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What happened manners, decorum, and consideration?


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Maybe I'm just getting old, but I find myself increasingly frustrated with the degree to which people just don't give a flying f#ck about one another. This morning I had a sadly common experience at the office. I headed to the water closet to take care of some business, only to find the toilet seat covered with some other dudes ass pubes, and the bowl unflushed and full of waterlogged, shredded wheat turd.

There's a problem here. I work in an office with a bunch of smart, well-paid people. In order to get here, you have to be bright enough to have an education, as well as a high degree of situational awareness and insight. It perplexes me that someone meeting these pre-requisites can overlook or ignore the kind of bathroom travesty that I've just described. I can only conlcude that these things happen because people just don't care. If I were a betting man, I would wager that I work with a number of people who let their dogs shit other peoples' lawns and don't pick it up.

I have a litany of other complaints regarding the ill-mannered nature of our (apparently declining) society, but I'll leave those for another day.

For now I just want to toast the jerk who destroyed our shared facilities without a thought for the friends and colleagues that will later use them: may your life be long but may it be filled with an abundance of festering anal herpes, you dick.

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Yeah, common consideration is not so common. I too work in a building of highly intelligent people who can't seem to grasp the idea of picking up after themselves. My lab is a mess (who the hell leaves a $5k current probe on the floor? These guys do, argh!), and apparently they can't stop to pick up some trash on the ground because that's why we have janitors. Sigh, oh well....

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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I live in a college dorm, so I totally get this. Our college's frat units are interspersed with independent units. So everything always smells like piss and beer. Now you would think, being on an all-girl hall, everyone would do whatever possible to keep things relatively sanitary - NOT the case. People leave hair all over the sinks and showers, there are used paper towels covering the floor, people [somehow] piss all over the toilet seats, and there are usually instant noodles in any available drains. It makes me wonder...

Anyway, I'm so glad to be living off-campus next year. :)


"Skinny girls look good in clothes. Fit girls look good naked."


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Agreed 150%. It astonishes me just how often I go into our bathroom and see urine splatter all over the urinals (on top & sides) and stuff all around. It just disgusts me because I know the janitorial crew quite well and they are all great guys. I just wonder how people can not have the decency to clean up after yourself if your the jobber who missed or clogged the toilet. The main thing I see in today's society is that people feel way to entitled. Everything is owed to them. Definitely gets on my nerves.

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I work for a large company that is predominately female (69%) and the average age is 29. As a result I do not see this sort of behavior at work. People hold the door for each other, the bathrooms are clean and the company culture is big on consensus building and personal development.

Maybe the answer is more men should stay at home.:cool-new:

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Maybe I'm just getting old, but I find myself increasingly frustrated with the degree to which people just don't give a flying f#ck about one another. This morning I had a sadly common experience at the office. I headed to the water closet to take care of some business, only to find the toilet seat covered with some other dudes ass pubes, and the bowl unflushed and full of waterlogged, shredded wheat turd.

There's a problem here. I work in an office with a bunch of smart, well-paid people. In order to get here, you have to be bright enough to have an education, as well as a high degree of situational awareness and insight. It perplexes me that someone meeting these pre-requisites can overlook or ignore the kind of bathroom travesty that I've just described. I can only conlcude that these things happen because people just don't care. If I were a betting man, I would wager that I work with a number of people who let their dogs shit other peoples' lawns and don't pick it up.

I have a litany of other complaints regarding the ill-mannered nature of our (apparently declining) society, but I'll leave those for another day.

For now I just want to toast the jerk who destroyed our shared facilities without a thought for the friends and colleagues that will later use them: may your life be long but may it be filled with an abundance of festering anal herpes, you dick.

Our office is actually pretty clean (unless you count the kitchen. For some reason, a few people seem to think that someone else will wash their dishes after lunch.) However, we've discovered that it's our friendly neighborhood postman that destroys our restroom. Multiple guys have seen this guy pull up, deliver the mail, and then make another "delivery" in the restroom. The frequency of times between when the mail is delivered and when the restroom is horrifying is way too coincidental.

But hey, at least it's not a marketing company full of bros taking dumps in the elevators anymore. (That was in an old office building. As soon as our lease was up in that building, my company high-tailed it out of there.)

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I notice similar things at my job. I work on the same floor as all of the executives. There is no public access to my floor in the building, so anyone using the men's room has to work there. I cannot believe the amount of urine on the floor near the urinals. I just cannot understand why this happens. Some days it is a ridiculous amount. Is it too much to ask to step a little bit closer?

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I agree with the general theme, what's up with people's lack of manners and consideration. But thankfully I don't have to deal with the horrible messes some of you seem to endure. At least, not since highschool! If that happened at my work place I would be escelating the matter, putting up signs, doing something to draw attention to the fact that it's just not acceptable!

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I notice similar things at my job. I work on the same floor as all of the executives. There is no public access to my floor in the building, so anyone using the men's room has to work there. I cannot believe the amount of urine on the floor near the urinals. I just cannot understand why this happens. Some days it is a ridiculous amount. Is it too much to ask to step a little bit closer?

If they're getting it on the floor, they're getting it on their pants.

Think about that for a moment.

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Ass pubes? Never thought about them coming from there....

I was born a cantankerous...cantancerous...oh well....68 year old woman, and I'm still in my 20s. And I'm only getting worse. Nice to see other people are annoyed by it.

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I think that like breeds like, so if people are nasty, jerky, and unpleasant it creates an environment where that flourishes. If people are friendly and helpful, that flourishes.

So for the people that are in nice environments- yay! And everyone else... well, hold tight until the pendulum swings back to the other side....

A nice story I heard was that this hot dog vendor was a total a-hole to a customer, but the customer was really nice back to him. A dude behind him in line asked him why he was so nice to the vendor when the vendor was such a jerk, and the guy said "I refuse to let that man dictate my actions." I think that's really cool. I try to follow that message.


“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

-Thomas Edison

"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



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I switch jobs on a fairly regular basis (short term project work) and I make a point of checking out the washroom. I've turned jobs down on the basis of what I've seen in there before now ;) if you had any choice in the matter (& I appreciate that at the moment people might not) why would you want to work with people like that?

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself" -- Tolstoy

Not sure if it was buzz or woody that said it though.


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I've been having this moan at work for the past couple of months when we had a new company move in on the same floor as us in the building. While we were the only company they bathroom was always tidy, toilets flushed and the floor dry. Since this lot moved in I go in to find the toilets unflushed (hold the button for three seconds people, it wont kill you!) paper strewn near the bin but not in the bin and the taps left running. Baring in mind the company that moved in are a law firm I can't believe these women went through an entire law degree with the inability to properly use a shared bathroom! I mentioned this to my male colleagues and they said the state of the mens bathroom had digenerated since the the lawyers moved in as well. Amazingly we had builders working on our floor for a few weeks before the other company moved in and everyone agreed that they left the toilets immaculate so I don't get why the lawyers leave the place such a mess!

My mum has told me about some people at her office who are so germ-phobic that they use a paper towel to open the door when they leave the bathroom and then just drop it right outside the door!


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My mum has told me about some people at her office who are so germ-phobic that they use a paper towel to open the door when they leave the bathroom and then just drop it right outside the door!

Having witnessed a few people not wash their hands, I do this, minus the dropping on the floor part: once the door is open I hold it with my foot while I toss the paper towel into the trash can in the bathroom.

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My mum has told me about some people at her office who are so germ-phobic that they use a paper towel to open the door when they leave the bathroom and then just drop it right outside the door!

I pretty far from a germaphobe, but I do this, and throw the paper towel away on my way past the nearest trash bin.

I've seen lots of people who don't wash, or coughing/sneezing touch those public restroom handles, plus kids with sticky hands, etc. I'm not interested in all that on my freshly washed hands, thank you. :)

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I skip actively dirty bathrooms & open the door with my elbow, but don't do things like turning on the taps with paper towels. That's the point where I start subscribing to the George Carlin school of sanitation (running across a germ or two will strengthen your immune system)

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Having witnessed a few people not wash their hands, I do this, minus the dropping on the floor part: once the door is open I hold it with my foot while I toss the paper towel into the trash can in the bathroom.

I'm not against them using the paper to open the door but to drop it on the ground right outside the door or in some cases (as my mum has witnessed) in the kitchen so inexcusable! Surely if you're afraid there are germs on the handle, carrying them into the kitchen area is the last thing you want to do!


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