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Maigs Hangs out in the Battle Logs

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I'm going to try hanging out here for a bit. 



Maigs - 35F desk jockey

Hubs - 36M skilled technician

Kittens - 7M&F cats

Farmhouse - 100 year old farmhouse we bought last fall that is getting lots of work done do it over the next few years



I've been hanging around NF for probably 6 years now. I started my health and fitness journey in 2012 at a bit over 220lbs, got down to ~160lbs in 2016 and stayed there until early 2020 when COVID and back-to-back tax seasons from hell hit and I ate all of my delicious frustrations and got back over 200lbs. As of today I am right at 200 which puts me a hair under "obese" by BMI standards. 



I really got into mudruns/OCRs a while back, but I really hate running. So when COVID put a stop to the events I decided I'm probably done with them in general other than the occasional one for fun. I'm at a HIIT kickboxing gym now and love it. I also want to be strong so I'm trying to incorporate more strength work. 



I'm vegetarian who prefers cooking from home most of the time. When I'm not working tax season hours this means I usually eat pretty healthy stuff. I have a weakness for chocolate and Dr Pepper which flairs up when I'm stressed. And when I'm working long hours I have no spoons left to cook and Hubs isn't a willing enough cook to take over completely when that happens so we tend to get take out or convenience foods. 




Visible arm muscles

Not addicted to caffeine

Not awful food choices when stressed

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Current Plan:

At the beginning of September I started tracking my daily weight, calories, steps, energy drinks, and whether or not I did my hip rehab* or exercises. I'm calculating weekly averages of weight, calories, and steps to see what my trends are. My only goals that I'm trying to hit are 1800-2300 calories (2300 is TDEE without exercise) and 2 energy drinks a day during the week and 1 on weekends (I went down to 2 a day a few months ago and this week and started cutting out the second one on weekends). I want exercise to happen but for now it's not a specific goal. 


*I've been having issues with my hip that I started seeing a PT for a few months ago. It's getting better and I may technically graduate from PT soon, but need  to keep up on my rehab to make sure it stays better

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Here to provide a wide variety of poke memes on the rare occasion that I am also not ghosting!!  

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“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” John Steinbeck

“Do I dare disturb the universe?” – T.S. Eliot

“You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.” – Toni Morrison

"All we have to do is decide what to do with the time given to us" JRR Tolkien


Human Bard: CON 2, WIS 5, INT 1, CHA 2


Current Challenge: Nova Levels Up (and maybe doesn't abandon a challenge...)

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Sept 1 - Sept 4


Average weight: 201.7

Average calories: 1905

Average Steps: 5668

Hip rehab: 2 times

Exercise: 3 times


Sept 5 - Sept 1


Average weight: 200.3

Average calories: 1901

Average Steps: 3742

Hip rehab: 2 times

Exercise: none


Food was good and weight responded appropriately. I worked over 60 hours so not much else happened. Luckily this round of craziness at work is done so I can go back to my 25 hours weeks and have time/energy to workout

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Bwahaha, that did not stick now did it?


I got down to 195lbs last fall, then tax season started and it all went to hell. I haven't had a full day off since Feb 6 (though my Sunday's are usually pretty light at just a couple of hours). I'm back to 207lbs. I haven't don't anything that resembles exercise since March 6. I haven't done any hip rehab in months. But despite that (and some life bullshit that mostly doesn't affect me directly, but is awful for people dear to me) I'm feeling pretty good and ready for this next week to be done so I can get back to it. I'm not entirely sure what my goals are yet (beyond getting rid of the fluff) but I've been pondering through it in my spare time (?) and am getting closer to a plan

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Yesterday was kind of awful in the "straw that broke the camels back" kind of way. Nothing terrible, just too much on top of the last couple of weeks, during the last stretch of tax season. 
But I just about have my new plan hammered out! Now the big question is do I use the free gym at Hub's work that's not particularly convenient but free? Or do I shell out $500 to have some of the equipment at home with the bonus of no people? Or do I get another gym membership (in addition to the kickboxing) for a weights gym that is super convenient with better equipment?

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Tax season is done and hopefully the life bullshit is also done. I officially dub today CPA New Years Day and my ass is on track. My goal is to get back to around 160lbs by the time tax season starts back up again, which is a fairly reasonable goal of losing  5-6lbs a month. Also, re-kicking some bad habits that have crept back up (looking at you caffeine and sugar)


Going to try and check out a couple of traditional gyms that are convenient to work & home in the next couple of weeks to see if either of them seem worth the extra membership cost. Until then I'm using dumbbells at home. The free gym is down until early May for new floors & painting

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Shortish day at work (only 8 hours). Food was on track even though there was no food in the house. I got Subway for lunch and stopped by the grocery store on the way home and bought stuff for fajitas (and a couple of other meals). Then in the evening I did a short workout.


Calories: 1700

Weigh-in: 207.0

Dumbbell floor bench press: 20lbs x 2 for 3x10

DB OHP: 15lbs x2 for 3x8

Low Plank: 20sec x 3

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Another shortish day at work. Food was still on track even though I forget work was feeding us breakfast so I had Second Breakfast. I knew I'd be fine since lunch and dinner were low enough calorie meals that I'd have to bulk it up with something.


After work I made it to kickboxing even though I hate going directly from work since I have to change in the bathroom  (small boutique gym has no locker rooms). I legit almost died. I forgot my heart rate monitor, but I'm certain that was the highest spike I've ever had there, and I was even try to go easy after the break. The trainer was nice and didn't laugh at me ?


Calories: 1800

Weigh-in: 206.6

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Former OCR's here as well. Well, I guess I never did enough to actually call me that, but done somewhere in the 5-10 range over the years. Subbing on your journey to follow along with another fellow Battle Logger. :)


On 4/10/2022 at 1:06 PM, Maigs said:

Now the big question is do I use the free gym at Hub's work that's not particularly convenient but free? Or do I shell out $500 to have some of the equipment at home with the bonus of no people? Or do I get another gym membership (in addition to the kickboxing) for a weights gym that is super convenient with better equipment?


I find my biggest hurdle with my home gym is it's so easy to let lethargy kick in. There's no social aspect of it which I guess is true of most gyms outside of Crossfit. I guess that's partially where NF comes into play. 

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11 hours ago, Rooks said:

Former OCR's here as well. Well, I guess I never did enough to actually call me that, but done somewhere in the 5-10 range over the years. Subbing on your journey to follow along with another fellow Battle Logger. :)



11 hours ago, Rooks said:

I find my biggest hurdle with my home gym is it's so easy to let lethargy kick in. There's no social aspect of it which I guess is true of most gyms outside of Crossfit. I guess that's partially where NF comes into play. 

Lol, I'm about as asocial as they come so I'm okay not having a social aspect :P I do with I had someone interested in working out with me, but I'm probably not going to find that in a gym

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I took off work at 1 because it was my Friday and I just couldn't convince myself to dive into anything. Hubs was off work too so we vegged around the house for a bit, then ran some errands together. Finally around 8:30 I got in a short workout. Food was good again, I made a new recipe that needs some tweaks but could be a keeper.


Calories: 1800

Weigh-in: 207.6

Dumbbell curls: 15lbsx2 3x10

Kneeling db rows: 10lbs 3x10 each arm

Leg raises 3x8

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The first Friday after tax day is an office holiday so I had the day off. Hubs took it off with me and we did basically nothing all day besides some light cleaning. It was nice to really relax. Food was good, if actually a bit low. I probably should have had a bigger lunch, but I expected to eat more later and didn't. I made it to kickboxing and didn't nearly die this time. I am going to have to rethink today's workout since it's leg day and kickboxing had a ton of squats. So today is going to be more glute than leg I think


Calories: 1550

Weigh-in: 207.2

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Very lazy day. I basically watched movies/youtube all day while getting kitten cuddles. I did some more cleaning around the house.  I had planned out my food the day before and stuck to it. Everything was accidentally really low calorie so I worked in an additional light meal to get to a reasonable level. In the evening I finally convinced myself to do a short workout and some stretching


Calories: 1850

Weigh-in: 206.6

Banded clamshells: Light band 3x10 each side

RDL: 20lbsx2 3x10

Bicycle crunches: 3x20

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Worked a few hours. Spent a bunch of money. Ate decently.  Did not work out. 


Calories: 1750

Weigh-in: 206.6




Worked from home because a garage door spring broke and so I couldn't get out of the garage (I could have, we got Hubs out so he could go to work, I just like any excuse to work from home). Garage got fixed by early afternoon. I did a bit of stress eating (the garage door is just the latest of a string of minor inconveniences that has plagued me for the last month). Then we went to watch The Batman, which was pretty bad. After we went to my favorite burger place that has a menu that changes every month and I got this one "sour blackberry compote, sweet peach & pecan jam, gouda cheese", it was amazing. However, guessing on calories for the day put me way over. No workout happened again. 


Calories: 2700

Weigh-in: 206.6

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18 hours ago, Maigs said:

After we went to my favorite burger place that has a menu that changes every month and I got this one "sour blackberry compote, sweet peach & pecan jam, gouda cheese", it was amazing.


That sounds like a really amazing restaurant and a really delicious burger. Man, I love a great burger. 


Kristen Bell Omg GIF by The Good Place

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Worked in the morning, Pathfinder in the evening. Food was decent, but not great. I did not workout again


Calories: 2150

Weigh-in: 205.8




Worked in the morning. Grabbed Greek on my way home for a late lunch. Took a nap. Played a card game with Hubs (Ascension). Did not work out. Since lunch was late I wasn't really hungry for dinner so I just snacked a bit. 


Calories: 1685

Weigh-in: 206.4

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4 hours ago, Rooks said:

As a barbell junkie myself, I both approve of this, but also want to warm you of the slippery slope. One minute you're buying a barbell and 200lbs of weight. Next minute you're eyeballing the Rogue Monster Cave:lol:

Lol, I don't think I'll go that far down the hole, but my wish list right now is this barbell/weight setthis half rackthis bench, and  a TRX or equivalent. That and my 5/10/15/20lbs sets of dumbbells, and glute bands should hold me over pretty well. Especially since Hubs has primary dibs on the basement (which is the only place to put these) and has zero interest in lifting. So I'm trying to keep my area small since he doesn't ask for much


I entered a raffle today to win 300sqft of industrial gym floor mats and if I win then I'll probably start buying equipment

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Last week:


Weight loss: 2.4lbs (some of this is from a spike at the end of the week before)

Average Weight: 206.7lbs

Average calories: 1700 - tad low, aiming for 1800-2000

Stretch sessions: 3

Workouts: 6 - 3 kickboxing, 3 weights


I'm starting to feel like I'm recovering from tax season and have energy again to make myself a focus. My weights sessions are very small, 2-3 exercises using weights/bands, then 1 core exercise. Just working to get in the habit and get my body used to moving before I start pushing myself. Hopefully the free gym will be available soon (note to self, check with Hubs...) so I can start building up on some of the bigger lifts

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Week ending 5/15


Weight gain:  .1lbs

Average weight: 206.8lbs

Average calories: 2105 accidentally made up for the previous week

Stretch sessions: 2

Workouts: 3 - 2 kickboxing, 1 weights


Was feeling a bit little "d" depressed all week. Not sure why other than maybe still decompressing while looking at a huge list of (mostly small) things I want to get done in the off-season. I tried working on one Saturday, building the shelves for my pantry, but the stain came out all wrong so I just stopped. Luckily it was very little wood that was affected, just the back supports. 


Sunday I pulled myself out a little bit by tidying up the house (an object in motion and all that) and ended up pulling the trigger and buying a barbell/weights set. Now I just need to actually use it :P Next thing on the list to buy is a bench

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