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what the heck is going on??

Guest Snake McClain

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Guest Snake McClain

okay so i am having trouble in all my lifts. all of them. i haven't just plateaued but i've actually lost strength. i did crossfit for three weeks (got a deal on groupon) and now that that is over i'm trying to work on endurance on my own but also still strength. on different days of course. but now..i'm just looking at what my numbers should be. what they used to be...i just feel like i suck.

I'm considering going back to the 5x5 method just to get readjusted. figure out what the heck i'm doing wrong. but it seems like i'm at this point of doing less weight and fewer reps. except on deadlifts. that's just less weight. I seriously feel all f'd up and don't know why. and it isn't over training. i haven't worked out any more than i used to. it's bizzare. honestly it could be mental because i'm maybe not as focused on linear progressive goals but if not that any ideas?

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Form? Maybe you were doing other stuff and the form suffered a bit? (just guessing b/c I would say sleep, diet, stress.... 16 got to it above).

Could it also be a mental thing like "I have to do this" and in doing that you kind of mess up versus letting it happen? (does that make sense?) Kind of like over thinking?

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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I would ask about eating too. And form? You've been doing this long enough to know whether or not your form is good. So that's probably out of the question.

I would have to say I had (almost, but not really) the same problem on my power cleans the other day. Granted, it was just a one-day thing, but for some reason I couldn't even get 95lb's up to the clean... which is about 70% of my PR. I don't know what it was, but I accounted it for a mental issue because I deloaded.. had problems getting that up, and then once I said f-it and started giving my all to get the little weight up I snapped back into it, got the 95lbs up and proceeded to beat my PR.

So I deloaded and just worked from there. But that was all in one session so its nowhere near to what you're experiencing and I'm definitely not saying that its mental for you, but I'm saying it could very well be.

Other than that I'd ask about your stress levels, ect. Going from crossfit to strong lifts again may take adjusting so it could just take time.

Anything is possible for him who believes. (Mark 9:23)
"The wise man sees in the misfortune of others what he should avoid." -Marcus Aurelius
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Did you lose progress since prior to Crossfit or have you lost progress since you were in Crossfit?

Crossfit on the whole isn't exactly known for progression; quite the contrary, the primary criticism is that you can flounder on a pointless and directionless program and achieve nothing. It is entirely possible that you lost strength doing Crossfit.

I'd also look into eating as a culprit. Are you eating enough? Have you maintained your weight?

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Guest Snake McClain
What program are you doing?

Are you eating enough?

How's sleep?


program: 4 sets of everything until failure at max weight. i like to get 6 reps of at least my first set.

eating: probably the issue. or at least possibly.

sleep: solid. i sleep quite well. :D

Form? Maybe you were doing other stuff and the form suffered a bit? (just guessing b/c I would say sleep, diet, stress.... 16 got to it above).

Could it also be a mental thing like "I have to do this" and in doing that you kind of mess up versus letting it happen? (does that make sense?) Kind of like over thinking?

I'm not sure it's mental. I mean I know I can do better and I like doing better and I try. it's like i just don't have it. :(

Did you lose progress since prior to Crossfit or have you lost progress since you were in Crossfit?

Crossfit on the whole isn't exactly known for progression; quite the contrary, the primary criticism is that you can flounder on a pointless and directionless program and achieve nothing. It is entirely possible that you lost strength doing Crossfit.

I'd also look into eating as a culprit. Are you eating enough? Have you maintained your weight?

I've maintained weight yes. within a couple pounds. since doing the crossfit some of my fat in the midsection has gone away (because of calorie burning of course) but my strength has all absolutely dropped from the routines they have me/us on. but that is over now. I feel like I need to just hit a reset button and totally start over on everything in regards to my routine. log every thing always. sets/reps/weight and all that. just to have an over analytical view and hopefully that will get me on track.

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How long have you been having problems? Any chance you're fighting off a cold or something that hasn't fully hit yet? If you fix your diet, hydrate, and get unlimited sleep, and are still having the problem, then I'd worry. For now, not so much.

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"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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My strenght has disapeared lately too, though I think I know my culprits.

I had a minor injury, so took a week off.

Prior to that I was going light because I felt like something was on the verge of going wrongelbow.

My routine has been a little directionless also.

And lastly, trying to drop fat, so I haven't been eating enough.

I think that last one is the big one in my case. For now as long as the weight drops, I'm OK with a little strength defecit.

If you think you're not eating quite enough, up them calories, with the right kinds of food of course. Focus on a simple program 5x5, 3x5, or something, and see how you're travelling in 2 weeks.

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program: 4 sets of everything until failure at max weight. i like to get 6 reps of at least my first set.

Yep, that could definitely be a problem. Try SL or SS, see how that goes. If you don't progress on that, move onto something like Madcow Intermediate or Texas Method. If you don't progress on that, 5/3/1.

Make sure you get your recovery in check as well.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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I had a few weeks of a similar experience back in early 2012, and it was due to relationship stress and not eating right. I went from repping the entire weight stack on the leg press to barely being able to crank out 4-5 reps at half weight. My mind and spirit just weren't in it.

For me, it was getting that stress under control and making changes to my diet that really helped me get back on track. I would say look both at your routine, as "161803398874989" and others have pointed out, but also at any underlying personal stuff that may be going on (that you might not want to share).


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Guest Snake McClain

honestly i'm certain it's routine and food combo.

I really don't want to go back to just the 5x5. but I'll work on something. I like doing some lifts and things that are not on that program.

Good news though! recently i was FINALLY (after 5 months) able to go back and squat! I had a shoulder injury that kept me from being able to hold the bar with out serious pain. I can hold it now...though my squat numbers are now the $#!%$.

I did just look back on the past two weeks and realize i have not gotten NEARLY enough protein. I'm guessing it's that.

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Three weeks sans heavy 5X lifting will reverse some of the neurological adaptations. Easiest on, easiest off as they say.

With 3 sessions in a week, you should be able to work your way back up to your old numbers. Muscle memory is an awesome thing.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Guest Snake McClain
Three weeks sans heavy 5X lifting will reverse some of the neurological adaptations. Easiest on, easiest off as they say.

With 3 sessions in a week, you should be able to work your way back up to your old numbers. Muscle memory is an awesome thing.

advice taken.

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honestly i'm certain it's routine and food combo.

I really don't want to go back to just the 5x5. but I'll work on something. I like doing some lifts and things that are not on that program.

Do 3x5 on something like this.


Squat 3x5

Bench 3x5

Row 3x5


Chinups 3x5-10 (Add weight so you stay in this range)

Overhead Press 3x5

Deadlift 1x5


I haven't field-tested the program, but it's about as balanced as they get. Do

as part of your warmup. If anything at all hurts in those movements, go see a physiotherapist (one who works with atlethes and knows what a good squat looks like).

Also, get your recovery in check. EAT and SLEEP. Start with a deload of ~10%, then be moderately aggressive with the weight.

Here's something to make it fun: bust out a max set of dips at the end of A and a max set of chins at the end of B. You can mess around with that. Wanna see how many times you can curl a 20lb dumbell? Go ahead! The core workouts provide the stimulus for adaptation, the maxing out isn't essential.

What lifts are your favourite?

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Guest Snake McClain
Do 3x5 on something like this.


Squat 3x5

Bench 3x5

Row 3x5


Chinups 3x5-10 (Add weight so you stay in this range)

Overhead Press 3x5

Deadlift 1x5


I haven't field-tested the program, but it's about as balanced as they get. Do

as part of your warmup. If anything at all hurts in those movements, go see a physiotherapist (one who works with atlethes and knows what a good squat looks like).

Also, get your recovery in check. EAT and SLEEP. Start with a deload of ~10%, then be moderately aggressive with the weight.

Here's something to make it fun: bust out a max set of dips at the end of A and a max set of chins at the end of B. You can mess around with that. Wanna see how many times you can curl a 20lb dumbell? Go ahead! The core workouts provide the stimulus for adaptation, the maxing out isn't essential.

What lifts are your favourite?

pullups and deadlifts are my favorite things ever. I also love barbell shoulder shrugs. :D

This is really similar to the sl 5x5 i started with. i didn't really want to go back to it but i guess i'm learning simple is better.

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pullups and deadlifts are my favorite things ever. I also love barbell shoulder shrugs. :D

This is really similar to the sl 5x5 i started with. i didn't really want to go back to it but i guess i'm learning simple is better.

Yeah, only you're doing pullups. You can throw in shrugs at the end. That way you'll be doing something fun while doing something useful.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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SL, SS, all that stuff, works, until it stops working.

Which shouldn't be for a year or two. Sure, progress will slow down, but until you are going more than a couple weeks without seeing improvements, there really is no reason to switch programs. Well, unless you get bored.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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SL, SS, all that stuff, works, until it stops working.

Which shouldn't be for a year or two. Sure, progress will slow down, but until you are going more than a couple weeks without seeing improvements, there really is no reason to switch programs. Well, unless you get bored.

If you are not seeing gains from week to week at least, it's time to switch to weekly periodisation.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Guest Snake McClain
SL, SS, all that stuff, works, until it stops working.

Which shouldn't be for a year or two. Sure, progress will slow down, but until you are going more than a couple weeks without seeing improvements, there really is no reason to switch programs. Well, unless you get bored.

there's the problem. i get bored. big time.

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Phi, I meant more like, on a consistent basis... no one will perfectly follow the program forever, so some slowing of progress due to missing a workout/not feeling great that week can be expected.

So a single week of not seeing improvents != OMG MUST SWITCH

But week after week only seeing increments once every two weeks = time for a break or summat.

Just to clarify for all the other hooligans out there :)

Snake, if you get ADD and wanna run Xfit every few months, by all mean. Just keep one heavy lifting session per week in the mix and you should see your gains hold level.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Guest Snake McClain

Word. I think getting my cross fit fix will consist of me adding a crossfit wod in once or twice a week. Just because ibreally enjoyed the endurance building it gave me. Quite enjoyable.

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