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NF Has Been a Big Help, Newbie Introduction

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About a year ago I started going to Crossfit three times a week with my husband. I was about 5'3" and weighed 246 pounds. I lost about 40 pounds within the first four months of working out, but then I stalled and didn't lose anything, and kind of gained a few pounds back over the next several months. In January, my husband and I started counting calroies, and while he lost weight, I really did not lose anything.

Then a friend of mine sent me a link to Nerd Fitness. I read tons of blog posts on this site, and it finally gave me the push I needed to start eating Paleo/Primal. That push has helped me overcome a very intense sugar addiction - the first two weeks were very rough - and I have never felt better. For the first time since before I got married I am under 200 pounds. I hope to keep going with this, and NF has been a constant source of inspiration.

Currently, I am going to Crossfit three times a week, yoga twice a week, walking a minimum of twice a week but hoping to up that number, and jogging around three times a week. I still suck at jogging - I cannot make it around my block yet without having to stop and walk, but each week I get a little bit farther without having to stop. My main training goal right now is to be in good enough shape for the Spartan Sprint race in Indiana in 2013.

The down side is that other than one friend who lives 2 hours away, most of the people I am friends with in this area are pretty mired in an unhealthy lifestyle. While I honestly feel to each their own - after all I have only been doing this a short while myself - I do get tired of being offered cigarettes (I quit smoking 10 years ago, but people still want me to smoke with them even though I always refuse), cookies, candy, cakes, etc. They say that they are "proud of me" but then want to feed me something that I know will not make me feel particularly happy or healthy. Since going Paleo I have had zero desire to drink alcohol, which has been a weird source of tension for my friends who drink. They act somewhat betrayed by this, even though I never drank all that regularly with them.

My hope is that I can find some like minded people on Nerd Fitness to help keep me encouraged and to help me feel less lonely in my work to become healthier and happier.

Valkyrie Ranger

First Challenge!


"Happiness is the bait in the monkey trap of life." ~Will Hunter

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Welcome! I have the same issues with my friends and family. They see your changes and it stirs up resentment in themselves. Happens all the time. I rarely discuss my fitness habits with them anymore. Thankfully NF exists with a bunch of awesome like minded people :D

Take a look around the boards, ask questions, post comments, rant a little if ya need to. We're here for ya.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Mad props for the success you've had so far! Friends who haven't embraced a lifestyle change often don't understand why we're making the choices we're making. I have that problem with my friends all the time. They mean well, but they don't understand that there are certain things I'm ust not going to do for a while since I'm working on this. NF has been a really good source of support for me, and I'm sure will be for you too!


Halfling Female Ranger

STR - 4 ~ DEX - 3 ~ STA - 5 ~ CON - 2 ~ WIS - 3 ~ CHA - 2

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Welcome! and grats on the weight loss!

Keep with it, and you will get to where you want to be, especially with the willpower you have already shown.

I know exactly what you mean by the 'friends' and wanting to feed you , or give you something that is not healthy. I believe most of them do not do it out of spite or meanness, though some might, but it turns out to be a subconscious desire to make themselves feel better about themselves if they can get you to eat/drink/smoke what they do.

I say just politely stick to your guns about it.

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Welcome! You know, I haven't seen a woman's introduction yet that *doesn't* say she's 5'3" or less. I'm 5'1"! Are short women more inclined to nerdiness, perhaps? *lol*

I'm doing the Beginner Body Weight workout, alternating with walking, 3 times a week each. http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/

I'm 5'4"! PLEASE call me tall, I never get called tall! :D

Actually, we have several taller ladies over in the women's guild. I think gemeaux, oogiem, wickedpixie, Irish pirate and cline are all tall ladies...lucky ducks!

Oh, I forgot catspaw! I know she's tall! ;)

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Hey seraphim, Great progress already, keep going! I find people here a lot more understanding too.. Especially around the drinking.

Welcome! You know, I haven't seen a woman's introduction yet that *doesn't* say she's 5'3" or less. I'm 5'1"! Are short women more inclined to nerdiness, perhaps? *lol*

Meep! I'm tall, but still nerdy, i swear! ;) i'm a little over 5'8. My sister is 6' and brother is 6'3. I might change my race to giant :)

Level 2 Adventurer ║ STR: 1 ║ DEX: 1 ║ STA: 2.25 ║ CON: 3.75 ║ WIS: 8 ║ CHA: 6.25

Current quest - round 2, again!

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Hiya and welcome! From what I can tell a great deal of us have an issue with surrounding friends and or family members who really don't understand/accept/help with a healthier lifestyle change. I have actually been interested in Crossfit, but I am fairly terrified it might kill me.

For my friends and family who drink, I generally go out with them and DON'T drink (minus special occasions: End of finals, New Years, Anniversary, and at least two of those tend to be responsible amounts...)

Congrats on all you have accomplished so far!

Athena: I'm 178 cm-- or like... 5'10.

Half-Elf Adventurer with an aim to be a monk-assassin.

Ambition is not what a man would do, but what a man does, for ambition without action is fantasy.

-Bryant H. McGill

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

—Will Rogers

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Welcome to the Rebellion!

5 foot 1 inch here too! maybe one day i'll try cross fit but for right now, getting over the mountain of starting a habit seems a little daunting. One day! You just gave me a bit of inspiration! thank you!

DoodleDwarven Adventurer Level 2= STR-3 | DEX-2 | STA-2 | CON-3 | WIS-2 (+1) | CHA-2 (+1)

When Life pushes Me.. I Push Back Harder

Current Challenge: Doodle's finds her spirit again. (Level 2) | First challenge: Level 1: finding the canvas

Leader of The Mighty Adventuring CompanionsMyFitnessPal | fitocracy

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Meep! I'm tall, but still nerdy, i swear! ;) i'm a little over 5'8. My sister is 6' and brother is 6'3. I might change my race to giant :)

I'm 5'11" - for sure giant should be my race. Whoa!

Hi Seraphim! I'm a newbie too and have just started Paleo. I really like it so far, but am a HUGE stalker of sweets! Eeek! Glad to hear you were able to kick the sugar addiction - hoping that comes this way too ;) Good luck to you and you have already made amazing strides! Get it Girl!!!

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Hiya and welcome! From what I can tell a great deal of us have an issue with surrounding friends and or family members who really don't understand/accept/help with a healthier lifestyle change. I have actually been interested in Crossfit, but I am fairly terrified it might kill me.

I had that concern, too. I mainly started going to get my husband to go - he says he doesn't have time, but when *I* make time to do something he's been meaning to do, he magically has the time. Anyway, I started off with Crossfit at 246 pounds, and as a total marshmallow. When I first started I could only deadlift 45 before feeling light headed and dizzy and now I am deadlifting 235 pounds. Most of the good Crossfit boxes will scale the exercises to fit you. I started off doing pushups on my knees, hands on a bench and everything was scaled that way. I think that a lot of the Crossfit videos show the people who are in shape and not the people that are not yet ripped. It is kind of crazy workout, but you really feel like you've accomplished something during the day.

Yeah, I am a Crossfit fanatic. You know how you can tell if someone Crossfits? It is all they talk about! :)

Thanks for the warm welcome, glad I am not the only shorty here!

Valkyrie Ranger

First Challenge!


"Happiness is the bait in the monkey trap of life." ~Will Hunter

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