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The Battle Chef's Log

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Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 KB Clean 4x8 8 8 8 8              
A2 V. Jump 4x3 3 3 3 3              
B1 Squat 70 x5 5 87.5 x5 5 105 x5 5 122.5 x3 3
    140 x3 3 157.5 x3+ 4 140 x3 3 122.5 x3+ 4
B2 Ab Roll Out 8x3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3      
C1 Assisted GHR 4x5 - 5 5 5 5            
C2 Farmer's Carry 4x40' 90 y y y y            
D1 Reverse Hyper 4x6 45 6 6 6 6            
D2 Ast. Split Squats 4x6 - 6 6 6 6            



Despite training very late in the day after an "interesting" shift, my squats were on FIRE tonight.  Finished everything in 1 hour 15 min.  EVERYTHING.  Took the pooch on a 1.5 km hike before and after training, too.  



I had an amusing encounter at the pharmacy today. There's a new pharmacist who used to work out West with diabetics, and was much more knowledgeable than the local yokels.  I learned that type 2 diabetes along with my medication means my blood sugars never really get "low", they just stabilize.  It seems I have been shooting myself in the metaphorical food by eating the amount of carbs I had been.  I went into this training session on little more than a few pieces of fruit and a scoop of protein powder.

I bought a glucose meter to help me figure out what/when/why my sugars spike around certain foods and activities.  She was showing me how it worked and proceeded to break 3 lancets on my fingertip, even though the mechanism was at it's strongest setting.  Who knew a lifetime of manual labour made your hands tough?  You know you're dealing with a longtime medical professional when I take out my pocket knife in a joking attempt to draw a little blood from my hand and she sternly said "That is NOT recommended". XD

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I like this lady! And 

Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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Woohoo for gains and more knowlegde!

Image result for The more you know gif


6 hours ago, Rusk said:

She was showing me how it worked and proceeded to break 3 lancets on my fingertip, even though the mechanism was at it's strongest setting.  Who knew a lifetime of manual labour made your hands tough?

At one point in my life I was working construction and had to go in for some blood work. The nurse tried all of my fingers (and thumbs) multiple times and couldn't get a single drop of blood.  In the end he had to prick my ears to get anything :D 


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Level 2 Ninja

Strength: 13 Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 6 Dexterity:14 Constitution: 12 Charisma: 11


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Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Sandbag-Shoulder 4x8 6 6 x x              
A2 Broad Jump 4x3 3 3 x x              
B1 Deadlift 95 x5 5 117.5 x5 5 142.5 x5 5 165 x3 3
    190 x3 3 212.5 x3+ 3 190 x3 x 165 x3+ x
B2 Ab Roll Out 8x1 1 1 1 1 1 x x x      



Still frikin' sore from earlier.  Humidity is at 100%, everything in the gym is damp.  Friggin' gross.  Took the dog for a long walk instead of finishing the day.

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With the help of some friends and only a minor disfiguring injury, I have my gym floor 100% covered in stall mats.  AND even though it's kinda cramped, I gots me a dedicated lane for (short) yoke walks and farmer's carries.  Considering how disgustingly humid and rainy it is, at least I'll be able to use the damn yoke now.  Also installed a dehumidifier, since the other day the ENTIRE INTERIOR was wet with condensation.  

Training day tomorrow.  Yay.  Just need to sweep up now...


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Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 KB Clean 4x8 8 8 8 x              
A2 V. Jump 4x3 3 3 3 x              
B1 Squat 70 x5 5 87.5 x5 5 105 x5 5 112.5 x5 5
    130 x5 5 147.5 x5+ 5 130 x5   112.5 x5+  
B2 Ab Roll Out 8x2 x x x x x x x x      
C1 Assisted GHR 4x5 - 5 5 5 x            
C2 Farmer's Carry 4x40' 95 y y y x            
D1 Reverse Hyper 4x6 50 4 4 4 x            
D2 Ast. Split Squats 4x6 - 4 4 4 x            


Did what I could yesterday.  I'm giving a lower carb diet (125-150 g) a try for the next 4 weeks to see if the diabeetus reacts favourably to it or not.  

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Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Cardio Rowing 4x300m y y y                
A2 High Toss 4x3 3 3 3                
B1 Press 47.5 x5 5 60 x5 5 72.5 x5 5 77.5 x5 5
    90 x5 5 100 x5+ 6 90 x5 5 77.5 x5+ 5
B2 DB Row 8x5 52.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5    



Not a whole lot of go in me today.

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Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Sandbag-Shoulder 4x8 5 5 5 x              
A2 Broad Jump 4x3 3 3 3 x              
B1 Deadlift 95 x5 5 117.5 x5 5 142.5 x5 5 155 x5 5
    177.5 x5 5 200 x5+ 5 177.5 x5 5 155 x5+ x
B2 Leg Raise 8x3 3 3 3 3 x x x x      



Did what I could.


Tomorrow I'm going to be checking my blood sugars before, during and after to see how out of whack they go.

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B1 Bench Press 57.5 x8 8 70 x5 5 85 x5 5 92.5 x5 5
    105 x5 5 120 x5+ 8 105 x5 5 92.5 x5+ 10
B2 Barbell Row 57.5 x8 8 70 x5 5 85 x5 5 92.5 x5 5
    105 x5 5 120 x5+ 8 105 x5 5 92.5 x5+ 5
C1 Assisted Dips 4x8 - 5 5 5 x            
C2 Lat Pull Down 4x8 85 8 8 8 x            



My sugars only went from 8.4 mmol/L to 7.5, so nothing major or dangerous there.

Guess I'm just under-eating beforehand.

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Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 KB Clean 4x8 8 8 8 8              
A2 V. Jump 4x3 3 3 3 3              
B1 Squat 70 x5 5 87.5 x5 5 105 x5 5 130 x5 5
    147.5 x3 3 165 x1+ 3 147.5 x3 3 130 x5+ 5
B2 Ab Roll Out 8x2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2      
C1 Assisted GHR 4x5 - 5 5 5 5            
C2 Farmer's Carry 4x40' 97.5 y y y y            



Eating a bit more, including a few pieces of fruit half hour prior, and taking longer rest between sets seems to have helped today.  I capped it where I did because tomorrow is the "wonderful" inventory day and it's going to be a long one.

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Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Cardio Rowing 4x300m y x x x              
A2 High Toss 4x3 3 x x x              
B1 Press 47.5 x8 8 60 x5 5 72.5 x5 5 90 x5 5
    100 x3 3 112.5 x1+ 4 100 x3 3 90 x5+ 10
B2 DB Row 8x3 55 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3    



That is all.

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18 hours ago, WhiteGhost said:

How is your hand doing?  Are you back to 100% yet?

It's still a piece of shit in the context that I drop a lot of things unintentionally.  But it's not causing me pain or numbness any more and the scar tissue has broken up to the point where I hardly notice it any more.


Grip heavy training isn't an issue any more. Tomorrow I should hit farmer's walks with 100#/hand.


Thanks for asking.

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Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Sandbag-Shoulder 4x8 6 6 6 6              
A2 Broad Jump 4x3 2 2 2 2              
B1 Deadlift 95 x5 5 117.5 x5 5 142.5 x5 5 177.5 x5 5
    200 x3 3 225 x1+ 2 200 x3 3 177.5 x5+ 6
B2 Deadbug 8x6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6      
C1 Assisted GHR 4x5 - 5 5 5 5            
C2 Farmer's Carry 4x40' 100 y y y y            


Sick and tired of being sick and tired.  Today was a grind.


In cheerier news, spring is always late in my area but it's in full swing today.

Spring peppers were in full chorus early this morning.

I watched the resident fox play with some barn swallows (there is a surplus of groundhogs, rabbits, muskrat and other rodents in the area so he wasn't bird hunting)
Big fat ol' bumblebees buzzing around looking for flowers.

Majestic eagles soaring in the sky.

Groundhogs screaming at everything that moves by them.

Trees are starting to bud finally.

Farmers are spreading manure on everything so the dog is happy.

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14 hours ago, The Battle Chef said:

Right now if I show up and get something done I am calling it a win.

Right now that totally IS a win.  Glad to see you back :) 

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Intro Thread   Challenge Log   Bodyweight Exercise Library   Recipe Book   Shuffle Club 


Level 2 Ninja

Strength: 13 Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 6 Dexterity:14 Constitution: 12 Charisma: 11


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