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What are you grateful for ?

Guest Gemeaux

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Guest Gemeaux

I think we all have our problems and overlook the things that are amazing and make life beautiful . So I'm going to write down what I'm grateful for once a day .

I'm grateful for having the most amazing circle of friends anyone could wish for . I can be myself , they know who I really am and love me. I'm so happy

I'm grateful for my family , we might not always get along but they stick to me , no matter how hard I was to deal with .

I'm grateful for my job , I love that I educate children , they make me laugh , think and I get so much love from them . I love the women I work with , they hardly knew me when I got out of an emotionally abusive relationship , yet they looked after me as if I was their daughter

I live in a beautiful country , despite some things I do not like . So much yet to discover here

I may not be very nice to myself regarding my looks , but I'm lucky to be healthy and able to run , and do things myself

Despite being broke at the moment , I have a roof over my head and can eat good food . I have an iPhone , laptops and other things. I'm lucky

I live in a country where as a woman I can choose the job I want , wear what I want and be who I want to be with

I can go to the dr and not have to pay

I can go to the beach everyday

I can listen to beautiful music and read beautiful books

Will add more later :)

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surprised nobody else has responded.

I am grateful for . . .

. . . my husband being back from his second three-day business trip across the country in two weeks;

. . . the beautiful weather outside;

. . . my two amazing kiddos;

. . . our family's closest friends, and their ten-year-old daughter who is currently hospitalized and being treated for her third round of rejection since a multi-organ transplant nearly three years ago -- she's doing well enough that they plan to leave on vacation on Monday;

. . . coffee;

. . . my parents and siblings;

. . . this community;

. . . and so many, many other things that it's sometimes overwhelming.

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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wow, you always write the best posts :)

I'm grateful for SO much...

-my amazing parents; they really are the best and I'm so blessed

-my loving husband who I laugh with everyday

-my job... it's not my ideal, but it's close to home and the people here are so nice

-my friends - we don't keep up as much as I'd like but when we do, it's like there was never a gap

-we don't have any student loans or debt... and I am SOO grateful for that!

-my awesome church

-my super-cool crossfit gym... they're becoming like family

and so, so much more. life isn't perfect but it's so wonderful to take time and remember what's positive & great! :)

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Grateful? OK, I'm down for this:

Most of my family, including my nieces and in-laws, Friends that stick by me, throughout the world, This Website, my health, my intellect, Fire, Rain, Wind, Nature, Faith, My education upto this point, my inspirations, the mixed blood that courses through my veins, the ability to articulate inspirational words for myself and especially for others, my curiosity for things that would bore other people, my desires to achieve something that hasn't been done before (in my case, anyways!)

And the ability to integrate it all into who I am today!

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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wow, you always write the best posts :)


I'm grateful for my health, mental health, sobriety, bicycle, and awareness/personal growth. And the sliding fee scale at the Y!!!!!!


“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

-Thomas Edison

"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



[thread=16121]My Challenge Thread[/thread]

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Let's see if I can boil it down...

I am grateful for my health.

I am grateful for my family even though I don't talk to them as much as I would like.

I am grateful for my resilience; it's helped me get through a lot.

I am grateful for my intelligence.

I am grateful that I have the ability (both physical and mental) and the resources to do the things I want (e.g. travel) and the things I need (e.g. drive an hour and a half to school).

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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I am grateful for my resilience; it's helped me get through a lot.

That's a good one. Although, when I think about it I'm not that resilient. I'm just tenacious as hell.


“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

-Thomas Edison

"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



[thread=16121]My Challenge Thread[/thread]

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I am grateful for...

My family - my parents are the best parents ever and I'm glad we're all close

My intelligence

My dogs...even on the worst day, the unconditional love that only a dog has makes me smile and thankful I found them

For all the soul-sucking my job can do, today I was once again reminded just how lucky I am to have such a good job and it could be a lot worse. I am grateful for it and will work harder to remember that.

I am grateful for all my flaws, physical and metal, as without them I would not likely be the strong, independent person I am

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]The Horror Geek Half Dwarf Adventurer!

My Challenge Thread is here.

I have zombies to outrun! Failure is not an option!

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I am grateful for my daughter - the first and only pregnancy I've been able to bring to fruition. She's my miracle baby.

I am grateful for my husband - my "boy with the bread", who loves me despite myself and my shortcomings.

I am grateful for my fortune - given my circumstances, I have access to good food, clean water, the internet, and healthcare. Enough said.

I am grateful for my health - while I am working on it every day, I am vastly healthier than the majority of the world population and I do not take that for granted.

I am grateful for forgiveness - without it I woud have poisoned myself with my own hatred years ago.

I am grateful for new challenges - I am growing and learning every day and could not imagine a tomorrow without these two aspects.

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I'm having a moment (ably assisted by my close companion and accomplice, alcohol!) where I really need this thread, so:

- I'm grateful for my kids. Be they insane and irrational and pointy and sticky and often messy even when there is no possible means for them to be so, I love them.

- It would be silly to list all of the moments I share with them, so I'll sum it up with: that moment I tuck them all into bed at night and know I'll never feel as safe ever again in my entire life as they do at that moment.

- I'm grateful for the part of the world I live in that gives me hot, sunny summers at the beach, snowy blustery winters, cheap meat, cheap fruit, cheap veggies, and good people.

- I'm grateful there are inexplicably people in the world who pay me to WRITE, even if it's not much and not often... it's helping me actually convince myself I can shop these novels around.

- I'm grateful to the internet that connects me to people like you who share your knowledge and motivation and support.

And right now, I'm grateful for this thread.

I'm going to go drink now.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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I actually had a moment like this this other day when walking home. I'd got caught in a huge rainstorm the day before and it had just started raining again. I could feel myself slipping into a sneaky negative spiral and managed to catch myself by doing this.

Then I was thankful for:

- the fact that it was friday

- the fact that I was the end of my fourth week out of surgery and well enough to walk home without pain or irritation

- that I'd managed to HAVE surgery before my wedding, even if I had to pay through the nose for it

- I was grateful for the fact that I'm getting married at all because it means that I've found my other half, the man who loves me no matter what.

- I even managed to be grateful for the fact that it was raining, we're in a drought at the moment and if it rains then it might be nice and green for my wedding.

Right now I'm thankful for all of the above but also for these having thought about it

- I'm grateful for the fact that I'm intelligent. I don't know how I would live if anything happened to my mind.

- I'm grateful for my lack of faith, for my rationality and for the fact that no matter how bad things or how irritating something can be that my life is short and unimportant in the grand scheme of the universe and that what gives my life meaning is what I choose to give it meaning and the love of the people who care about whether I'm here or not.

- I'm grateful for having a great family and for the family that I'm gaining from Chris's side next month

- I'm grateful for my health and for the health of those that I love. Some of my closest friends don't have that luxury and I should be thankful for it.

- I'm thankful to Nerd Fitness and Steve's article on the matrix. It changed my life, I will always be grateful for that.

They/them please

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