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Hi! So, I signed up about 2 years ago. Full of motivation and fire. However, those around me didn't share the same. Time, Family, and Life got in the way and over the 2 years I have gained even more weight. Feel even more tired, if that's even possible. And just feel lousy. 


This past Friday I was sitting at my desk at work and I got hit by this overwhelming exhausted feeling. My eyes hurt, my shoulders hurt, I hurt. And in that moment I just got fed up. I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. I want to be able to run with my kids. I want to play basketball with my daughter. I want to take them back to school shopping and not feel drained when we get home. Physically that is, I know there is no way getting around the monetarily drained part. 


So Saturday, I wake up and had already decided enough is enough. Luckily for me, my partner was feeling the same way. We run our usual errands and when we're done I pull into the parking lot of the Gym that's right up the road from our house. He looks at me funny, but I say nothing and get out and walk inside. He's on my heels. I go straight to the front counter and say we want to join. They give us a tour, sign us up, and schedule our mandatory intro session with a trainer.  


Sunday afternoon was our appointment. We try and get as much done around the house before hand and then head to the appointment. We sit down and he's asks us questions and then takes some measurements. He says my partner has about 63lbs to lose, and I have 50. We do a quick cardio warm up and then on to some strength training. We worked legs. Can I just say, I knew it would be hard, I planned for it to be difficult, but man did my legs feel like spaghetti when we were done. But I loved it. I was working towards something.  


We ran a few more errands and went to the store. I was joking when I said I was done. Instead of our usual shopping trip I loaded up on only fresh fruit, veggies, and organic meats (Fish, Eggs, Chicken, no beef not yet). Got some protein powder, water bottles, and locks for the gym. We get home, starving by this point, and cook some grilled chicken, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. It was the most delicious thing I have had in years. I may be being over dramatic, but in that moment, I was so happy to finally be making this change that it was as if I had never eaten anything ever and this was magic. 


This morning, with the rush of getting kids ready for school and me ready for work, I knew I needed to have something for breakfast. So, I made a protein shake and drank it as I ran around the house. Made my lunch to take with me and grabbed a gallon of water. I did drink some coffee, but a few sips of my normal huge cup. I know coffee itself isn't bad, it's what my partner puts in it when he makes it for me that's bad. So I tried to not drink too much of it. 


The plan for after work today is meal prep. I bought a ton of Tupperware and plan on precooking and packaging our breakfast, lunch, dinners, and snacks. Depending on if I get out of work on time, I may try and hit the gym for some cardio just to have done something, before going home to meal prep. Our workout plan is Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday strength training with some light cardio after. Cardio on the days we're not strength training, and Sundays off to rest and meal prep. We plan on increasing our strength training days, but right now with how out of shape we are we want to start slow and build. 


Wow, that was long. Sorry about that. Once I started typing it kind of just all word vomitted on the screen. So, hello. I'm very excited to be here and finally making this change. 

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Character: Here

OLD, but relevant - Original Battle Log


Current Challenge: Here


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Hi! Welcome back to NF - I'm relatively new here too :)


Sounds like you have an awesome plan in place already! And the support of your partner is always a motivator! Good luck on your journey :)

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"Little by little, one travels far."
J. R. R. Tolkien (1892 - 1973)


~ Constantly Respawning ~

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Wow sounds like you guys are on the right track and in the same boat as me.  Im just starting out on the fitness path again after sometime.

The only i might add only from past experience is that you are doing quite a lot off to start with. If you can handle the changes your making then thats cool. If you find your struggling cut it back a bit.

Keep up the good work guys :D

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Challenge 1 2

Kill a man, and you are an assassin. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you are a god - Beilby Porteus

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7 minutes ago, lovefish01 said:

Wow sounds like you guys are on the right track and in the same boat as me.  Im just starting out on the fitness path again after sometime.

The only i might add only from past experience is that you are doing quite a lot off to start with. If you can handle the changes your making then thats cool. If you find your struggling cut it back a bit.

Keep up the good work guys :D


Thanks! Yeah, what's funny is 4-5 years ago we were eating great, working out 4-5x a week, in excellent shape. Only ate natural foods, nothing processed. We had been that way for 3 years. But, then we bought a house, switched jobs, switched the kids schools, and life got a lot more hectic. Our health and eating went by the way side. Suddenly, it was much easier to just go home after work. It was much easier to grab junk. It was much easier.... 


About 2 years ago I started to get fed up with it, and joined here. He wasn't there yet. So my motivation died as I watched him eat ice cream and not work out with me. 


But now, he's as fed up as I am and we are ready to get back to where we once were. We love eating this way, we had just made so many excuses before as to why we stopped. No more excuses. Thank you for your encouragement! 


46 minutes ago, Caeleth said:

Hi! Welcome back to NF - I'm relatively new here too :)


Sounds like you have an awesome plan in place already! And the support of your partner is always a motivator! Good luck on your journey :)


Thank you! And same to you!

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Character: Here

OLD, but relevant - Original Battle Log


Current Challenge: Here


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The house move and all the changes all at once obviously shook you out of your good habits into bad.


So youve been on and off the forum for two years? or joined two years ago and only got back onto it again now?


ive been there its difficult when your in a couple and one isnt playing ball. But now your both on the same page it should be far easier to keep each other on track 


Im sure you guys will do fine youve got the track record from before and if you kick each other up the ass from time to time you`ll been where you want to be health wise before you know it :D

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Challenge 1 2

Kill a man, and you are an assassin. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you are a god - Beilby Porteus

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2 minutes ago, lovefish01 said:

The house move and all the changes all at once obviously shook you out of your good habits into bad.


So youve been on and off the forum for two years? or joined two years ago and only got back onto it again now?


ive been there its difficult when your in a couple and one isnt playing ball. But now your both on the same page it should be far easier to keep each other on track 


Im sure you guys will do fine youve got the track record from before and if you kick each other up the ass from time to time you`ll been where you want to be health wise before you know it :D


I signed up for the forum 2 years ago, posted some, but just came back to it. I remembered how motivational it was, and how many great workouts were here, and recipes. Along with the people. So I hunted for it, found it, and came back :) 

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Character: Here

OLD, but relevant - Original Battle Log


Current Challenge: Here


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