocalypse comes (and it will), I will be able to run away barefoot because I run that way now, I'm not encumbered by stupid woman shoes or any shoes, and I don't mind being barefoot 99% of places so I'll be running down that stairwell barefoot and won't care that I have dirty feet.

Right on, sister! :)

I work at home most of the time, so I'm either barefoot, or slippers if it's cold. On the days I have to go in to the office, it's ballet flats, which are as close to barefoot as I can get without someone freaking out. I have no clue why feet scare people.

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Being a sysad, if I were strictly in an office environment, I would be barefoot or socks while in my own area and rocking the vibrams or some sort of minimal footwear when going to other areas. But, because of where I work (correctional facility) and the different places I go any given day I'll never be barefoot here. As close as I'll get is something like chucks.

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After my first marathon my feet were so swollen that I could barely wear shoes, so after an hour of trying I simply gave up and walked around in socks for a few days. Since then, I'm typically shoesless at my desk but still slip them on to travel around the office.

As for VFFs, I've worn mine a couple of times on casual Fridays but now they are so dirty from trail running I stick to Keens

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I kick off my shoes/boots as soon as I sit down at my desk. Nobody can see under my desk luckily. I do the odd quick trips to the printer in socks but to go to washrooms and meetings etc. I slip on shoes. I don't work in a very casual place but sofar nobody said anything. I do have at least 4 pair of office shoes under my desk for quick on and off. Fridays we are allowed to wear jeans and I am totally going to wear my VFF as soon as it warms up a bit. Canada is not exactly a VFF friendly climate. BRRRR. I can't wait for summer! I am going to wear my VFF everywhere I can!!!

As kids we used to drive my mom crazy because we would leave shoes and socks right at the door. I can't remember how many slippers and anti-slip socks she bought us over the years but we never ever would wear them. She eventually gave up. My brother and I still can't stand wearing shoes at home. Barefoot all the way!


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I sometimes kick my ballet flats off if I'm sitting at my desk because they practically hang on by just my toes anyway but we work in a semi-smart office that gets quite a few visitors and I can see them thinking it a bit unprofessional for staff to walk around shoe-less.


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As kids we used to drive my mom crazy because we would leave shoes and socks right at the door. I can't remember how many slippers and anti-slip socks she bought us over the years but we never ever would wear them. She eventually gave up. My brother and I still can't stand wearing shoes at home. Barefoot all the way!

My parents wear slippers all the time too, but I could never stand it! They didn't try very hard to get me to wear socks and slippers, they'd kind of roll their eyes when I complained about my feet being cold (grew up in Alaska... I always wished we could have in-floor heating). And still, even if my feet get cold, I'd rather be barefoot....

I live in a slightly more friendly climate now, but I've yet to buy VFFs. I imagine you won't be wearing yours until June? ;)

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sitting here now with no shoes on. Ahhhhhh.... No socks either. Never wear them.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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I imagine you won't be wearing yours until June? ;)

Or July! ;-)

My parent's place has in-floor heating. Soooo nice! However, I actually do like my feet rather cool too. Though not freezing cold.

Try the VFF! You will love them and curse all other shoes you ever owned :-)


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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Or July! ;-)

My parent's place has in-floor heating. Soooo nice! However, I actually do like my feet rather cool too. Though not freezing cold.

Try the VFF! You will love them and curse all other shoes you ever owned :-)

Haha... yeah.... back where I'm from in Alaska it wouldn't be until the end of June at the earliest, but I thought maybe since you were a tiny bit farther south, I would hope that you had spring a little earlier ;)

And I intend to get a pair of the VFFs as soon as I get my next paycheck. Spring is here and I want to start walking!

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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I usually just wear a pair of beat up old skate shoes I've had for a few years now. They're pretty worn, so the soles are next to nothing, and they're super-easy to slip on and off as needed. Lots of times I'll slip them off while at my desk, but if I've got to walk around, I can slip them on pretty quick. Days I don't wear those, I've got a pair of Chucks, or my Vibrams, so pretty much every day, I'm wearing next to no sole on my feet.

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I'm definitely barefoot more than I am wearing shoes (even in Alaska...I used to get some strange looks!) Thankfully, my last few jobs allowed me to be barefoot at work (pre-K teacher and library assistant.) I would die if I was stuck in an office and had to wear dress shoes all day!

Haha... we had a couple of barefooters on campus in Fairbanks. I think that had to do with interesting mental things more than with fitness/going back to earth. I mean.... I'm down with going barefoot, but at -40? No thanks. I used to go barefoot on the trails behind campus in the fall though :) Delightful! Where do you live, Oceanwinds?

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Haha... we had a couple of barefooters on campus in Fairbanks. I think that had to do with interesting mental things more than with fitness/going back to earth. I mean.... I'm down with going barefoot, but at -40? No thanks. I used to go barefoot on the trails behind campus in the fall though :) Delightful! Where do you live, Oceanwinds?

Lol! I wasn't that crazy! As long as there was no snow (or ice) on the ground, I was okay. I'm stuck in Ohio for a couple more months, but I lived in Petersburg (south of Juneau) for two years.

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I work in a school so I have to set a good example.

BUT most of the day if I'm sitting at my desk my shoes are off. If I'm working in the office, my shoes are off, if it's there are no kids in the room, shoes are off and typically on a day when there are no kids at school, my shoes get worn until I get to my desk and then they're off for the day. My co-workers have gotten used to it, and the kids have too (when they catch me out)


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