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Adventuring Journal of a LVL1 half-elf

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Hiya, guys!


So I'm starting a battle log to keep track on my health, fitness and goals! The day I signed up I immediately jumped into a 6 week challenge but missed the mark on my goals a little; I've found myself doing remarkably well where my eating is concerned (an area I didn't concentrate on much in my challenge) so I've decided to forfeit this first one and just track here where I naturally seem to be motivating myself, so I can better adjust my goals next time! For now, I'm eating on a slight deficit and finding it really easy; I've missed tracking calories and getting an instant sense of satisfaction when I can see I've done well. I've also signed up to some fitness classes since I'm discovered I find it less enjoyable exercising on my own.


Here's my current steps forwards, my level one entry into adventuring, if you will:

  • I've signed up to Aerial Hoop and Pole Fitness classes so I can be more like the nimble-footed circus-rogue I've always dreamed of! First class is this week - I'm excited, and a little nervous!
  • I'm eating on a slight deficit and keeping it healthy and green! I've not got much to lose but I'd like to get back from a size 6 to more of a size 4.
  • I've decided to try couch-to-5k to try and regain my stamina. Step one is finding a local gym with plenty of treadmills or planning on safe routes to do it on.


My goals for future challenges / when I feel I have spare motivation to go around:

  • I'm learning BSL signs here and there but would love to commit to learning more intensely in the near future.
  • To have committed to couch-to-5k once I've built a plan, and perhaps incorporate it in my next challenge.
  • To find more recipes for healthy low-cal veggie dinners! I have a few go-to's but could do with expanding my culinary knowledge


Anyways, wish me luck and thanks for reading, everybody! ?

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Yunn the Level 0 Recruit

STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 0  | INT 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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I remember, when I last did Nerd Fitness in my late teens, finding great success by envisioning my "fantasy alter ego" if you will. I imagined myself a wood elf ranger and worked on a vegetable/fruit heavy diet with lots of cardio to achieve the build - but also abilities - to match. Now that I'm back again with slightly different goals and as an avid D&D player, I'm really starting to think its worth a go, for fun if nothing else; an extra splash of motivation on an already upwards journey towards where I want to be. I'm going half-elf since I've the slight build and as a little nod to my duo-nationality. As for class... rogue ? I want to work on my acrobatics by doing aerial hoop, pole fitness and other similar classes as more open up. I also want to work on jogging/running long distance. My diet is already veggie but I'm concentrating on calories lately which is a fun challenge. Looking at what I want to do and achieve as 'proficiencies' adds another level of fun to it. As well as the STR, DEX, CON etc system maybe I should work on mini proficiencies in things like 'language' (for sign language), 'acrobatics' for aerial yoga, etc? Just a little thought! ?

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Yunn the Level 0 Recruit

STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 0  | INT 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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Thank you @Fairly_Bouncer?


So I did my first Aerial Hoop class, ah! I was surprised by how nervous I was. Thankfully its an intimate class and they were all really lovely. Liam, our tutor, threw me straight into the deep end, no easing in at all. Turns out a lot of it came naturally (and I've gotten a pretty great photo of myself suspended in air doing the Gazelle pose!) but I have tiny noodle arms and so the hardest part was maintaining the upper body strength required for holding myself onto the darned thing! Classes have limited numbers until lockdown restrictions lift further in my area but I'm booked in to go again in a couple weeks and when regular class numbers can resume I'll be there weekly, for sure. I'm even planning on attending pole fitness too, since I had so much fun on this! Only thing is I spent the entire next day proud at how much I wasn't aching... right up until the 24 hour point hit. Suddenly, it was like I'd been hit by a truck - coincidentally, I have the bruises to match. ?But worth it ?


My eating is going so well. Better yet, I'm rarely going hungry and am feeling better within myself too, despite being on a deficit (perhaps slightly more of one than I need, I'll admit, I'll probably increase the amount of calories I let myself have soon). I've also found an amazing lactose-free cheese alternative that I actually like more than regular cheese?! Plus its lower calorie than my other dairy-free alternative. I've been blessed by the Dairy Gods.


Non-fitness related but of the two D&D groups I'm currently in, one has slowed down recently with scheduling conflicts but is finally back on track and we've gained a new member. A tiny part of me wants to switch characters just because I've had a couple fun ideas since last session, but I will stick true to my variant human barbarian for now ? I've also got a one-shot planned with just me and my girlfriends from my last job; most of us have played at least one session of D&D although we've never played together. And best of all? We're doing an evil campaign! We'll be writing up criminal characters. I'm extra inspired to after reading the Six of Crows books recently, too. All very exciting!


Speaking of excitement, bring on the next 4 week challenge! (although I still go to type/say 'six week challenge' every. damned. time.) I feel I'm better equipped this time, and have more of an idea of which class I'll go into afterwards too, although time will tell! I'm struggling to find a gym that suits my needs/schedule, but have had a thought to find a running buddy for safety and accountability instead maybe? Shall be seeing if anybody fancies trying couch-to-5k with me. If only there were some NF Rebels in my city! 

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Yunn the Level 0 Recruit

STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 0  | INT 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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3 hours ago, Fairly_Bouncer said:

Know that every one with Aeriel and Pole dancing probably started very weak! You have a nice mix that will leave you greatly nimble!


Also challenges are 5 weeks long now! 6 weeks with week 0.  Just thought to give you a head up with your goals!


Ahahaha, welp! Thank you for correcting me there! I like the idea of a week 0 ?

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Yunn the Level 0 Recruit

STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 0  | INT 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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