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Neeko, Training for the Zombie Apocalypse

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Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse. My boyfriend is insistent that it is an inevitable thing so why not start training for it?




The past year has been filled with drama, fear, and strife. Nowhere is safe from the stressors of the upcoming apocalypse. Deaths have occurred, vicious beatings have been endured, general tensions have been rising amongst all the family. There has been some good though. New mentors, new jobs, new learning opportunities, new home, new life created. It is now, that I've decided to start keeping this log to chronicle my adventure throughout this seemingly endless hase.


Currently I work as a Licensed Practical Nurse in a primary care office and occasionally in a long-term care setting. I am a Certified Dementia Practitioner and a Tobacco Treatment Specialist. With the threat of the Zombie Apocalypse, I can only continue my nursing education as those skills will be highly valuable in the wake of and subsequent aftermath. I am currently continuing my education on to obtain my associates in nursing to become a Registered Nurse. After that is obtained, I will undoubtedly continue to obtain further education and to further my career.


My physical training at this moment has been very lax. I have given every excuse I can find. But something is going to have to give soon. I do not sleep well and have been continually unsuccessful in decreasing my fat stores. I am hoping that keeping this account will encourage me to find the time to make my physical training a priority and not something that can be addressed next week, next month, and so on. 


We have two animal guardians that reside with us. My faithful Irish Setter who will happily sound the alarm to any oncomer and our attack kitten with a tragic backstory.


Together, the four of us are about to embark on our next great adventure: acquiring a house. 


Day 0


Today started much like every other. I woke up to my late set alarm, quickly readied myself, and headed off to work. Today was a constant flow of patient, phone calls, and messaging and did go by fairly quickly. The office is in a bit of a turmoil currently as we lost a schedule/receptionist yesterday and his absence has created drama. I'm sure the initial pettiness will wear off quickly but I am concerned about some long term effects. My doctor is also pushing for me to start treating patients for tobacco cessation. She really could not have picked a worse time to really start pushing since the office is in a bit of turmoil. It'll work out in the end though I'm sure.


After work, we finally got to have some time with my grandparents and we went out to dinner. It was nice. I've been so busy with all the hours I've picked up and working on school work, that I have not been able to spend adequate time with them.


Discussion post was due tonight for classes and I finished it fairly quickly, which actually kind of concerns me. Usually I'm up extraordinarily late trying to finish it before midnight. But it's done and posted so there is nothing more to accomplish on that front.


Duolingo goal was achieved for the day.


Presently I am going to try getting some sleep. My sleep has been extremely restless lately and I don't get a lot of it. Let's see how tonight goes.


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Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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As these days progress, I kind of wish I had made this more of a priority. I suppose that there is no time like the present... Especially since in the present were are in the midst of a pandemic. Fortunately we finally have our home, I'd say, pretty well stocked with a reasonable amount of supplies. I've resigned myself to not being able to see my family or anyone outside of home and work. Fortunately I don't have to worry about the people in my home as they don't work. Myself and the rest of my immediate family are considered essential workers though. I work in a doctors office, my sister and brother in law work in a long term care facility, and my mother will continue to work until she is forced to stay home. My mom really has me concerned, especially since she resides in the same home as my grandparents.


Outside of the pandemic, I am struggling in my nursing classes. I'm finding myself frequently burned out or apathetic. This may be depression/anxiety related, it may be my work schedule change, it may be my lack of sleep. I don't know. But I would like to find a workable solution so that I can finish out my nursing classes strong and become an RN. 


We have also been doing a Biggest Loser competition at work. I've lost 15lbs since we started! I'm proud of that. I don't feel any different though.


I would like to start setting up some small goals. 


One goal being to check in here from today to wednesday this week.

The next goal is going to be working on my classwork for at least one hour every day.

Next is keeping track of my depression and anxiety symptoms every day.

And, finally, I want to work myself back into NerdFitness. I feel so much better when I'm in this community and working to better myself. Let's get back to that again. :) 

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Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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The days are dragging on. My depression was hitting a breaking point so I had some blood work done and an ultrasound of my ovaries. We discovered my Vitamin D, Vitamin B, and Folate levels were very low. I started on an antidepressant, a medication to lower my heart rate, and a hand full of vitamins. The ultrasound revealed a fibroid. Yay. This sped up my need to find a new gynecologist. I saw the new gynecologist and that fast tracked me to seeing the reproductive endocrinologist that I was going to need to see anyway to have babies. So now I am waiting on call from them to set up an appointment to start that process.


Daily life is just ugh. I'm honestly feeling better since I've started the medications. My mind is still a little cloudy but I'm able to push through it easier. I'm forever working and going to college. College work has suffered a little but I'm hoping to be back on track now. Eventually I would like to get my house in order as well. That may be a far away dream though, since the other two in my home don't really do a damn thing. But whatevs.  And work is just, exhausting. Honestly, right now should be a breeze for us, and it kind of is. Our one coworker though, needs to find another job. She doesn't want to work, feels she's too good for it, pawns her work off on others, and bitches non stop. It's so bad that it has literally brought the moral of the nursing staff down low. Even, with us trying to fight it. 


Today is day two of being back on the forums. My challenge is going well and I feel like I've actually accomplished something today! 

Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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23 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

I’m glad you found a treatment that’s working. FWIW, my wife had to have fibroid surgery before we could have kids. They’re pretty good at dealing with them these days.

That's good! Honestly, I appreciate the words of encouragement. Intellectually I know I don't have to worry much about this but I've irrationally been concerned because it feels like just one thing after another for me lately. 


I'm glad I found a treatment that is helping as well. Just a couple weeks ago I couldn't dream of focusing on getting my classwork done in a timely manner or doing an extra activity like hanging out on these forums or painting. It was all I could do to do the bare minimum I needed to get through the day. I'm definitely grateful to be feeling the improvements and to be able to start working on bettering myself again.

Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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Today was a betterish day. My one coworker is still trying to drain the life out of us with her terrible attitude but everyone has started distancing from her at this point. I'm looking forward to some further social distancing from her when we get a few more phones in the building. I rocked out all my work I fell behind on yesterday. Now we just need to rinse and repeat so I can work on our next work challenge and inventory.


My discussion for class this week, is rounding out pretty well. I think I'll have it pretty much finished up tomorrow! Yay. Then I focus on fleshing out the outline we were given so I can hopefully do better on this week's quiz.


I got this. 

Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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We got extra phones at work! Yay! I've never been so excited. lol This is awesome and so much better for my mental health. Now I can be away from the extra negativity and focus on my work. I'm super happy for this. I also had some time to work on our 'Walk to Mordor' spreadsheet. :D 


That aside, today has been a rollercoastery day. Ups and downs. I think I may just be tired. I've felt drained since I got home today. 

Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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Busy, busy day at work today. Overall not a bad day. I've got all my work turned in for the moment. Only real bad thing that happened today was that my Fitbit just fell apart. I didn't damage it or anything, my SO just looked funny at my wrist and when I looked I saw my screen hanging off the watch. So I'm Fitbitless for a few days until my new one gets here... My SO knows I don't function well without it... I've grown so accustomed to having it on me, I just don't feel right without it. I mentioned I was going to be a bit anxious until I could buy one again and he said "I know. Do you have a preference between this one and this one? It'll be here Wednesday." Honestly, little things like that remind me of how lucky I am to have such an amazing man in my life. I don't know what I'd do without him.

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Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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Yesterday was uneventful yet exhausting. I came home, we ordered Applebee's for dinner. I discovered I really like their salmon. We finished watching our nightly episode of Master Chef and I could not keep myself awake. Tapatalk is not working for this forum on my phone anymore so I didn't check in here like I had planned to last night. I much prefer typing on the computer anyway. I hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday today! It's finally supposed to be nicer weather here so I'm excited. 

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Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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Guys, guys, guys!!! I got engaged yesterday! I'm still surprised. We've been discussing getting engaged for a while. We even looked at rings together. I was under the impression that he was making smaller payments that we could afford on a ring. He even seemed so disappointed when our jeweler closed for the pandemic because he wouldn't be able to continue payments! He has apparently had the ring for months now! Our camping plans were ruined at the beginning of the pandemic, which is when he was going to originally propose. Last night, he made a huge fire for us and proposed to me by the fire! It was beautiful! I know he was concerned I would figure out when he was going to propose. He totally blindsided me. I'm unbelievably happy right now.

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Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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Another day nearing completion. Work wasn't terrible. I was actually a pretty busy day. I'm grateful the after hours a starting up again next week if we're going to be busy like this at work again. Working 12 hour days gives me more time to get things done. It'll also be easier to justify picking up hours at my per diem job. It just a delicate balance right now between my full time job and trying to excel in my classwork. Plus, now I need to be COVID tested at least once a week to work my per diem job. Such a hassle. Ah well. 


Some new loot came in the mail today. I got a new bag/wallet, a travel case for my engagement ring/other jewelry, and my wedding planner. Just renewing my happiness. :)

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Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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I had a decent day today. Work was good. It was steady but it was more balanced. Before work though, I had a watermelon debacle. I cut into the watermelon and it just exploded, water just gushed out of it and went everywhere! It was crazy! I've never seen something like that happen before. It was horrifying. Lol.  

Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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Today was a bit of a Rollercoaster but overall a great day.  My soon to be brother in law decided it would be fun to tell me that he and my fiancé are only capable of cleaning the house when I'm home and making them. Now mind you, I work 40+ hours a week plus I have school work. Neither of them work or have any other responsibly than the house. I may be wrong, but I feel like, especially my BIL can contribute to the household by helping to keep it tidy, since he is literally contributing nothing. But I'm the bad guy when I ask for anything to be done or am upset when nothing is ever done. But I digress. After we did 10 second tidy of the house, my sister, her boyfriend, my niece, nephew, and their dogs came over. We had an amazing dinner and a giant fire. It was beautiful. Plus, I finally got to roast marshmallows with my niece! She loved it! She loved the fire! It was amazing.  What an awesome evening, we had. 

Level 1 Elf Rebel Ranger

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