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Want to start Paleo, but I am skeptical... help!

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Hello all awesome people!

I read Steve's recent-most awesome story about Stefen's success on Paleo, and I felt pumped. I want to do it, I feel like I should give it a try, but I am a bit overwhelmed by it. I like the idea of making changes little by little, but I have been known to 'fall of the wagon', pretty regularly. So I feel like if I don't go ALL IN, and I don't see results, I won't stick to it. I will be like "meh, it's not working for me so let's go back to eating mindlessly". On the other hand, I don't know where to even begin.


My story

What I want - I want to lose weight, I am about 30-40 lbs overweight. I pack on quickly, and I would lose quickly too if I could stick to something long enough. All I have ever lost, is not more than 10 lbs. I did that by counting calories. But I realized that it was too much work, and I could not go on doing it everyday for the rest of my life. So I gave it up. Once I gave up, I have bounced around the same number, + around 5 lbs.

Why - to be fitter and healthier. I won't lie - to look and feel better, too. I am nearly 25 and I want to be in the best shape of my life for the best time of my life. I was never outdoorsy, but I would like to achieve some pretty awesome things - like running a 5k at a 8-9 min mile, doing real push ups, learning how to do a real pull-up and actually be able to do it, among other things.

I want to also have an overall increase in energy and enthusiasm in my life, and I KNOW that it is almost a direct consequence of fitness.

Hurdles -

I am an emotional eater. I eat out of habit, subconsciously. I am surfing the web and before I know it I have eaten a bowl-full of something. You know what I am talking about.

I am a grad student, which means I have almost NO schedule. I can not control how and when I come back from school/lab. So after a hard-day's work, I just want to curl up in front of the TV and have some comfort foods.


Okay, I think I have described my situation pretty well... I know a lot of you are very well experienced with Paleo and I could learn a lot from you, so I am looking for help - any help at all would be appreciated!

How do I go full-in? Do you think it is a good idea?

Is there any plan that I could follow on a trial basis - take the emotion out of the equation?

What have been your experiences?

Thank you!

Human Adventurer
First completed challenge| my paleo experience
Never underestimate the power of Momentum.
Believe in action. Not in the consequence of it.

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You could start with the Whole 30 plan, but it is pretty strict so you'll have to be all in on that one. If you're looking for a babysteps type of change, you might want to start by cutting out white sugar, white flour, white rice, etc. for a week or two, then move on to cutting out all flour, then other grains, then potatoes, then dairy, until you get to a point where you're either full Paleo or feel like you're happy with the way your body is looking and the level of restriction you are able to maintain.

You might also want to read the IF/LeanGains thread...it's great for people with crazy schedules, or for those (like me) who like to feel like they get to "pig out" once or twice a day on a really large meal, but are willing to fast the rest.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I'm a firm believer in going all-in for 30 days. Try following the Whole 30 Program with absolutely no deviations.

It seems overwhelming at first, and there's a lot of preparation involved. But 30 days is a short enough timeframe that you can keep "the end" in sight (which I think helps with adherence). After 30 days, re-assess. Do you feel better? Worse? The same? Are there things you really miss? At that point you can try working things like dairy and rice back into your diet if you want to see how your body reacts.

Edit: mom beat me to the Whole 30 link. She's right, it's very strict, but I think it's the best way to take Paleo for a test drive. At the very worst, you'll learn a lot about yourself and your relationship with food in the meanwhile.

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Thank you, to both of you, for your very kind replies. I was myself thinking of trying it for 30 days (like Steve says in his Paleo article) so now I am going to spend the next hour or so reading about the whole30 program.

Did you try it yourself for 30 days? Were you successful?

Human Adventurer
First completed challenge| my paleo experience
Never underestimate the power of Momentum.
Believe in action. Not in the consequence of it.

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the number one key, to resisting "curl up with something..." is to not have that 'something' to curl up with. If its not there, you can't eat it.

I get asked all the time how I keep my kids from eating junk foods, the answer is, I don't buy it. People look at me funny.

If you want something, like an ice cream, try come coconut milk over frozen berries, it's yummy. Try keeping veggies, a few fruits or nuts(in moderation) pre cooked meats, or jerky around to munch on.

1 Rep Max Deadlift-180lbs

1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk-90lbs

1 Rep Max Push Press-70lbs

1 Rep Max Back Squat-135lbs

1 Rep Strict Press-65lbs


2 weeks till Hawaii

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Thank you, to both of you, for your very kind replies. I was myself thinking of trying it for 30 days (like Steve says in his Paleo article) so now I am going to spend the next hour or so reading about the whole30 program.

Did you try it yourself for 30 days? Were you successful?

I found out I was gluten-intolerant about two years ago, and I was a runner, so no carbs was kind of a bad thing when you need to fuel runs. I started looking at the diets of elite athletes who can't have gluten, and after a running injury I started looking into weight lifting, found Nerd Fitness, read about Paleo, and it seemed like the next natural step after gluten-free. I've been Paleo as much as possible for 4 months now, and even though I slip up every now and then and eat something I shouldn't, I know I'll never go back to the Standard American Diet again. Once my migraines, stomach problems, skin issues and allergies cleared up, I knew Paleo was the right choice for me.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I think Primal Blueprint is also a nice easy way to ease into this. It's a little less restrictive than paleo.

The trouble is going to be emotional eating. Sounds like you eat out of boredom more than emotion (just a guess based on the description above) and that you eat comfort food based on ease and availability. If you switch out your pantry and fridge to include only go-to staples for primal/paleo, that's what you'll default to after a long day. I believe in having ready to heat up meals so I don't go buy something "easy". It really works for me at the end of the day and after a hard workout.

The other thing, said by others, don't buy it. Don't bring it into the house. It's a HUGE first step.

Primal Blueprint has a short (month long?) program. It's fairly easy and includes some exercise movement to help kick start you. I really loved it. It was a great way to ease into something I wasn't certain about.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Once my migraines, stomach problems, skin issues and allergies cleared up, I knew Paleo was the right choice for me.

How long did it take to see/feel a difference? I know 30 days is a start but do you notice the change after a week or so?


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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A tip to help for your crazy hours is that when you do have time precook a bunch of meat and prep you veggies(make salad, roast veggies, cut some raw veggies) Then it is ready for you when you are hungry and tired.

And someone else said it but its worth repeating. Get rid of all the junk-if its not there you won't be able to eat it

And develop some new healthy comfort foods: avocadoes, bacon, apples with almond butter, sweet potatoes after working out. Try differant Paleo foods and see which ones are your favorite and keep them on hand.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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How long did it take to see/feel a difference? I know 30 days is a start but do you notice the change after a week or so?

Yes, after a week I started to notice a difference, small ones, but definitely positive changes. After 2-3 weeks I was noticing serious changes (like lifelong acne clearing up and bloating gone).

I think the biggest thing was after a month, eating something with gluten and noticing a negative change within hours, like a headache or heartburn/reflux. That did it for me.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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the number one key, to resisting "curl up with something..." is to not have that 'something' to curl up with. If its not there, you can't eat it.

I get asked all the time how I keep my kids from eating junk foods, the answer is, I don't buy it. People look at me funny.

If you want something, like an ice cream, try come coconut milk over frozen berries, it's yummy. Try keeping veggies, a few fruits or nuts(in moderation) pre cooked meats, or jerky around to munch on.

And develop some new healthy comfort foods: avocadoes, bacon, apples with almond butter, sweet potatoes after working out. Try differant Paleo foods and see which ones are your favorite and keep them on hand.

All great suggestions. I will keep this in mind. Also, after a month or so I am moving out to live alone, so I will have better control over the pantry. Right now it's me and two roommates, so I can't really control what they buy. But I try not to eat it.

One question - I am not a meat eater - I eat poultry and fish, but not red meat (not that I can't, I am just not a big fan of it) so are there any other options to get the protein in, besides chicken/turkey/fish? I know dairy is not allowed (I will try to cut it out for the first 30 days, but eventually would like to add it back so that is a significant protein source) so I can't bank of that one for now...

Human Adventurer
First completed challenge| my paleo experience
Never underestimate the power of Momentum.
Believe in action. Not in the consequence of it.

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The trouble is going to be emotional eating. Sounds like you eat out of boredom more than emotion (just a guess based on the description above) and that you eat comfort food based on ease and availability.

You are right, it's more boredom than emotions. I will definitely look into options for stocking up paleo-style, but that will have to wait until I have complete control over the pantry...

Human Adventurer
First completed challenge| my paleo experience
Never underestimate the power of Momentum.
Believe in action. Not in the consequence of it.

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Yes, after a week I started to notice a difference, small ones, but definitely positive changes. After 2-3 weeks I was noticing serious changes (like lifelong acne clearing up and bloating gone).

I think the biggest thing was after a month, eating something with gluten and noticing a negative change within hours, like a headache or heartburn/reflux. That did it for me.

Sounds great. I would really like to try Paleo, or Primal probably, but I am really wondering how to pull that off. I can't eat seafood/fish and I don't like eggs. Do you think cutting out grains only would be a good first step? Food preparation is already taking a long time since I cook from scratch. I am getting up at 4:30 or 5am and I can't see myself cooking breakfast. I need something quick. Cereal or yogurt with fruit is all I can manage since I need to prep snacks and lunch anyways.

Jaswandi - I hope I am not hijacking your thread here. I just though that might be concerns you have too.


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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One question - I am not a meat eater - I eat poultry and fish, but not red meat (not that I can't, I am just not a big fan of it) so are there any other options to get the protein in, besides chicken/turkey/fish? I know dairy is not allowed (I will try to cut it out for the first 30 days, but eventually would like to add it back so that is a significant protein source) so I can't bank of that one for now...

Great question. I do eat red meat but not seafood or fish. I am very concerned about protein without dairy especially since I barely hit my protein target as it is. And I eat a LOT of dairy.


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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Sounds great. I would really like to try Paleo, or Primal probably, but I am really wondering how to pull that off. I can't eat seafood/fish and I don't like eggs. Do you think cutting out grains only would be a good first step? Food preparation is already taking a long time since I cook from scratch. I am getting up at 4:30 or 5am and I can't see myself cooking breakfast. I need something quick. Cereal or yogurt with fruit is all I can manage since I need to prep snacks and lunch anyways.

Jaswandi - I hope I am not hijacking your thread here. I just though that might be concerns you have too.

I'm not averse to fish/seafood/eggs, but as a practical matter, they don't make up a large part of my diet. My protein is mostly made up of chicken, turkey, beef, and pork (I do take fish oil though). I do all of my cooking at night and just pack stuff up for lunches the following day(s). Regarding breakfast, have you considered intermittent fasting? I can't believe how much I don't miss breakfast. I find I'm actually more sated throughout all hours of the day by consuming the same number of calories within an ~8 hour window.

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Regarding breakfast, have you considered intermittent fasting? I can't believe how much I don't miss breakfast. I find I'm actually more sated throughout all hours of the day by consuming the same number of calories within an ~8 hour window.

I haven't considered IF. I am starving when I get up. I don't need much but I need to eat as soon as I get up. And also throughout the day. I am a big snacker. Works well if planned right though. If not...uh oh


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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I'm a firm believer in going all-in for 30 days. Try following the Whole 30 Program with absolutely no deviations.

It seems overwhelming at first, and there's a lot of preparation involved. But 30 days is a short enough timeframe that you can keep "the end" in sight (which I think helps with adherence). After 30 days, re-assess. Do you feel better? Worse? The same? Are there things you really miss? At that point you can try working things like dairy and rice back into your diet if you want to see how your body reacts.

Edit: mom beat me to the Whole 30 link. She's right, it's very strict, but I think it's the best way to take Paleo for a test drive. At the very worst, you'll learn a lot about yourself and your relationship with food in the meanwhile.

This. 30 days. If it doesn't work, ditch it. If it does work, then... well, you've found what you wanted. :)

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Hey LessJos and JasWandi, I am new too, and probably haven't had as hard of a time switching to a more paleo diet than some. However, I know what it's like to have a CRAZY schedule, and I always, always, always prepare for the week.

First of all, I am way too lazy to cook a lot, every day. I like to have breakfast and lunch pretty much sorted for the week. I usually use a muffin tin and put a loaded egg in there...you have to use butter to grease the pan or else they don't come out nicely. But I pretty much just crack an egg into each muffin cup and put whatever the hell I feel like in there. Some ground turkey sausage, spinach, green/red peppers, onions, mushrooms...whatever I have, whatever I feel like. I bake them and bam. Breakfast (or easy snack) for every day.

I usually make a HUMONGOUS salad, too. It lasts my husband and I about 5 days, if we are eating a generous portion every day. Lettuce, red cabbage, radishes, carrots, green/red/yellow pepper, broccoli, scallions, whatever you want, throw it in there. The more colour the better. This week I've topped my salad with one hard boiled egg, chicken (that I boiled and shredded on Sunday), small bits of bacon (that I prepped on Sunday) and my own balsamic dressing (that was really easy, and I made on Sunday.)

Snacks have been simple, 2 oz organic mixed nuts and a serving of strawberries. I am not obsessive about specific kinds of nuts (yet). I also allow myself a little bit of milk, if I want it.

Preparation is key. If you are able to find one morning, afternoon, or evening per week to prep your foods, the rest of the week will be easy peasy! Or at least...easier peasier. This would be a good way to go "all in".

Jaswandi, I am also an "emotional eater". I've read hundreds of articles and even tried workbooks like "Why Weight? The Guide to Obsessive-Compulsive Eating" (which just made me cry and feel terrible about myself, even though that wasn't the point!) Food can be an emotional addiction, just like anything. I really and truly get that. It's something I will probably always struggle with (and always have.) However, I have found that eating Paleo/primal (instead of counting calories...groaannnnnn) is better for me because suddenly, foods just turn into, "Oh, nope, I can't eat that because it's not Paleo." So I'll eat something green and leafy instead. Emotional eating and relying on food to be your crutch is absolutely an uphill battle, but you can overcome it.

"You should make amends with you, if only for better health

But if you really want to live, why not try and make yourself?"

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Okay I have some more questions, and I would also like to keep tracking my progress here.

However, from my understanding, this is an 'introduce yourself' thread. So I don't want to clutter it.

So where do I go? Do I start a new thread somewhere else? How do I track my progress?

Human Adventurer
First completed challenge| my paleo experience
Never underestimate the power of Momentum.
Believe in action. Not in the consequence of it.

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