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New and slightly frustrated

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Hey everyone! I'm new here and loving this website and the programs. I'm a 5'3 female at 130 lbs and I'm looking to not necessarily lose weight, but build muscle and gain some functional strength *flex*. I'm still post-op and am not allowed to work out for another 2 to 4 weeks *smacks forehead* I hate sitting around and want to get moving so bad! So far I'm only allowed to do simple cardio such as elliptical and the stationary bike. I recently changed to the paleo/primal lifestyle and lost 35 pounds in 5 months. I had an abdominoplasty to repair the major separation in my abs and now I'm in recovery. I have to take things pretty easy, but I'm excited to start training. *squeal*

The problem I'm finding is that I can't find a personal or fitness trainer that will help me with barbell training. They all want to put me on a "diet" and fitness plan that they tailor to me. I've argued with most of them and it all comes down to the same reason, "you're gonna bulk up and be really unhappy with the way you look, you should probably look into toning up with smaller weights." If I had any strength I'd punch someone. That said, what do you do when you can't find someone to help you out? I can watch youtube videos and learn from there, but I need help with my form, especially when I have to make sure I don't do anything to injure my abs. I'm seriously frustrated about this. The closest I've come to a trainer that will teach me the ropes of barbell lifting is a female trainer that can show me the basic movements with free weights. /scream

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Hmm...do you have any convenient Crossfit gyms?

(and welcome aboard!)

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I do, however I need a gym with kid care. My husband is currently deployed and I don't have anyone available to watch the babies for me while I work out :( My situation is totally crazy where I'm in Utah for 3 months then Cali for 3 months; basically I go home to Utah while my husband is deployed every three months. While in Cali I'll be able to do the Crossfit thing, but here in Utah I have to go with a gym because of the kids.

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First, Welcome!

Now, just keep looking. Good trainers are out there, I promise. My trainer has me doing heavy lifting and crossfit most of the time, and has basically told me "yeah, if you want cardio, you do it on your own time." So, I know these mythical beasts exist.

In the meantime, you can always get the basics from that female trainer, and youtube other movements. Then, when you're ready to try it yourself, record it and post the video here for form check. Other people do that, and I've seen really great advice come from these forums. (Not from me though, I don't know much myself :)).

Good luck!

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Most Globo gym trainers don't know anything about barbell training. If they use the terms "tone" or "bulk", or can't tell you the difference between a low bar back squat and a high bar back squat, and why you might use one over the other, then that's how you can tell. I had the same problem as you - I was reading Starting Strength, watching videos, etc. But eventually you need someone who knows the lifts to watch and help you with your form.

Fortunately I found a local CrossFit gym with a strength bias, that had not only regular WODs but also dedicated weightlifting classes (both the classic strength lifts and Olympic lifting.) If you don't have that available, you might check to see if there are any powerlifting gyms, or strength and conditioning types of gyms. Although none of those guarantee that they'll have a good coach for helping you with the lifts. It's up to you to determine how important form is to you, and evaluate them with appropriate questions (the high bar/low bar squat question is an easy way to get a feel for their knowledge level.) A lot of strength and conditioning coaches and athletes don't care about form at all, just about putting more weight on the bar. I've seen some football players do scary-bad cleans, crappy rounded-back deadlifts and shallow 1/4 depth squats - and I certainly would not want to learn the lifts that way!



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Grab that female trainer and learn your basics! Either star with bodyweight or use the lightest bar your gym has to keep from hurting your abs. You're gonna want to focus on form for your basic stuff for a couple of weeks, so a trainer that knows these things can actually get you a long way.

At 5'3", 130lbs, I wouldn't focus on weight loss or diet either. This is almost my exact height/weight (I'm 1" taller), and right now I'm focusing on strength, form, and eating ENOUGH to be able to lift. I can cut fat once I get my body stabilized.

Welcome!! :)

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Amen sistah! Many of us were exactly as frustrated when we stumbled upon the glory that is NF. Welcome!

While it's nice to have a trainer or someone to spot check you it is not at all impossible to learn barbell lifting sans trainer.

Find a copy of Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe and read away. Visit the Starting Strength wiki, the Stronglifts site (which has a free e book) and start reading about form. Watch youtube videos (you can usually find a video by rippetoe or diesel crew that's pretty solid). There are tons posted around this site (including articles and videos Steve did). Record yourself if you have a phone or laptop to do so. Post them here. We will help.

Both starting strength and strong lifts offer beginner barbell lifting programs. Slightly different set up but either would be beneficial in teaching you the moves and getting you comfortable.

I did this at my globo gym and have had a good deal of success. Use your recovery time for research :-)

And I hope you heal with the quickness!

edit: I wanted to add that starting slow is good--but if the barbell is too much and you're particularly worried about your core area then grab a broom stick or a thin pvc pipe (it's pretty cheap) and practice the movements like that. There is no shame in that game.

Otherwise, I re emphasize recording yourself. It's really, really super helpful.

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
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Good advice here. Also, are you on/near a base? I'll betcha a million bucks there are people working out there who have deep knowledge - both males and females and the base should have child care options. You might find a "buddy" who'll help out with some basics too. some of the most knowledgeable people don't work at gyms.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Thanks everyone, I'm waiting for starting strength to come in the mail. I think I'm going to have to go it alone for a bit since I really can't jump into it until I know for sure I'm healed. I love the recording movements idea, I can't believe I didn't think about that myself!

I'm not near or on a base, and it wouldn't help me much since my husband contracts with the military and isn't in the military anymore. However, that would have been a great idea when he was in the military; unfortunately I was overweight and not looking into changing anything during that time. :P

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Yes, even though I've been working with coaches, I record myself all the time. Self analysis is just as important as coaching, I think, and a great learning tool. I used to do the same thing back in college, as a music major, when I was preparing for recitals (back in the days of cassette tapes.)

There's an app for iPhone called VideoPix where you can slow down the video frame rate. Really helps, especially with quick movements like the Olympic lifts. Also if you take video, you can get critiques from other people.



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There's an app for iPhone called VideoPix where you can slow down the video frame rate. Really helps, especially with quick movements like the Olympic lifts. Also if you take video, you can get critiques from other people.

Whoa. I wonder if they have a droid equivalent. :goes off to browse:

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
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Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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I actually found a trainer that wants, and is excited to work with me. Although he did mention he thinks I'm crazy, but that's a good thing right? He's pretty good as far as I've heard so hopefully this will work out. Woot! I'm so excited to finally build some real functional strength. /dance

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