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Tue 04 Jun 19 - Development Training Day

 Morning HRV Score - 72 - Readiness 10 - Parasympathetic




- Russian Dips - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 - Getting better, keep at it. Did an extra 2 reps at the end, focusing on slow and controlled

- Elevated Planche Leans - 5x18s - first crack at these. Felt ok. Need to video and check my lean.

- RC PE 2 - 15, 12, 12, 12, 12 - Nice one adding first set of 15 here. Tempo broke down last two sets, but not really more than previously. Keep going  and remember 80% consistantly is king (Elite Minds).

- Hollow Body Holds - 5 x 30s / 30s r - decided to throw in lower volume sets of these on the offdays to my core training. Might accelerate the progress. Watch and see


Work Training

Deadlifts / Floorpress. Complete the Deadlifts, with approx 1:30 rest between sets, then move onto Floorpress, with approx 1:30 rest between sets

5 @ 67.5%

5 @ 70%

5 @ 75%

5 @ 75%

5 @ 75%


90kg / 67.5kg

105kg / 70kg

112.5kg / 75kg

112.5kg / 75kg

112.5kg / 75kg


Strength Accessory Work:

4 Rounds of

- 6 over-grasp heaves

- 6 goblet squats (22.5kg DB) - 4 second lower, 1 second pause at bottom

- 6 double leg glute bridge extensions

- 12 Glute Ham march

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Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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11 hours ago, tracer-actual said:

Russian Dips

I really struggle with these, especially at the bottom end of the rep.  I finally got to the point where I can get close enough to drop my elbows onto the bar and then kip back into the dip just this week.


Intro Thread   Challenge Log   Bodyweight Exercise Library   Recipe Book   Shuffle Club 


Level 2 Ninja

Strength: 13 Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 6 Dexterity:14 Constitution: 12 Charisma: 11


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1 hour ago, WhiteGhost said:

I really struggle with these, especially at the bottom end of the rep.  I finally got to the point where I can get close enough to drop my elbows onto the bar and then kip back into the dip just this week.

Yeah they are ... bizarre, to say the least. I have been working on them for ages but I am still not comfortable I am dropping low enough. I want to get to the point where my armpits are on the bar (at the moment, it is inner elbows). Just going to keep working at it, as I imagine it is mainly neurological.


Looking at the video below, I might try to incorporate the leg movement to assist in the return aspect of the movement



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Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Sat 08 Jun 19 - Stimulation Training Day



Hollow Body Holds - 5 x 60s - Hurting through this. Filmed it for a review... form wasn't great for the last 2 sets, but on the plus side the mental battle I won with grit

Negative Hanging Leg Lifts - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 - Moved the back support to be higher (3rd hole from the top of all possible with the squat rack). Filmed it for a check, but it felt ok

1/2 Windscreen wipers - 5 x 2 -  Keep slowly building


Good work sticking to, and getting through, this one.


Work Training (Catch up from Thursday)

Squats / Shoulderpress. Complete the Squats, with approx 2:00 rest between sets, then move onto Shoulderpress, with approx 1:30 rest between sets

5 @ 67.5%

5 @ 70%

5 @ 75%

5 @ 75%

5 @ 75%


80kg / 40kg

85kg / 43kg

90kg / 45kg

90kg / 45kg

90kg / 45kg


Daily Victory?


Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Sun 09 Jun 19 - Rest Day

Nice day with the family


Daily Victory?

Well, I will record a loss. I could do more on my Sunday, like the S&S KB Swings or stretching. However, I did do plenty of hobby work today which was great. Still, not as good as I could have overall.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Tue 11 Jun 19 - Development Training Day

Morning HRV Score - 66 - Readiness 6 - Sympathetic




- Russian Dips - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 - Filmed to get some feedback

- Elevated Planche Leans - 5x24s - filmed and I don't think the lean is enough. I'll ask for feedback

- Hollow Body Holds - 5 x 30s / 30s r - lower volume sets on off-days

- RC PE 2 - 15, 15, 12, 12, 12 - Keep going  and remember 80% consistency is king (Elite Minds).


Work Training

Deadlifts / Floorpress. Complete the Deadlifts, with approx 2:00 rest between sets, then move onto Floorpress, with approx 1:30 rest between sets

5 @ 72.5%

5 @ 75%

5 @ 80%

5 @ 80%

5 @ 80%


110kg / 72.5kg

1115kg / 75kg

120kg / 80kg

120kg / 80kg

120kg / 85kg


Strength Accessory Work:

4 Rounds of

- 10 bent over dumbbell rows (12.5kg DBs)

- 5 single leg Romanian Deadlifts (5 per leg) - 12.5kg DB

- 5 KB clean and press (each arm) - 24kg KB

- 10 Glute Ham Bridge


GST Stretch

- Middle Stretch Series


Daily Victory?

Win - a solid win.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Wed 12 Jun 19 - Stimulation Training Day

Morning HRV Score - 69 - Readiness 9 - Parasympathetic



MAS Conditioning

Eurofit 120% MAS 30:30

8 Reps (8 minutes) x 2 Sets

3-4 minutes between sets


Felt better this morning


Sparta Science Testing

Ran through a new form of movement testing for work, based on Sparta Software using Force Plates.

I didn't get the exact numbers for each component, but I fell into the 'Low Explode' pattern (my 'Load' was blue, 'Explode' was red, and 'Drive' was blue as well as the highest score). My overall 'Sparta Score' was 78.

Based on this result, Sparta Science recommends suitcase deadlifts, normal deadlifts, wood chops, plyometrics, and planks to lower my chance of injury and improve my overall profile. To that I say - done. Planks and some box jumps (as plyometrics) are easy to incorporate and I probably need to bring them back anyway.


Daily Victory?


Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Thu 13 Jun 19 - Development Training Day

Morning HRV not measured. Couldn't find reader 



- Negative Hanging Leg Lifts - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 - went back and adjusted the back support based on feedback from the forum. Filmed for another assessment

- Hollow Body Holds - 48, 24, 24, 24, 24s - decided to do it back and focus on the compression. Filmed a sixth set to get feedback. Struggling at higher volume was destroying my focus and form. I'll ask for form advice to confirm this is a good idea

- 1/2 Windscreen wipers - 5 x 2 -  Keep slowly building


Work Training

Squats / Shoulderpress. Complete the Squats, with approx 2:00 rest between sets, then move onto Shoulderpress, with approx 1:00 rest between sets

5 @ 72.5%

5 @ 75%

5 @ 80%

5 @ 80%

5 @ 80%


90kg / 42.5kg

90kg / 45kg

95kg / 47. 5kg

95kg / 47.5kg

95kg / 47.5kg


Strength Accessory Training

4 times of:

- 8 rope heaves

- 8 box jumps

- 8 KB Swings @32kg

- 30s side planks (each side) 

- 60s straight arm plank 

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Sat 15 Jun 19 - 'Movement' day

Still feeling under the weather a bit.

Went for a bit of 'movement training' focusing on some different things



5 sets of 10 Ring Pushups (feet at shoulder height)

5 sets of 0:30/1:00r hanging


Simple & Sinister KB Swings

Complete 100 swings in under 5 minutes. Every 30 seconds do 10 swings.

Double Arm @ 32kg

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Tue 18 Jun 19 - Development Training Day

Morning HRV Score - 67 - Readiness 6 - Sympathetic

Not great HRV, particularly for a Development Day...




Russian Dips - played around with them trying to get the form right. Once I 'got it' (sort of) I aimed for five sets of 3, but couldnt finish it.

Ring Rows - 15, 15, 15, 12, 12 - Tempo slow, but improving the reps!

Elevated Planche Leans - After feedback I increased the lean and went back to 6s holds for five sets. Filmed for further feedback.


Work Training

Deadlifts / Floorpress. Complete the Deadlifts, with approx 1:30 rest between sets, then move onto Floorpress, with approx 1:30 rest between sets

3 @ 75%

3 @ 80%

3 @ 85%

3 @ 85%

3 @ 85%


120kg / 80kg

125kg / 80kg

127.5kg / 85kg

127.5kg / 85kg

127.5kg / 85kg


Strength Accessory Work:

4 Rounds of

- 8 Pendley Rows (50kg)

- 8 Dead Bugs

- 30s Plank Hold (Left, Right then Middle) - Low Explode specific from Sparta Testing

Single Arm jerry carry for 20m - Low Explode specific from Sparta Testing

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Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Thu 20 Jun 19 - Development Training Day

Morning HRV Score - 69 - Readiness 10 - Parasympathetic




- Hollow Body Holds - 5 x 36s - after deciding to dial back and focus on compression, this was a solid session.

- NHLL - 5 x 3 - filmed for feedback, adjusting the bar height on the squat rack at work to seven down from the top (or two below the top notch)

Pike pulses - 5 sets of 5 single leg, 5 sets of 10 double leg. 30s rest between sets

- APT Fixing Lunges - 4 sets of 5 per leg with 12.5kg DB - no rest between sets, just rolling through. Felt a strong stretch and work in the hip flexors. Good!


Work Training

Squats / Shoulderpress. Complete the Squats, with approx 2:00 rest between sets, then move onto Shoulderpress, with approx 1:00 rest between sets

3 @ 75%

3 @ 80%

3 @ 85%

3 @ 85%

3 @ 85%


90kg / 45kg

95kg / 47.5kg

100kg / 50kg

100kg / 50kg

102kg / 52.5kg


Strength Accessory Training

4 times of:

- 8 hang cleans (40kg)

- 30s side planks (each side then front) - for front, went straight arm, focused on protraction and squeezing the glutes, and extended arms away from head

- 8 x Band presses - with a band tied around a pole, stand perpendicular to the band, extending it from the pole. Hold the band under tension to your chest, then press your hands away (like a standing chest press motion). Good training for core stability as you fight the rotation forced on you by the band. Low Explode specific from Sparta Testing.

Single Arm jerry carry for 20m - Low Explode specific from Sparta Testing

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Tue 25 Jun - Development Training Day


- Dip Complex. 5 Sets of the following (with each iM integrated):

     - 5 Straight Bar Dips

     - 5 Reverse Straight Bar Dips

     - 5 Korean Dips

     - 5 Reverse Korean Dips

Ring Rows - 15, 15, 15, 15, 12 - Tempo slow, but improving the reps! Filmed for feedback

Elevated Planche Leans - 5 sets of 12 seconds. Focus on keeping that lean intense

Russian Dips - used a band to begin working on technique - did 3 sets of 5 reps


Work Training

Deadlifts / Floorpress. Complete the Deadlifts, with approx 1:30 rest between sets, then move onto Floorpress, with approx 1:30 rest between sets

5 @ 65%

5 @ 70%

5 @ 75%

5 @ 80%

5 @ 80%


97.5kg / 65kg

105kg / 70kg

112.5kg / 75kg

120kg / 80kg

120kg / 80kg


Strength Accessory Work:

4 Rounds of

- 12 Pendley Rows (50kg)

- 12 rope knee raises

- 12 x Band presses - with a band tied around a pole, stand perpendicular to the band, extending it from the pole. Hold the band under tension to your chest, then press your hands away (like a standing chest press motion). Good training for core stability as you fight the rotation forced on you by the band. Low Explode specific from Sparta Testing.

- 12 (6 per arm) single arm deadlifts (30kg on the bar)

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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