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Hi! I've been lurking around the boards and blog posts for awhile now and finally decided I should probably just join and meet some like minded people and maybe get answers to questions I'm having. (Or questions I will eventually have.)

I'm 27 years old, 5'0" and about 145 lbs. A few years ago I started Weight Watchers and lost about 3 pounds. I just fell out of love with it and wasn't doing very well at staying motivated. I wasn't exercising at the time and didn't know what I wanted to do other than not look frumpy. I tried going to a personal trainer, but that became way too frustrating. I liked the trainer, but not the exercises we were doing. Last August I was convinced by a friend that I should join Curves with her and I was so proud of myself! I not only had a friend there, but we motivated each other and I was going consistently 3 days a week. That was more than I had done for quite a few years! Since August I've only lost about 4.5 pounds and I've decided that's just not enough for me. I added weight watchers to it again, and not much change was made. I've been getting so frustrated because nothing about that seems right to me when I have friends dropping inches left and right!! I was supposed to be bikini ready by now!

Tons of chatting with a few close friends and a bunch of research later I found this site. I love it, everyone seems so nice, there are a ton of uplifting posts to read, and I've got a few saved in my bookmarks to read over and over. A friend and I just bought a weight bench together because I've been saying how bad I want to lift. So far I've only tried used them once as I'm trying to figure out what sort of program I should follow, and what amount of weight to use, and I've been making sure I understand the postures so I don't hurt myself. (Tips on a program anyone?) I love crafting and do all kinds, I love to read, and I'm excited to get to a point where I feel good about myself again!!

I think this is the longest intro ever. So sorry. Got excited.

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Hi, welcome!

First, the important stuff: we have a Rebels in Ravelry group if you're a knitter. :D

Ok, now for the other stuff, lol. Most here would recommend Starting Strength, the Rebel Strength Guide, or New Rules of Lifting for Women to get you started on a good program. If you're interesting in lifting heavy, I would recommend learning the following: bench press, overhead press, squat, deadlift. You said you bought a weight bench, and it may or may not be adapted for doing squats, so if it's not just go for either bodyweight or goblet squats for now.

You can google youtube videos for form, anything with Mark Ripptoe is usually good. Once you get started you can video yourself and post them on the boards...we have really great members here willing to offer form suggestions and tips.

Well, I guess that's it for now...get out there, ask lots of questions, and get to lifting!

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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How do you join a group?! I knit and crochet! Awesome!!

Thanks for all the info, I will look it all up! I didn't even think about the videos of me to get help. The back of the weight bench raises if that's what you mean for squats? We found this at a garage sale, it's a little smaller than I expected. lol. Not to mention the weird bar I totally want to replace as soon as I can. So excited!

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Hey hey Welcome to the Rebellion! A group is based on what your goals are, if you're into lifting, go with the Warriors, if you're trying to become the best at ALL things, then You go for Rangers! Just check them out and compare them to your ultimate fitness goals, and don't hesitate to ask questions when needed. See you around!

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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How do you join a group?! I knit and crochet! Awesome!!

Thanks for all the info, I will look it all up! I didn't even think about the videos of me to get help. The back of the weight bench raises if that's what you mean for squats? We found this at a garage sale, it's a little smaller than I expected. lol. Not to mention the weird bar I totally want to replace as soon as I can. So excited!

Umm, not sure what you mean by the back of the bench raises. Like the part where you lay down, or the rack where you put the bar?

Weird bar? Looks like a zigzag? That's a curling bar. Get a straight bar when you can, but hang on to that one...I use mine for other stuff.

If you have a ravelry account, search rebels in ravelry in the groups tab. There is also a thread about it here in the off topic/pub forum.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I'm more confident at crochet still and I've tried a lot of knitty things. My problem is that if I mess up in my knitting...I can't fix it! Like in crochet you can just pull it out and YAY!

Random...How often are challenges posted and WHERE are they posted? I see the archives. I was looking to see if anything was coming up.

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Challenges run every six weeks with a one week break in between. The current challenge (in which I opted not to participate in order to create my own challenge in my own time frame) should be ending in a week or two, there will be a week break to regroup and assess, then there will be another challenge. The rules, etc. will be posted ahead of time.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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More like the bar is in two pieces, and yes the the rack raises!

And Haikoo, I knit and crochet!! I crocheted first though. ;p

If the rack raises high enough and turns around, you may be able to use it for barbell squats. I've never heard of a bar that comes apart before though...warriors? Anyone ever heard of this?

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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If the rack raises high enough and turns around, you may be able to use it for barbell squats. I've never heard of a bar that comes apart before though...warriors? Anyone ever heard of this?

Hmm? Someone call for a Warrior? Bar that comes apart? Yeah, never heard or seen one of those before. Sounds sketchy.

If you have any questions about lifting we're here to help. morethanjustamom has listed several great resources so far.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Hmm? Someone call for a Warrior? Bar that comes apart? Yeah, never heard or seen one of those before. Sounds sketchy.

Yes, that is what I was thinking. That sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

That was my thought too. After all my reading about weight lifting, and photos of hundreds of pounds and a bending bar I saw this thing and wondered...how in the? I'm hoping to find a replacement this weekend. Maybe I should take a photo. "Here's what NOT to look for" It came from a garage sale though.

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I just tried hunting it down to see if I could find something like it and I did. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Gold-s-Gym-5-ft.-Weight-Lifting-Bar/11089968?adid=bzv_fb_revshr_001

It IS very short, but I'm a shorty. And it talks about pins, that's whats holding it together. From the photo it looks like I'm missing whatever goes over that. In any case it's still going away from something more sturdy! At least the bench and weights are helpful. lol!

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When you replace the bar, there are two different types. Larger hole for olympic plates, and smaller 1" hole for whatever those plates are called. Make sure you get the bar for whatever plates you have now, unless money is no object...then go for the olympic bar and plates.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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