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I am new here to this whole community forum thing. I am Farmgirl and I am a stay at home homeschooling wife of six children. I do not really have any hobbies that I participate in on a regular basis. I do like to cook and try to find healthy, balanced, inexpensive meals that are tasty for my family. I like to read and garden some. I seem to have lost some of myself and my passions along the way. I am not sure about my specific goals though I have been working on them. I would like to say that my main goal is to have a healthier body with lean muscle that allows me to live the life I want and participate in the activities that I desire. My first quest is to loose 5 pounds and 5 inches in my waist and hips by April 30th. My second quest is to find one new activity and participate in it daily for 30 minutes, for 30 days. My third quest is to maintain my hypoglycemia diet for 30 days. I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia 3 years ago. I was instructed to eat 1 serving of protein and 1 serving of carbohydrate every 3 to 4 hours. I have become derailed eating more of things than I should and eating things I should not eat. These are my goals and hope that with the help of this community I can actually reach and maintain my goals. I want to be around to hang out with my grandchildren and not have heart disease, cancer and diabetes to contend with.

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Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Thomas A. Edison

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Hats off to you for homeschooling! I unschooled my older kids for their first few school years, but ended up putting them in a great charter school. I feel it can be easy to lose yourself in the busyness of motherhood. I think this is a great thing for you to do just for you!


PS I'm new here too, and am excited by everyone's goals and progress.

I have the appetite of a hobbit and the stubbornness of a dwarf. I’m working on the wisdom of the elves...

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Hi farmgirl!

I can only imagine how time consuming staying with six children and homeschooling is, but hobbies and passions are always worth fighting for, no matter how little time in a day we have.


Good luck on your quests! You can always have our cheering voices in the back of your head every time you work towards them! :)

Training logs | Monthly updates


Player stats (as of 18.06.2018):

Age: 26 (metabolic age 17)

Weight: 68.4kg (150.8 lbs)

BMI: 22.9

Muscle mass: 56.2kg  (123.9lbs, around 82% of body mass)

Body fat: 14.8%


    - Chest: 84cm (33 inches)

    - Belly: 82.5cm (32.5 inches)

    - Buttocks: 91cm (35.8 inches)

    - Thigh: 52cm (20.5 inches)

    - Bicep: 30cm (11.8 inches)


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Thank you all for your encouragement and high 5's. Tomorrow is my weigh in. I started this at 214. I ran the stairs at my church three times today. I am working on finding an activity that I can stick with at least for this month. I also will look into the free resources that nerd fitness has.

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Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Thomas A. Edison

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I had my weigh in today and lost 6 pounds. I wanted to do more walking but it has rained all day. I walked in the house for 10 mins. I am hoping to do a dvd workout before 9pm tonight. I will let you know.

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Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Thomas A. Edison

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On 4/2/2018 at 5:51 PM, Elastigirl said:

Hi there are welcome! I have one grown son, who I homeschooled. @elizevdmerwe homeschools her sons.


I was in much the same boat a couple of years ago (always busy with house, boys, HS, and hubby's stuff), until I realised that I should try and multi-task my sport/hobbies with that of my boys' and just plain plan and book some time out for myself. I needed it if I was not going to crash. I'm lucky enough that for two afternoons I can walk while they do sport/extra-murals, but it is a fine line to plan around HS and your own life.
Welcome here and all the best!

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Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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Yesterday was my weigh in... I am a little disappointed. I did not lose any weight, but I did not gain any either. I was not consistent in my exercising this past week. I am determined to do better this week. Even to the point of walking for 5 or 10 minutes multiple times a day. Thank you all for your posts and encouragement. I am going to try to get on here and update everyday. That really helps to keep me focused.

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Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Thomas A. Edison

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Just form the habit now, and with time it becomes easier and more part of your day to update here. Loosing weight is mostly about food, and less about exercise, but the latter does make it more effective and helps to increase metabolism, etc. Good luck, I'm in the same position with weight.

Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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Today was a total fail. In fact I felt like the kids, I need a break from my break. LOL!!! So tomorrow... I read some of the things online about going to sleep in you running clothes and such. I am putting a workout DVD in the player before I go to bed, Have my workout clothes next to my bed and tennis shoes ready. I will workout after I eat my breakfast which is already cooked and ready to go. I will check in tomorrow and let you know how it worked out for me. CHEERS!

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Thomas A. Edison

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Hi @farmgirl, I see that you struggle with being consistent in pursuing your health goals. I'm no expert, but I think I found something that works great for me, maybe it can help you as well ;)


The first thing is the 10 levels of nutrition from nerd fitness ;) It's great to start tracking your eating habits and gradually striving to make them better.


Second thing (and for me it's the biggest and most important by now :)) is specifying your fitness goals (for me it's working out every monday, wednesday and friday) and then finding a good punishment for NOT attending those goals. It's a trick that I also found on nerd fitness and it works like a charm. I haven't miss a workout since I started, because I know that the punishment is big enough to break through my excuses and laziness :). For example, I have written down a "golden rule" in an evernote document, that every time I skip a workout, I have to donate x amount to a political organisation that I truly dislike. It works in three ways:

1. I hate to lose money

2. I don't want to donate money to people that I really disagree with and that can have impact on my life in the future

3. I don't want to dissapoint myself again and again and break my own rules.


It can be anything, really. It doesn't have to be financial. I've set up another rule - I am not allowed to play video games on weekdays, so every time I sit in front of a computer and play a video game, I have to clean a whole house on the weekend (I hate cleaning and usually I clean my house with my girlfriend, so doing it on my own is a double-bummer :D).


Sky's the limit. I hope it'll give you a little push towards your goals ;)

Keep up the good work, I'm cheering you on! ;)

  • Thanks 1

Training logs | Monthly updates


Player stats (as of 18.06.2018):

Age: 26 (metabolic age 17)

Weight: 68.4kg (150.8 lbs)

BMI: 22.9

Muscle mass: 56.2kg  (123.9lbs, around 82% of body mass)

Body fat: 14.8%


    - Chest: 84cm (33 inches)

    - Belly: 82.5cm (32.5 inches)

    - Buttocks: 91cm (35.8 inches)

    - Thigh: 52cm (20.5 inches)

    - Bicep: 30cm (11.8 inches)


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Yesterday I did great on my food choices and while preparing supper I had a sudden urge to do whatever I could for 10 minutes while the pasta cooked. I did lunges, high steps, modified push ups on the counter and jogging. It was crazy and weird and had me totally pumped up while I cooked supper. I had never thought of this before but it was great! Today my food choices were not the best as we had a get together with pizza and I only ate one slice, then my husband surprised us with take out burgers for supper. I ate it without the bun and had a small spring salad; no chips or fries. Exercise was in broken segments but I got it done. Thank you guys for keeping up with me and helping me get through this.


Thanks @Solski for the advice for making changes to help me succeed in this journey of life change. I will look into it and see what I can change to help me.

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Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Thomas A. Edison

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No problem ;) Hey, good job on bun-less burger and only one slice of pizza. I wouldn't be able to make it :D Yesterday we had a pizza at work and I barely reminded myself not to eat all of it :P Btw. do you have any type of battle log? I'll make sure to follow it ;)

Training logs | Monthly updates


Player stats (as of 18.06.2018):

Age: 26 (metabolic age 17)

Weight: 68.4kg (150.8 lbs)

BMI: 22.9

Muscle mass: 56.2kg  (123.9lbs, around 82% of body mass)

Body fat: 14.8%


    - Chest: 84cm (33 inches)

    - Belly: 82.5cm (32.5 inches)

    - Buttocks: 91cm (35.8 inches)

    - Thigh: 52cm (20.5 inches)

    - Bicep: 30cm (11.8 inches)


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yay!! I'll be in your band! I'm curious about homeschooling, too. Super impressed w/ your goals and journey!

Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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On 4/18/2018 at 5:14 AM, farmgirl said:

I did lunges, high steps, modified push ups on the counter and jogging. It was crazy and weird and had me totally pumped up while I cooked supper.

That sounds good! Way to go!

On 4/18/2018 at 5:14 AM, farmgirl said:

I ate it without the bun and had a small spring salad; no chips or fries. Exercise was in broken segments but I got it done.

Wow, two more achievements! That is fantastic. Small steps in the beginning until you have formed a habit or know that you can fit in a whole training session at a set time. Your lifestyle will most often dictate this, and you mentioned having little ones, so doing your exercises in segments is 100%. Do what you can manage with your time, rather than nothing.

Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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1 hour ago, rcarr13 said:

I am not sure how to do a signature on here.

If you are using a computer to post, then top right hand corner is your username with a little down pointing arrowhead. Click on it, and then on account settings.

On the left on the new page, you will see the Signature setting. Click, and you will be taken to where you can adapt your signature. You can basically write your thread's heading, then highlight it, paste the URL of your thread (address at the top of your webpage, next to your search bar, or there around) when you click on the chain link icon.

But I got a link that you pasted, and I'll head over just now ;)

Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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Hey Farmgirl, 

Welcome to Nerdfitness! I was away for awhile & now I'm back (joining in for the next challenge). If you need an Accountabilibuddy for the next challenge; I volunteer myself for tribute!

I'm a borderline hypoglycemic so I understand the challenge there.

L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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