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On quitting and being "hardcore"


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This was going to be a WOOT but then it turned into a question, so I thought that I should post this here.

I was at the spa with my mum the other day and she decided to go in the gym there whilst I went swimming. I decided to go lane swimming and managed to swim a kilometer in 45 minutes (woot, obviously). My mum came out and eventually found me and was impressed at how far I'd swum. After that she commented on how much better I was looking for having shed weight and then later commented that she was surprised that I'd kept it up. By "it" she meant the whole weight loss thing.

She said that she'd expected me to get bored of it and slack off, she said that she'd expected me to drop it after my surgery and not get back into it, she said that she'd DEFINITELY thought that I'd give it up after the wedding. Needless to say she was wrong on all those fronts. She said that she was pleased for me that this had become a lifestyle thing and that she hadn't expected me to be so (and this is a direct quote) "hardcore".

I confirmed that this was a lifestyle change thing and my mother nodded and sagely said something which is going to be my new personal motto. "Abs aren't just for Christmas, they're for life."

On the same weekend I went rock climbing with my dad and managed to climb an overhang (something I've only ever done once before) and my dad said that he was proud of me and impressed with how strong I'd gotten. My dad isn't normally an effusive praise person so this was massively high praise. When I told him as well that I'd broken all of my lifts as per my challenge he informed me that he was always proud of me getting stronger and fitter. A far cry from the man who once told me that as per military knowledge (from thirty years ago) that women would hulk if they lifted weights.

So, who else has been told by people that they weren't expected to keep it up and have? What did you say? How did you feel? Have the people around you started to change their opinions because of you? And most importantly, who else is adding abs to their list of things they want for Christmas this year?

They/them please

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My brother commented a few weeks back that I was looking good, and that he was impressed with how I'd stuck to working out. He didn't tell me directly that he wasn't sure I'd stick with it, but I knew what he meant. I wasn't offended, because, frankly, I was impressed with me for sticking with it. And he had lived with me for awhile when we were both in college, so he knew me at the worst of my junk food eating, sedentary, video gaming unhealthiness (he wasn't any better :). I also wasn't offended because he's been getting healthy, too, and made a comment about not knowing how I found time for exercise, since I have two kids, and he has trouble fitting it in even in his childless state.

Other people who have commented have just made comments on my appearance, or on noticing that I'm exercising and being impressed that I am. If anyone who didn't know me as well would say something about not expecting me to keep it up, I would probably be offended. But from someone that close to me, who knows exactly how hard it can be, I take it as praise!

Hobbit Ranger seeking balance (and cookies)


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Nobody has come out and said anything about how I'm sticking to it, but I've noticed I change in their attittude. Husband is starting to try and cut out junk food. My friends are starting to ask more questions about what I'm doing, and they're paying attention. Love the Its not abs for Christmas, its abs for life I want. I think thats what people are noticing. Not that I lost weight, I only needed to lose about 15 lbs so it wasn't super impressive. What was impressive is that I've kept it off, and if I may say so, I'm looking pretty dang good too.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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So, who else has been told by people that they weren't expected to keep it up and have?


What did you say?


How did you feel?


Have the people around you started to change their opinions because of you?

don't know... don't care... this is about me... and it's personal...

And most importantly, who else is adding abs to their list of things they want for Christmas this year?

why... me... :)

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Well I had the total opposite: my brother started losing weight because he was obese and unhealthy; now he is thinner and in a better shape than ever. I didn't expect it because he did lots of different diets and suddenly... Boom! He was in good shape before I knew it!

I had nearly given up all hope on him but this surprise really inspired me and I told him so...

- You only live once... so kick ass while you can

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My boss' wife is the least tactful person on the planet. A couple months ago she said "Oh You are not so fat. That's good. You keep getting not fat and maybe you can find a man". I laughed and said thank you.

Yesterday she said "You are almost skinny. If you get skinny maybe your boobies wont see big and you can keep a man". again I laughed and said thank you.

*** please place your autograph on the line _____ ; so I can sell it on EBAY when you are famous ***

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pixiepower, is your bosses wife Korean? That, or she is channelling one! They have a very different attitude to weight over here - it is TOTALLY ok to comment like that on someone's appearance. I have a large friend, and all the teachers and students comment on her weight all the time. It's pretty difficult to get used to!

Warrior Princess
Eating Psychology Coach

Adventure's Guild Challenge winner: Challenge #24

â•‘ Live the Whole  â•‘ Bucket List â•‘Level up my Lifeâ•‘ 

"Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion."

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pixiepower, is your bosses wife Korean? That, or she is channelling one! They have a very different attitude to weight over here - it is TOTALLY ok to comment like that on someone's appearance. I have a large friend, and all the teachers and students comment on her weight all the time. It's pretty difficult to get used to!

I agree! My father in law is seeing a Phillippino lady, and she says the same things! They're not meant to be offensive at all!

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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It's always a little weird to me when I see that what's "okay" and "not okay" to say varies so much between cultures! It's a good reminder to try to see the intent behind the words, too!

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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That is awesome! Congrats!!!

I am down about 32 lbs in just over 5 months and a few jeans sizes. It happened gradually but then really hit in the past few weeks. I hear a lot of "you look great" etc which is nice, don't get me wrong. I have made fitness part of my daily life and love it. This weekend was the big milestone as I went on vacation to the beach. I'm not at my target but was happy with my results so far and proudly rocked shorts in public for the first time in like 10 years, lol. And cute dresses and bikinis. And a lot of people (thanks facebook) commented in positive fashion.

My follow up question would be in addition to something you mentioned.... I get people that quiz me on how I did it so far, beginners work out plans, nutrition info etc, but then do nothing. Does that ever get annoying to anyone? I love to be in a place where people think my opinion and knowledge on the subject is valid, but I feel like just printing off a tip sheet and handing it to them instead of explaining everything again. Sometimes I feel selfish for thinking like that, as I'm sure I did that to people in the past, but I dunno, I kinda don't want to waste the time. Thoughts?

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My mom said "Oh, you're still going to the gym?" and "Oh, you're still running?". My g/f is really supportive and gives me compliments on my accomplishments.

Most of my friends never really say anything about it. They were all for it when I first started. It just seems like the more I've kept up with doing it and never giving up, the less they really care. And that's ok! It's not for anyone other than me.

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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That is awesome! Congrats!!!

I am down about 32 lbs in just over 5 months and a few jeans sizes. It happened gradually but then really hit in the past few weeks. I hear a lot of "you look great" etc which is nice, don't get me wrong. I have made fitness part of my daily life and love it. This weekend was the big milestone as I went on vacation to the beach. I'm not at my target but was happy with my results so far and proudly rocked shorts in public for the first time in like 10 years, lol. And cute dresses and bikinis. And a lot of people (thanks facebook) commented in positive fashion.

My follow up question would be in addition to something you mentioned.... I get people that quiz me on how I did it so far, beginners work out plans, nutrition info etc, but then do nothing. Does that ever get annoying to anyone? I love to be in a place where people think my opinion and knowledge on the subject is valid, but I feel like just printing off a tip sheet and handing it to them instead of explaining everything again. Sometimes I feel selfish for thinking like that, as I'm sure I did that to people in the past, but I dunno, I kinda don't want to waste the time. Thoughts?

A lot of people just want to hear something like, "Oh, I took this special pill, didn't exercise or change my diet and everything worked out". They don't want to know that it takes effort and consistency. They just aren't ready to make the effort, but eventually you will encounter someone who is, and you probably won't be expecting it! So keep spreading that knowledge :D

Sounds like you're doing awesome though, good on you!

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