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Bouncer's Badass Operation Challenge 1

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Being intentional with every day... 

I'm using a new app "Llama Life." Time management app that tweaks into, "you think its going to take this long? Cool, I'll show when you start and the time it finishes." 

For some reason something clicked on why things always feel  "TIGHT". It's because my to do list is too long and now time tells me "no!". 

Using it in my daily life, I finally see the time budget (something that finally clicked for my actually money budget). 


So rest of this challenge is to move toward the goals. 

Try to get to bed before 8 pm (or 9 pm). 

Make sure I put time for buying and making food.

Daily I will ask myself and not here: Was I intentional with my current level of skills? 


Remind myself to give myself, rest but currently I have a lot of back order items. 



Anti-Inflammatory Diet, I don't see the nutritionist  until October but I started reading information. When I finally found information that said "there is a lot of different directions, but the best is what works for you?" One of the tips is doing an elimination test. Remove foods, and reintroduce them in 30 days. I know from my reaction to Pork or certain restaurants I know what symptoms to look for. 

I have attempted many elimination diets, but consistency and validation were 2 things I was missing.


Right now removing caffeine, and going to come up with a list to start off with. 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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18 hours ago, Loveable_Bouncer said:

Time management app that tweaks into, "you think its going to take this long? Cool, I'll show when you start and the time it finishes." 

For some reason something clicked on why things always feel  "TIGHT". It's because my to do list is too long and now time tells me "no!". 

This sounds super helpful. I'm always overly ambitious with my to-do lists, often because I think in terms of how many items are on the list and not how long individual items take. Interested to see how this app works for you, may have to check it out for myself in the future.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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5 hours ago, Rookie said:

Oof the caffeine. But probably a good place to start and ease into it. 

Yeah.... I will miss it. 

The funny part is everything I will remove in my diet I had found in the last 9 years of NF. But for some reason I kept saying "well its not that bad to give it up...." I finally understand the struggle with addiction I think now. 

I finally realized that I might have up to a bad 30 days... but as I'm having a flare up today I'm thankful I know I can get through work without caffeine and didn't have any that unintentionally made my symptoms worst. 


I have been suggested to get off of it, but my Chiropractor gave me approval of getting through the tough withdrawal to enjoy the benefits (am thankful I did start Chiro due to him instantly relieving some of my tension headaches that were being hit harder). 


4 hours ago, Artemis Prime said:

This sounds super helpful. I'm always overly ambitious with my to-do lists, often because I think in terms of how many items are on the list and not how long individual items take. Interested to see how this app works for you, may have to check it out for myself in the future.

I love it when I'm feeling it lol. Now to use it when I'm not feeling it has helped. Sometimes I run off without needing it or forget it. But on weekends when I have a long to do list, it gives me a needed reality check on what I can complete. 


I have used 3 evenings in a row and gave me that "reality check". Was able to get more done due to stopping the overwhelm. I also use it to help me see "hey, we don't have enough time for our full morning routine and have to stay focused." I wasn't focused this morning for the first time and immediately saw what I missed while running late... (last 2 mornings I had time to meditate before walking into work). 



My to do list for the weekend:

  • Laundry Catch up (might just be clothes, but want to try to get my bedding done too due to BEEN TOO LONG)
  • Meal plan/batch cook
  • Complete Side job cleaning for building and office, and 4 hour shift Saturday
  • See a coworker that has been out of work due to an injury for a little bit on Sunday
  • Evening Sunday Meetings
  • Complete paperwork for Badass Operation
  • Complete paperwork for Acupuncture appointment in the next week

Oofda, a lot. I will need the Llama and made Focusmate  lol. I also had some deep cleaning... but that may not happen over the weekend  by just that above list. 

I'm also having endo symptoms today at work... which has me go "ugh." Also notice between the new meds, and understanding its not as bad as it has been. Just need to learn to bring tea packets to work to make warm water more desirable to sip on. 




Anti-inflammatory talk: I found a book on Libby (library app) that is "Peace of Cake" by Jenny Carr. I was surprised by a book with a good looking cake for Anti-inflammatory "tips and basics." 

Most of my resources has been contradicting itself, and this is the first time I've read a book that started with her story and an explanation of "you are here because you are in rock bottom with your body screaming at you. Let me help!"


Her first tip is "try to drink a gallon of water every day for a week and notice how you feel... side effect you will also notice the scale go down. And also, you could probably start this goal right NOW ;)"

Soooo.... I think I found a resource that clicks. And if I have no time to read rest of the book (she writes really well... so I probably will lol). I can feel like I'm getting started. 

I found a water tracker that has a "cat made of water" graphic that has me go CUTE.  Will update what I may start next, but I've started this today. 

For fun I weighed myself at 260 lbs this morning (yay for maintaining weight with no tracking!) And lets see what happens?

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Llama Life sounds awesome. I can see that being super handy as a freelancer. I looked up that one and water cat and they look so good! 

I have to wash my bedding too. Thank you for the reminder. Also, a, considering cutting back on caffeine. Sigh. I’m going to live vicariously through you for this one and save it for a future plate of changes. 



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18 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

Llama Life sounds awesome. I can see that being super handy as a freelancer. I looked up that one and water cat and they look so good! 

Downside, of LlamaLife is 100% its pay only have 3 days. But has been worth it so far compared to other apps. 


18 hours ago, Snarkyfishguts said:

I have to wash my bedding too. Thank you for the reminder. Also, a, considering cutting back on caffeine. Sigh. I’m going to live vicariously through you for this one and save it for a future plate of changes. 

It might not happen this weekend as I realized I'm seeing my acupuncturist tomorrow and my energy was snatched... Have to focus on one thing at a time. 

Hehe, understand on the caffeine front. If it wasn't for how much pain it causes I would miss it so much more. 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Things have slowed down a bit...


I had so many plans last weekend and then my period started... ugh. I was having avoidance due to the fatigue and pain. Not crazy bad, but would hit me hard. 


Tried 2 anti-inflammatory recipes from yhe book Peace of Cake - muffins and pancakes. When I was overeating I had to remind myself I usually overeat comfort foods, but could tell my symptoms were staying chiller due to adding fire to the pain. 



My acupuncture appointment ended up being Sunday. And is super effective for me. But finding healing is a rough process and need to put the work in to honestly dealing with some of the emotion healing I'm working on. 



I didn't have enough brain cells or time to meal prep between fatigue and a busy weekend. So I am following this video for the week. 

I haven't been to Trader Joes in a WHILE. But with this guide. I was done in an hour, even with a busy store. Had low stress check out l, and was under $60. And if I like it, I realize 5 recipes is usually way more variety than I normally do (and 90% of these recipes fit my goals). Downside, I didn't have some of the "pantry items" but realize I can adjust with what I have. 


1 other downside when you are hungry and dont have the motivation to cook I ended up eating my "pre-cleaned" romaine lettuce with a chicken breast and miracle whip... might honestly buy that speciof romaine for snacking... 


Also breakfast and lunch? Whelp our troubleshooting of breakfast helped and lunch is leftovers or pull together meals from pantry (realize those muscles are stronger to think something up).


Right now with food, my budget CANNOT have me eating out (except Sunday for my brother's birthday - my mom might pay for it honestly). Budget says no, and most food prep places use ingredients I'm avoiding. 

So catching up on cooking and not buying extra rest of the week is necessary. 



What else... oh 1 gallon of water was good until Monday. Ironically I was having a bad tension headache from caffiene withdrawl... so I should have drank more. Especially when my chiro explained 3 weeks of misery is not just the body learning to cope without it but my liver is letting go decades of build up.... 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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23 minutes ago, Artemis Prime said:

Ugh, caffeine detox is rough. Hoping it eases for you soon!

Thank you! It is easier than it has been in the past.. but damn having a tension headache and light sensitivity had me at:

Season 2 Burn GIF by Portlandia

I keep telling myself if I get through the next month, I will never have to detox from caffeine again!

Downside I had a coke zero at my parents last week on Wednesday, so the timer reset (it was 100% habit... that had me go oh, crap after I was almost done with it). 

My plan is to not eat at my parents when I borrow laundry, car stuff, and printer use. 

Chiro gave me a heads up that it also involves 3 weeks of detoxing. Which explains I'm not 100% dealing with pain, but when my liver releases 2 decades worth of stuff it is going to hit me hard. 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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So... I met with the Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. And I could have expected what I came out of this...


So... I started this challenge "Badass Operation" and I didn't realize healing is a form of it.



Summer I discovered my entire pelvis/hip and now just core. Has been on defense mode for most of my life. Ready to protect, as I also am realizing my quick stress/anxiety is 100% a response of my many layers of trauma. That is 100% scary and frightening. 

I'm still sitting with all the new knowlege. 


Basically I was given an explanation why I have a tough time with exercise... and honestly why I am hitting a wall. 

Between flair ups and fight/flight response... I have to retrain my body to enjoy moving in a healthy way I haven't done before. 

Aka getting answers and help at the same time... I finally have a team that will help with my endo but also just the layers and layers of tough stuff I'm still holding onto and learning how to be happier. 



Honestly makes the "operation badass" from action to now a drama/good feeling ending. 


I was also informed by the PT that the nutritionist will help me in all areas of my eating world. Look at me as a individual who needs help to feel better. So adjusting my goals until Oct. 9th... than I will have a new teacher to guide me. 


I need to write down my new goals. Come up with a better tracker.... and a gaming reward system I think. 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Goals as prescribed this week:

Wk 3

Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins



Deep breathing (video recommended)

W H F S 


Move my Body



Eat from Home 



Clean Something  



80% accomplishment on each one gives me 1 hour of guilt free game time... or guilt free binge screen time. 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Wk 3

Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins

 ✔️ F S


Deep breathing (video recommended)

 H F S 


Move my Body

 H F S


Eat from Home 

✔️ H F S


Clean Something  

✔️ H F S


Drinking a gallon of Water 

✔️ H F S


Wear Invisalign for 22 hrs 

? H F S


Shiny Sink 

 H F S


80% accomplishment on each one gives me 1 hour of guilt free game time... or guilt free binge screen time. 

100% for the end of the challenge has me receiving 2 hours per those. 


I don't think I updated my "revision" of my Invisalign (they added 18 weeks... when this was going to be my last week in the old plan :tears_of_joy: )

I have a tracker app to help me keep on track, and uses a level of "mindfulness" for me to keep them in. I'm wanting to rule out bad habits incase I need another revision... 


For cleaning as I have just over 2 weeks to make my home company "acceptable". I realize it would be better if I could "clean things"  outside of the endless dishes with my cooking. While also knowing I can stay on top of the dishes pretty easily, but have to add the habit of "clean as I go, and right after I eat". 


Yesterday didn't go well. Could have done everything, but could tell the PT appointment was a tough one.. and was still feeling the emotions after work. Did make a homemade meal (the pesto spaghetti and meatballs.. first time I made  successful meatball by and turned out pretty good that I had it for breakfast and lunch). I did do Tapping this morning before getting ready, due to knowing I'm work with someone I don't care for today and could tell my anxiety was higher than usual for work. 

My goals for this challenge. Get the goals right when I get home. I'm realizing if I transition to "doing" right away and listening to a podcast or music I can keep going. "For moving my body." I want to restart the Ring Fit. My PT pointed out I've probably been avoiding exercise due to it triggering emotions/muscles that are on strong defense mode. Along with that making my highly sensitive self hating exercise. Walking at work kind of makes it into "Work through this over the alternative of being stuck at a desk all day." But now see why pushups are like "I want to do it until I start working on them...". 

So to work on the movement and get some form of body work outside of walking, I'm bringing in Ring Fit to see if it gives me joy!

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Wk 3

Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins

 ✔️ F S


Deep breathing (video recommended)

 ️F S 


Move my Body

 ️F S


Eat from Home 

✔️ ️ F S


Clean Something  

✔️ ️ F S


Drinking a gallon of Water 

✔️ ️ F S


Wear Invisalign for 22 hrs 

? ️ F S


Shiny Sink 

 ️F S


Bed by 9 pm

️ F S


80% accomplishment on each one gives me 1 hour of guilt free game time... or guilt free binge screen time. 

100% for the end of the challenge has me receiving 2 hours per those. 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Wk 3

Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins

 ✔️ S


Deep breathing (video recommended)



Move my Body



Eat from Home 

✔️   S


Clean Something  

✔️   S


Drinking a gallon of Water 

✔️  S


Wear Invisalign for 22 hrs 0%



Shiny Sink 



Bed by 9 pm

 ️  S


80% accomplishment on each one gives me 1 hour of guilt free game time... or guilt free binge screen time. 

100% for the end of the challenge has me receiving 2 hours per those. 


This above list is helping make perspective... I'm seeing what isn't working. Especially when I have a stressor (I avoid so much self-care for some reason.... no, I know the reason especially with deep breathing now). 

Yesterday, my step-dad thought my "oil-pressure issues" were a sign of I need to get a new car soon as possible. By the evening though after work (and giving him a free meal for helping me). We figured out the oil was just low, and there might be a slow leak somewhere. I'm lucky to have a step-dad to help me maintain a car since I have an easy car to maintain long term (but... I was never really taught how to). 

The scare is enough to tell me I need to pick up hours and pad up my savings as right now I have none due to appointment costs (yay...). But I don't need to burn myself out since cooking from home, saves money/part of my goals but biggest thing takes time and energy. 


So anyway... that's why I didn't keep my invisalign in, no breathing exercises and went to bed late ;)

Lol, my body is craving water though. 



Water challenge update: I drank a gallon of water daily for 6/7 of the 7 days. Did the scale drop? Nope actually went up to 260. What I find alarming is that 16 gallons feels "just right." I don't need to pee every hour of the day, and my water cup I only need to finish up to 3. 100% water has helped keep my tension headache at bay. 

My acupuncturist brought up that I might be retaining more water due to noticing I'm not overhydrated in anyway.  

I'm 1.5 weeks off caffeine, so at least 1.5 to see how my body adjusts after the worst part of withdrawal.



One thing I haven't been 100% on eating "anti-inflammatory." Partly due to cleaning out my pantry, and also getting my hands on some free fruit roll ups and at my parents house. But any time I wanted to go buy something for "fun". Or skip packing lunch, I reminded myself on my goals and honestly realized I felt better. 

The youtube video meal plan worked, but every meal took time... I loved 2 of the meals I was able to fully make so will try again. But when I'm already HUNGRY when I get home at night , I need something ready to go to cook a meal lol. I remember an instantpot soup that I liked last winter. and make some shredded chicken breast in the instant pot. It would be easy food to keep on hand even if I hit a wall, and easy to freeze in case I do want to continue making food. 


For breakfast I have a easy protein pancake breakfast to use up protein powder. And have Brussel sprouts to enjoy with eggs also for a little more kick start in my morning. 


Meal plan: 

Buy everything for the soup (all veggies... and some more broth). 

Sourdough bread

Chicken breasts (a few lbs)

2 dozen eggs

A bag of Brussel sprouts 



Dried mangoes and goat cheese for a treat... 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Wk 3

Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins

 ✔️  - 50% (2/4)


Deep breathing (video recommended)

   - 50% (2/4)


Move my Body

   - 50% (2/4)


Eat from Home 

✔️    - 75% (3/4)


Clean Something  

✔️    - 100% (4/4)


Drinking a gallon of Water 

✔️   - 100% (4/4)


Wear Invisalign for 22 hrs 

? - 0% (0/3)


Shiny Sink 

    - 50 % (2/4)


Bed by 9 pm

 ️   - 25% (1/4)


Couple of things could use some help, no?

While 2 things are rocking on the path. 


I've been reading the RPG PVP, where one of the goals is to be off screen time for 90 mins before bed. I allowed myself meditation videos, and I was in bed for the first time well before 9 pm. So might adjust the goal to that.. 


Upfront with food adjustments I think taking out caffeine and other bought treats as significantly helped me move out of pain. Still using up brown sugar at home with cookies. May have made oatmeal cocoa drop cookies yesterday morning when I didn't have much around. 

Also can't discount the 1 gallon of water to flush things out. 

I bought everything on the meal plan shopping list yesterday but was able to buy 2 things from the frozen aisle... instead of pantry items. Realize saving a box of butternut squash mac and cheese balls for Friday this week can help perk me up as I navigate cooking all week. 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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If 90 minutes is working for you, I'm all for it, but just want to point out the PvP goal was a cumulative 90 minutes for the week. Just to let you know it's ok if you need to build up to it some.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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I overwhelmed myself... 

Slimming it down on a few goals now. 


FYI I leveled up my host skills. First time having people stay with me. They were going to stay with someone else for their last half, but asked if they could stay.... Because pool lol (plus the whole moving around while having a ton of plans is meh). 

"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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