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Skin's Daily Battle Log

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Hello, and May the 4th be with you!!


Star Wars Salute GIF


If you don't know me - I am a very skinny guy who's attempted to gain weight and get stronger more than once. I participated in last month's challenge, and just created my week 0 post for this month's challenge here:


I plan on using this as my daily thread to update you all on my workouts, nutrition, and other work. I am currently following the following workout plan: https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=159678631


So far on my journey I have gone from 137 lbs to 144.5 (at my heaviest). My ORM's are as follows:

  • Deadlift: 265 lbs
  • Bench: 160 lbs
  • Squat: 205


I am currently continuing to progress on my program while bulking in order to increase my strength and size. Here I will provide daily updates including workouts, nutrition, and other daily accountability info and shares. I hope that you guys find it interesting!


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"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/05


Yesterday was excellent. Was able to get some things done in the AM and spend some time with friends in the afternoon. Trying to spend as much time as possible with them before we all move our separate ways now that we have finished school.



Yesterday morning's workout was solid. Attempted some new weights and really got after it with my conditioning. Finally broke through on the wall I was having at weights greater than 170 for my squat sets which felt excellent.

  • Squat 3x5 @ 175 lbs (+1 strength) 
  • Bench 1x5 @ 145 lbs, 1x4 @ 145 lbs (-1 strength) - failing here was unfortunate, but given that I'm benching my body-weight I think I can drop the weight and break through this plateau.
  • Pendlay Rows 3x8 @ 95 lbs
  • 3 x 500m Row Sprints (+1 conditioning)

Nutrition and Recovery

In terms of recovery, yesterday was solid. Got a full night's sleep and hit 3,398 calories (+1 strength) with 213 grams of protein. Was also up a half pound!! (+1 strength) No mobility work because it was a working day.



I haven't meditated in awhile but yesterday we finally got back to my meditation practice and I'm glad I did! Prior to that I spent some time in reading Bible passages and in prayer. And I finished up chapter 3 of Atlas Shrugged! (+3 wisdom)



Strength: 2

Endurance: 0

Conditioning: 1

Wisdom: 3

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/06 + 05/07


Once again my mindset goals are slipping out of daily practice. No bible study on 05/06 or 05/07... but I did spend time in meditation and my novel. However, I am definitely going to have to continue my daily meditation practice, as I can see that falling out of it made me quicker to irritability -  including this morning. I'm hoping that getting back into the daily habit will reduce this and make me more mindful that I and I alone are in control of my thoughts/feelings/reactions. I cannot let myself be determined by any outside factors.



Here we are doing pretty awesome. Rest day on 05/06 and a great workout on 05/07. No bonus points because I hit all of these weights on Monday but I'll post them here because I'm happy about them.

  • Deadlift 3x5 @ 215 lbs
  • Overhead Press 2x5 @ 80 lbs - next week will be shooting to break through our plateau.
  • Lat Pull 3x8 @ 135 lbs
  • Bodyweight: 144.5 (+2 strength)

Nutrition and Recovery

Seems that 3,250 may actually be my sweet spot, so I'll work with that until it no longer works. Hit 3,234 with 189 g of protein, and 3,247 with 206 g of protein respectively. Still a bit lower than I would like, so washes out with my bodyweight gains.

I did however, complete all of my mobility routines so +2 agility for me!


star wars art GIF4



This is clearly where I have lacked the most week zero. Need to make sure that I am spending time on these, especially as I transition to my new environment. While I meditated both days, I spent time in study on neither, and only got through a singular chapter of Atlas. I must proceed with caution so that I don't get "too busy" once I start working. (-3 wisdom total)


episode 4 jedi GIF by Star Wars



Strength: 2

Endurance: 0

Conditioning: 1

Agility: 2

Wisdom: 0 (wah wah wah!)



"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Alright after a hiatus from my daily logs once again (disconnecting internet and moving) here is a quick backlog for Saturday and Sunday. Two solid recovery days with time spent on mental exercises, which was a good victory.


Debrief 05/08 + 05/09


Rest day!!!


Nutrition and Recovery:

Nutrition was a big win for Saturday, but didn't exactly track on Sunday, or Monday (yikes). Hitting the grocery store today and plan to be back on my tracking. Saturday we hit 3,267 calories and 185 g of protein. (+1 strength, but a wash after not tracking Sunday.


Did hit both of my mobility routines each day as well, which was a huge win. Always nice to feel mobile and loose. (+4 agility)



Truly the biggest win of the weekend was here. Both days I spent time in study of scripture, prayer, meditation, and reading. I'm starting to get really into the thick of Atlas, and I am finding that I am enjoying not only the philosophical side of the book, but also the nature of it as a novel. It has a very interesting plot line that goes along with the themes. It is certainly an inspiring work. (+6 wisdom)



While the weekend was a wash on strength, it's nice to spend some time in mobility work and mentality work. Maybe one day I'll be like a Jedi (or perhaps just a better sharpshooter).




"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Holy wow I have been very inconsistent on my logging. Guess I could add that to the consistency challenge as well.

The Phantom Menace Fear GIF by Star Wars


However, in order to be more consistent about it, I am going to make it one of my first activities of the day!


Debrief 05/12

Yesterday was a solid day workout wise, and a decent one nutrition wise. However, throughout the moving process my mindset goals have suffered. Further analysis below.



Best part of the day. Killed yesterday's workout, and am loving my new home gym. They have real deadlift bars and are even hosting an Olympia qualifier later this year. Highlights:

  • Deadlift 3x5 @ 225 lbs (+1 strength)
  • Overhead Press 3x5 @ 85 lbs (+1 strength)
  • 18 minutes of stairclimber (+1 endurance)

Nutrition and Recovery:

Not the best day here. Went out to lunch with a friend from my new area, so I didn't quite hit my calorie goal. Also weighed in at 145 so my weight stayed stagnant. Need to be on it the next few days with hitting my calories so I'm not losing strength gains.

  • 3,051 calories, 192 g of protein (-1 strength)


Here is where I've been the most inconsistent. While I still did my meditation (+1 wisdom), I am having a hard time making it a priority to spend time in both the scripture and Atlas with everything going on (-4 widom). My goal for today is to change that, and I have already spent time in scripture this morning.



Strength: 4

Endurance: 1

Conditioning: 1

Agility: 4

Wisdom: 0

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/13

Two days in a row?!?!? Yeah, that's right! We being consistent. Yesterday was also a good day for continuing on my wisdom goals, which is awesome. Without further ado.



Rest day!


Nutrition and Recovery:

We did ok here. It wasn't my best nutrition day, but I did hit my numbers (3,283 calories, 194g protein), so +1 strength for me! I also hit my lower mobility routine, but missed on my shoulder routine so agility is a wash.



Here is where we did the best yesterday. Hit all three goals by spending time in Scripture and Prayer, specifically in Luke, finishing up some Atlas, and hitting my daily meditation goal. You can definitely tell the difference in my life when these 3 are a priority for sure. (+3 wisdom)



Strength: 5

Endurance: 1

Conditioning: 1

Agility: 4

Wisdom: 3


"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/14

While a portion of yesterday was spent waiting on moisturizer to come in for my exceedingly dry face, every other faucet went quite well. Consistency is beginning to build momentum, which is excellent.



Solid workout! Same weights as Monday, as prescribed. Squats felt really light, which has me excited for what I could be able to ORM if I continue resting and recovering properly along with proper training.

  • 3x5 Squat @ 185 lbs
  • 3x5 Bench @ 125 lbs
  • 15 treadmill sprints (15 seconds on/45 off) (+1 conditioning)
  • BW 145.5 lbs (+1 strength)

Nutrition and Recovery

Killer nutrition day. Lots of vegetables and a solid calorie and protein intake at 3,454 and 215g, respectively (+1 strength)



This was my best day in recent memory with Mindset goals as I spent 5 minutes in meditation early on in my day, killed a chapter in Atlas and spent time in scripture and prayer. All of these have already given me momentum into today as I have completed 2/3 mindset goals for today already. Looking forward to sitting down and spending some time reading this afternoon or late this morning.


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"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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End of week 1! Challenge going really well so far, now that I am starting to settle into my new surroundings. Still figuring out furniture but I at least am starting to feel more at home now, and less running around looking for things, now that I have some cleaning things around the apartment.


Debrief 05/15



Much needed rest day. Glad to have some time to rest and relax this weekend with good weather. Enjoyed reading by the pool, and my hit a local coffee shop today.


Nutrition and Recovery

Might be going a bit too high on my calories and could probably use to cut back. Will see how my weight looks on Monday morning. 3,559 calories, 195g of protein (+1 strength). I also made it a point to hit both of my mobility routines first thing in the morning (+2 agility).



As I alluded to I spent some R&R time reading by the pool yesterday. They just ran the John Galt Line for the first time in Atlas. Also among the first things completed in the day was my time in scripture, prayer, and meditation. (+3 wisdom)



Strength: 8

Endurance: 1

Conditioning: 2

Agility: 6

Wisdom: 9 (close to leveling up ?)




"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/16


Daily log time! (Yes I know it's late in the day...) But had a restful and relaxing Sunday, which was very pleasing. This update will be quick.



Rest day!!! Which leads into:


Nutrition and Recovery:

Excellent day overall here. Hit both of my mobility routines again like clockwork! (+2 agility) and also hit 3,275 calories and 194g of protein. I did notice that I had gained weight a little quick going into this morning, so I may tone it down a bit from here out.



Continuing to deepen in my mediation practice has been huge. I'm super excited, because my work offers the headspace app, which has guided and unguided meditations, that I can add length to as I go on. I am looking forward to using it to continue to deepen in my practice. I also got to spend time in scripture, and finished another chapter of Atlas by the pool. I have to say it is certainly now the most marked up book that I own.



Strength: 9

Endurance: 1

Conditioning: 2

Agility: 8

Wisdom: 12 -- WE LEVEL 2 BABY!!!  I've decided to make every 10 points a new level. So now I will count wisdom like so: Wisdom (2): 2


Skin out!

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/17


A bit more time and mental bandwidth this morning so will go ahead and knock this out now. Yesterday was tough, as I did not sleep very well the night before and was seriously tired going into my workout. However, first day on the new job is good so happy with that, looking forward to continuing to integrate myself into my new role.



This was clearly affected by how tired I was. only got one set of deadlifts without failing, so we will be dropping the weight on Friday, but that will be a good time to continue to build my form so that I am not injuring myself as I begin to work with higher weights. I'll be going down to 200 on Friday, so I don't feel that it will impair my ability to lift heavy in a few weeks either

  • Deadlift 1x5 @ 235 lbs, 1x1 @ 235 lbs (-1 strength)
  • Overhead Press 3x5 @ 90 lbs (+1 strength)
  • 18 min stairclimber (+1 endurance)
  • BW: 146.7 lbs - a little too heavy, so I may need to slow down on my intake (+1 strength)

Nutrition and Recovery

3,295 calories and 216g of protein. If my BW is too high tomorrow morning we will scale back even further. (+1 strength)



Really loving the headspace app. Meditated before and after work yesterday which was a great mental commute as I am not in the office quite yet. However, I only finished a scant bit of Atlas and did not read any scripture. (-2 wisdom,: I'll give myself a bonus for the double meditation session)



Strength (2): 1

Endurance: 2

Conditioning: 2

Agility: 8

Wisdom (2): 0



"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Missed yesterday's logging...


The Office No GIF


I'm trying to think about an optimal time that I can regularly update my log. I think the biggest thing is I need to be getting into the gym earlier, but that would require me to sleep through the night, which I have been struggling with due to a small health blip. However, treatment for said blip has been undertaken so hoping that it ends up ok. Onto the show for yesterday


Debrief 05/19



Huge win here despite a lack of great sleep, as I was able to inch closer to my Squat goals. I am also doing well working my way back up towards my bench goals as well.

  • Squat 3x5 @ 195 lbs (Remember that 205 lb ORM?? Pepperidge Farm Remembers); +1 strength
  • Bench 3x5 @ 130 lbs
  • Pendlay Row 3x8 @ 100 lbs
  • 20 incline treadmill sprints (+1 conditioning)
  • BW: 145.1 (Clearly I cut back too much on the calories - time to readjust. Need to make sure I am actually using my calculator again)

Nutrition and Recovery

3,171 calories and 206g of protein. Have to make sure I am getting back up to par on calories today. Going to make it a mini goal to consistently use my TDEE calculation spreadsheet daily as well. (-1 strength)



Uhhhh.... not great. Was able to meditate and read but did not spend time in scripture. Health blip had me pretty irritated but will have to move forward from here (-1 wisdom). I don't know if I should demote myself or remain at LvL 2 with a deficit. Suggestions?



Strength (2): 1

Endurance: 2

Conditioning: 3

Agility: 8

Wisdom (2): -1




"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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As you can see... I missed another day. However, I have made it a recurring task in Todoist to complete all of my logs daily, and I am hoping that helps. Also, my new role offers incentives for tracking things like workouts, meditation, etc, so I am planning on doing that along with this each morning in order to get some sweet rewards. I am also now completing my TDEE calculator at the same time. I cannot mark the Todoist task as complete until all 3 of those have been finished. Here's a fresh log of yesterday's activities.


Debrief 05/21

Friday! We love Friday because we have no cardio, which means its sauna time! Got to hit the sauna for a cool 10 minute post gym sweat session. Very enjoyable along with my meditation to take time away from the tech and just focus on the moment.



Workout was pretty banging. Dropped the weight on DL's as I had alluded to, and continued with my other lifts as scheduled. I was also up to a cool 147.1 lbs post workout prior to hitting the sauna.

  • 3x5 DL @ 200 lbs
  • 3x5 OHP @ 90 lbs
  • BW: 147.1

Nutrition and Recovery

Excellent day here as well. 3,249 calories and 213g of protein (+1 strength)



My consistency here, along with my logs has been flailing. While I am meditating every day, my other goals have taken a sidestep. I have also made tasks for them in Todoist as well to remind me to do them, even if I don't think about it or "feel like it" or whatever.



Strength (2): 2

Endurance: 2

Conditioning: 3

Agility: 8

Wisdom (2): -4 (Get with it kid!)

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/23


So Todoist is awesome. Allows me to easily input tasks including those with recurring deadlines and motivates me to get them done. Working well so far. Also now have furniture at home so that is big awesome!



Rest day!!!


Nutrition and Recovery

Excellent day here - finished up my mobility early as normal (only lower :/) and hit my calorie and protein goals. 3,332 calories and 204g of protein. (+1 strength)



Here is where I am hoping Todoist is going to help the most... However, I still did not spend time in the scripture so wash out here.



Strength (2): 3

Endurance: 2

Conditioning: 3

Agility: 8

Wisdom (2): -4 (Get with it kid!)

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/23


So I'm a bit late - but I'm getting it done. Decent day yesterday for mindfullness, but I also neglected to do my mobility and paid for it this morning. Oh well - reflect and move on.





Nutrition and Recovery

I missed calories ever so slightly 3,152 calories and 183g of protein. I am on better track today, so hopefully I get there. The lack of calories led to weight loss this morning and I wasn't able to hit my weight. (-1 strength). I also neglected my mobility routines - which was bad. (-2 agility).



Here is the bright spot of the day. Spent a good chunk of time reading, spent some time in scripture and prayer, and was able to meditate for 5 minutes as well!!! (+3 mindset).



Strength (2): 2

Endurance: 2

Conditioning: 3

Agility: 6

Wisdom (2): -1 (Get with it kid!)

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/24


A little late but we're here. Yesterday was decent. Tough on the strength front.



Unfortunately hit a wall on squats. Bench felt good though

  • Squat 1x5 @ 205, 1x4 @ 205
  • Bench 3x5 @ 135
  • Pendlay Row 3x8 @ 105
  • BW: 146.7


Nutrition and Recovery

A little lower than I would like: Only 3,237 calories and 213g of protein. On much better track and will be over 2,250 today.



Here too was a bit disappointing. Good meditation and a lot of reading but no Bible study. Once again today this has already been crossed off the list so we are at least getting better. 



Strength (2): -1

Endurance: 3

Conditioning: 3

Agility: 6

Wisdom (2): -1



"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Before we get to today's debrief - this morning was tough. We were tired from our recent sleep deficit and it is time to get some rest. It's been about 6 weeks since my last deload so this fits within my current schedule. Going to take Friday off during my long weekend and get some rest. It should be a good break for me. On with the show.


Debrief 05/25


Rest day!!! However, see above. This morning's workout was rough.


Nutrition and Recovery

Great day here based on my preset goals but I NEED to eat more. Going to up my calories for sure.

3,384 calories and 193g of protein. (+1 strength).


I also hit both of my mobility routines which is a good feeling. Mobility is nice but it's no substitute for real rest. (+2 agility).



Kicked ass here yesterday and will be using my rest days to work on this even more. Checked my boxes, and am flying through Atlas. Not yet having a TV in the new apartment makes the reading part easy. (+3 wisdom!!!!)



Strength(2): 0

Endurance: 3

Conditioning: 3

Agility: 8

Wisdom(2): 2

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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As you can see I didn't log yesterday - I also didn't track yesterday (bad!) None the less we will get logs for both days here.


Debrief 05/26+05/27



As I alluded to - we are tired and in need of some rest. My sleep deficit caught up to me and its time for a deload. This was based on the results of Wednesday's workout:

  • 3x5 Deadlift @ 210 lbs
  • 1x5 OHP @ 95 lbs, 1x4 @ 95 lbs (-1) strength
  • Conditioning sprints (+1 conditioning)

Nutrition and Recovery

Wednesday this was good. 3,366 calories and 211g of protein for a good refeed. Yesterday was not tracked... Thanks to going out to lunch and a dinner party. No bueno but picking back up today.


I did do a good job of getting in both mobility routines. (+2 agility)



Despite my tiredness, we are still going strong here with consistent mediation, reading, and scripture studying. It is interesting seeing the direct contrast between what I am currently reading and the scripture that I am studying. Very thought provoking. (+6 wisdom)



Strength(2): -1

Endurance: 3

Conditioning: 4

Agility(2): 0

Wisdom(2): 8!!!


I will keep you guys updated on the progress of my recovery weekend. Happy Memorial day to all!


"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Let's just say that yesterday went less than great.... I decided to use my extra rest day to go back to my old locale and retrieve the last of my things - which was a pain... It also threw off anything else on the day. I did hit my mobility routines (+2 agility) but outside of that and meditating, nothing much got done. Unhappy, but today is going much better - so we have that to be thankful for.



Strength(2): -2

Endurance: 3

Conditioning: 4

Agility(2): 2

Wisdom(2): 5

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/29

Yesterday was much better and a much needed rest day. I am hoping that after this extended break I will return to the gym Monday recharged and energized.



Like mentioned above, I am still taking time to rest and recovery and will be back in the gym Monday after my deload.


Nutrition and Recovery

We had an excellent day here. Hit both mobility routines, albeit in the evening as more of a wind down than a warm up for my day (+2 agility). I also had a great day nutritionally - 3,315 calories and 198g of protein (+1 strength). Hoping that refeeding will give me the fuel I need to tackle my goals in the gym.



Much better day here as well. My meditation was excellent, and I made time to study my scripture and do some reading as a wind down before bed. I didn't tackle much as I fell asleep very early, but nice to get it in and not have a screen in front of my face in the evening (+3 wisdom).



Strength(2): -1

Endurance: 3

Conditioning: 4

Agility(2): 4

Wisdom(2): 8

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/30


The goals that I have listed here are going well. However, some things outside of them are not great. For whatever reason I have found myself more irritable lately, despite my meditation practice. In addition to that, I have been trying to shave with a safety razor and failing. I just end up with a bunch of razor bumps, which we all know are no fun. If anyone has tips for that they are appreciated. However, the goals here are going well and I can account for that



Last day of the much needed deload. Felt stronger this morning.


Nutrition and Recovery

Here is the strongest piece of the puzzle by far. I am still hitting calories and getting in my mobility routines. I may start adding in an extra evening routine for everyday, on top of my morning routine on my rest days. I think it could be a good idea (+2 agility).


3,443 calories, 195g of protein (+1 strength).



While I did hit all goals here, this needs work. I need to make sure I'm hitting them as early as possible in the day, instead of putting them off. I am hoping that getting some rest will help with my irritability but I also have to remember that I control me, and nothing else. I am not determined by anyone or anything. I am the only person or thing on earth that can allow myself to be angry. Hopefully just having this realization is a step in the right direction (+3  wisdom).



Strength(2): 0

Endurance: 3

Conditioning: 4

Agility(2): 6

Wisdom(3): 1

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 05/31


I hope all had a relaxing and enjoyable memorial day, and took even just a moment to remember the true meaning of the holiday. Yesterday saw me back in the gym with a new zeal, and then spending a nice day by the pool, which is not typically something I get the opportunity to do. I hit the sack at 9 sharp, which was a good way to end the day.



It felt good to be back completely rested. Feeling strong on my bench and ready to break through that plateau come next week.

  • Squat 3x5 @ 175 lbs
  • Bench 3x5 @ 140 lbs
  • Pendlay Rows 3x8 @ 105 lbs
  • 20 Minutes Incline Treadmill (+1 endurance)
  • BW: 147.6 (+1 strength)

Nutrition and Recovery

This is where some of my focus needs to go, given that I want to be able to do more than 5-6 weeks without a deload. I got a solid bit of sleep last night using my iPhone's sleep schedule functionality, which I really like. Had a strong showing nutritionally with 3,338 calories and 217g of protein, along with some added vegetables. (+1 strength)



Here is another place that will require my upmost focus. I want to work on not only just doing these things as part of my daily routine (which is still important) but I want to actually turn them into a mindset I extrapolate out into the rest of my life. Reading Atlas together with my meditation practice is inspiring me to put ultimate focus on those things I can control, rather than those I can't. If I can accomplish this in daily practice, I believe it will lead to a much happier and more fruitful life.


+3 wisdom for going through my mindset routine.



Strength(2): 2

Endurance: 4

Conditioning: 4

Agility(2): 6

Wisdom(3): 4

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 06/01


Cannot believe it is already June! Hope everyone had a great start to their short week. I found out that my base plate on my razor was upside down, so smooth shaves here I come (hopefully)! Here is my update



Rest up team!


Nutrition and Recovery

3,208 calories and 192g of protein (+1 strength)! Also hit both of my mobility routines which was great (+2 agility). Really doing well here. My sleep was good as well, woke up early and felt awake with no grogginess.



I meditated and read, but did not get a chance to delve into the scripture. On the bright side, I did sign up for a stress management program offered to me as a benefit, which I think is a good step in the right direction in working on controlling what I can control.



Strength(2): 3

Endurance: 4

Conditioning: 4

Agility(2): 8

Wisdom(3): 4

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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So I uhhh.... Missed a day. Shame on me. However, we get back on the logging train - thankfully I did all of my tracking so I can still update here. 


Debrief 06/02 and 06/03



Solid workout for this morning, although I am still feeling weaker than I would like. Think I am going to test eating some carbs (banana or oats or the like) prior to lifting in the mornings, because I am currently lifting fasted and starting to think that isn't going to cut it. 

  • 3x5 Deadlift @ 220 lbs
  • 3x5 OHP @ 80 lbs 
  • 1x8 Pull-Ups
  • 1x7 Pull-Ups
  • 1x6 Pull -Ups
  • 20 incline sprints at speed 9.5 (+1 conditioning) 
  • BW: 148.0 lbs (+1 strength) 

Nutrition and Recovery 

So my nutrition and recovery have been good but I need to step up my game. I need to work on getting better sleep, and I need to get a better evening routine going. I currently read in the evening but I have a habit of falling asleep on the couch. I want to design a mobility routine that I do before I head to the bedroom to separate the two times, so I am not waking up on the couch in the middle of the night and feeling sore. 

  • W: 3,220 calories, 192g of protein 
  • T: 3,204 calories and 191g of protein 
  • T: Both mobility routines (+2 agility) 

Since I have been gaining weight I am ok with the calorie numbers for now. Will up as necessary 



This is going much better as I work to take control of everything in my life. I am glad I have started down this path. However, I still get a bit angry in traffic, so we could work on that.... 


star wars lack of faith GIF


^ Live representation of me in traffic (As Vader.... duh) 


"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Debrief 06/04



Despite some tiredness and some slight lower back tightness (more on that later) I got in a solid workout. Looking forward to resting up this weekend

  • 3x5 Squat @ 175 lbs
  • 3x5 Bench @ 140 lbs
  • 3x8 Pendlay Rows @ 105 lbs
  • BW: 147.9 lbs

Nutrition and Recovery

Yesterday was a hectic day, so my nutrition was ok but not nearly as good as I wanted it to be. Taking a step back today to visit the grocery store which I am hoping will help immensely in this area. 3,107 calories and 198g of protein (-1 strength).


In addition, I believe I have a knot in my lower back, on the left side, which will certainly speed up the need for me to add a night time mobility routine before bed. I spent some additional time to my mobility routine this morning on working it out of my back, which has helped some. The plan is to continue to roll it with the roller and the lacrosse ball tonight and tomorrow morning and evening and hope that we are feeling better by Monday. Stay tuned....



So yesterday I had a hectic day due to some vehicle issues. Despite that, I kept my cool and had it fixed promptly, well, and for a good price to boot. I am happy with how this went. In addition I have continued in my meditation and readings, and am starting my stress management program soon as well. I intend on prepping for that today by spending some time reading the program and writing out some of the prompts prior to actually working through the program with the advisor.


Despite being all over the place and having some issues with my body and vehicle, we are ok and doing well. Life comes at you hard but it is an exciting adventure, and I continue to look forward to the future.

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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Hello Rebels!


I know that I have taken a hiatus until about last week. Thankfully, people on this forum care, and gave me a poke to make sure I was doing well. If you haven't followed me up to this point and would like to, or are just wondering what happened, check out my respawn thread explaining my big why and where I want to go from here.



As for the plan going forward - while I was previously using this as a daily battle log, I simply do not have time for that anymore. Between work and the rest of life, logging in my work health benefits portal (yay for rebates for being fit!) and logging in my own personal trackers (spreadsheets, etc), daily logging is just too much. Instead, I will be posting weekly updates here and in the 5 week challenge threads, of which I plan to begin a new one for week 0 next week.


I also want to do better in keeping up with my friends here, and for that I am going to allocate some time on Sundays to reading all that was posted throughout the week in some select threads, mostly others 5 week challenges of course. With that, I hope that we cross paths along the way to our fitness goals and I look forward to seeing what you all do and sharing my own progress as well.


Delta Squad out!

"Flying is easy, its landing that's hard" - Sev

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