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I crave exercise


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Apparently so do others. Explains why I was so in the dumps about injury. I crave it!!! Spousal unit does it bc he thinks it's good but doesn't love it like me. He doesn't get it.


I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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I'm still not to the point where I *enjoy* exercising, but I am deeply in like with how I feel when I do it. Working out often makes me angry - at myself, at the weights, at my workout buddy for pushing me more - but NOT working out makes me even grumpier.

the power of [geekhood] compels me:

"Oh, I'm gonna hit you so hard, your children will be born bruised!" -- Tank Girl

"Do you know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later." -- Zoe Washburn

"No, people are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to anymore of them." -- Michel Gerard

"A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. Have fun!" -- Willow Rosenberg

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What's weird is that when I'm injured or I miss a day due to catching up on sleep, I'm all grumpy and lethargic all day, and the thought of working out sounds good, but I can't seem to work up enough motivation to actually get out there and get it done.

Then, on the days I get up and get my workout done before 6:30am, I spend the rest of the day wanting to do ALL the things!

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Guest Snake McClain

i feel the same. i go more than 2 or 3 days max without some type of exercise and i become incredibly irritable and just edgy. stressed. it is amazing. Henry Rollins had it right when he said "the iron" (applies to all exercise in my opinion) is the greatest anti-depressant in the world.

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What's weird is that when I'm injured or I miss a day due to catching up on sleep, I'm all grumpy and lethargic all day, and the thought of working out sounds good, but I can't seem to work up enough motivation to actually get out there and get it done.

Then, on the days I get up and get my workout done before 6:30am, I spend the rest of the day wanting to do ALL the things!

All of this, exactly me. 100%

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I feel your pain -- I've got an event coming up Saturday, so my last good workout was Monday. I took a few days off and am just itching to get back to hitting it hard.

I am starting to think that the mental desire to really get back to it will contribute as much to my event Saturday as the recovery/rest will!

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You guys are awesome!

I don't think I'm addicted to the endorphins - actually besides being really pleased with myself (some days), I actually often feel all relaxed after working out (even hard cardio).

I just really enjoy it - like a good book or a great movie. I miss it when I don't do it.

So glad to know you nerds are junkies too!

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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I also feel this way, although only about lifting weights. If I am feeling cruddy, lifting will make me feel better. In fact, if I am feeling cruddy, it's probably because it's been too long since I lifted any heavy things! Hooray for endorphin addiction! (Also addiction to feeling like a badass.)

Wish I could get that way about cardio. Sigh.

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Totally agree! On days I don't work out I'm a miserable wreck, then days I do workout I feel like I can conquer the world. It takes more willpower for me to take a rest day than it does to get to the gym.

Funny note on the blood pressure. Mine's gone up in the past few months. Never knew exercise causes a raise in blood pressure. Time to go research it!

Anything is possible for him who believes. (Mark 9:23)
"The wise man sees in the misfortune of others what he should avoid." -Marcus Aurelius
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I figured it was only a matter of time before someone posted that clip, haha.

I LOVE exercising. If I didn't work and go to grad school, I would probably spend an unhealthy amount of time at the gym. I used to do yoga every day and either circuit training or cardio most days of the week. It was always a great way to destress and let go of all the things that might be bothering me at any given time. I haven't worked out hard since Monday this week, and I really really hope the gym happens today because it has been too long!

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I crave it too. I work out twice a day, Monday through Friday, and sometimes on the weekends. It's fun for me, and probably looks obsessive to others. I was brought up very active, and I'm thankful it's been so ingrained in my roots.

I think this is a big part of it. My daughter (14) plays soccer and runs cross country. She tends to get very antsy during the off season (these are both fall/winter sports here), and was very, very happy to be back in training this summer for the high school team.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I think this is a big part of it. My daughter (14) plays soccer and runs cross country. She tends to get very antsy during the off season (these are both fall/winter sports here), and was very, very happy to be back in training this summer for the high school team.

Side thought here - I'm surprised it's not more of a year-round thing. I know up here in Wisconsin, there are summer leagues, fall leagues, indoor leagues. Basically, if you want to play soccer and excel you're pushed toward year-long training and competition.

It's like that for most sports up here.

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Side thought here - I'm surprised it's not more of a year-round thing. I know up here in Wisconsin, there are summer leagues, fall leagues, indoor leagues. Basically, if you want to play soccer and excel you're pushed toward year-long training and competition.

It's like that for most sports up here.

Well, there are fall and winter seasons, plus there is a competitive/travel league option which is year round, but something about those leagues gives me pause. Those kids play whatever sport (baseball, softball, soccer) 5-7 days a week, whether practicing or actually competing, year-round, to the exclusion of other sports and activities. They travel all over a tri-state area every weekend, which is financially hard on the families, and also time-consuming for busy parents who look forward to the weekends to relax and spend time with the family. I don't think it's healthy for a child to have their whole lives revolve around that one sport in such a way, and my daughter enjoys other outdoor pursuits (hunting, fishing, etc.) too much to join the travel league and focus exclusively on soccer year-round.

Heat doesn't stop us from doing much around here...we're used to it, and hydration is key during the brutal LA summers. Hurricanes do occasionally put a damper on things though. :P

**An exception to this rule would be Olympic-level athletes, but I still think they need and deserve balance in their lives. Kids need time to be kids.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Maybe it's too hot or something? It's 100 degrees right now in TN. She's in LA, which is wayyy hotter.

I abhor running in the summer. I stay inside!

Ugh yeah today was 85 when I started my run and over 90 when I finished. It was the first time I've ran in the heat for some time.. and all I have to say is HATEEEEEE.

Here's to getting up before the sun comes up again to get a cool run in!

Anything is possible for him who believes. (Mark 9:23)
"The wise man sees in the misfortune of others what he should avoid." -Marcus Aurelius
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STR-10 DEX-6 STA-9 CON-4 WIS-16.5 CHA-5

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Well, there are fall and winter seasons, plus there is a competitive/travel league option which is year round, but something about those leagues gives me pause. Those kids play whatever sport (baseball, softball, soccer) 5-7 days a week, whether practicing or actually competing, year-round, to the exclusion of other sports and activities. They travel all over a tri-state area every weekend, which is financially hard on the families, and also time-consuming for busy parents who look forward to the weekends to relax and spend time with the family. I don't think it's healthy for a child to have their whole lives revolve around that one sport in such a way, and my daughter enjoys other outdoor pursuits (hunting, fishing, etc.) too much to join the travel league and focus exclusively on soccer year-round.

I agree - like I said, side thought. I'm hoping my boys both are interested in sports, but have other passions that they want to follow during "off seasons" that don't make the sport dominate their life.

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but I still think they need and deserve balance in their lives. Kids need time to be kids.

Agreed! I gained so much from just being a kid (who still did team sports but not travel team stuff). I actually didn't really know there were seasons for being a kid and playing - I rode my bike all year round, sledded all winter, made up sledding ideas until we got yelled at about grass in the summer, I played baseball/softball all year round (not always on a team). I went camping/hiking all year round. I didn't really know you weren't supposed to be outside in the summer. I thought that's exactly where you belonged - no matter how hot.

I actually still try to spend time every day outside no matter how hot. I ate lunch in the park today and yes, it was 91 and humid. But I was way happier than at my office box.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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