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Found this site yesterday and very inspired!

I'm a West Coast transplant to South Central Kentucky (humidity! agh!) trying to transform into a habitual exerciser. Major foodie, with preference for the paleo model (though I'm not rigid about it). Not quite the crazy dog lady, but love my two girls and fascinated by the history of dog/human relationships.

Overall I just want to be generally healthy. Seeing the health problems older relatives have that are caused/exacerbated by weight is frightening, and it's much harder to get/stay in shape the older we get. But the thing that really kicked me into gear is my wedding next year. I want to feel good and have pictures that don't make me cringe (the way some of the ones from a recent engagement photo session did).

My stats:

38 years old

170 lbs.

Chest: 42

Waist: 36

Hips: 44

Will know my body fat percentage after my yearly physical in about two weeks.

I started out on My Fitness Pal, and fortunately discovered the forum groups Eat More, Weigh Less and New Rules of Lifting for Women right away. Still using that site to track calories/nutrients, though I've customized everything.

I really have very little history with dieting--tried Atkins about a decade ago for a few months, then fell completely off the wagon. Right now I'm shooting for 1700-2000 quality calories a day depending on activity, avoiding starches and grains and most sugar. My biggest struggle is getting enough protein--I should be getting 170g, but have set myself a temporary goal of 100+ (up from 60-ish). Soon I'll break down and buy protein powder, but I have to wait until my next paycheck. :friendly_wink:

For fitness, I've been trying to up my daily walking, with a 20-minute minimum (usually end up averaging about 180 minutes/week). I've discovered I actually enjoy running these days (not sure when the hell that happened!), though I'm very slow and can't run for more than a minute or two at a time yet. I'd like to be able to complete a 5k at some point, but have no aspirations for long-distance running. I just began strength training and am loving it.

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Welcome to the rebellion! Let me just say regarding the running that you might find that after that first 5k your appetite for longer and longer distances may surprise you - especially if you already enjoy it! And that's a good thing. :)

Always kick higher

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I love your avatar! Hopefully that pic doesn't make you cringe, because it's great!

I also struggle getting much more than 100 grams of protein. But the longer I work at it, the easier it gets. Slow steps are progress, too!

If you haven't been in the warriors guild, several ladies are doing or have done nrolfw, so you will be right at home! And there are tons of runners and rangers you might line up with, too, with your running goals. Good luck!

Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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Hey there! Welcome to NerdMadness ...uh... Fitness ;-)

I also can recommend C25k! Great program. Got me from the couch to running and all kinds of workouts.

A bunch of us are on MyFitnessPal too. If you want to add me, I am josey12 over there. If you search the adventurer section (I think) there is a thread with a lot of other NFers that are on MFP.

Protein is a tough one for me too. I am eating lots of dairy to get my protein because I don't know what else I can do without using protein powder. I can't quite bring myself to buy powder to eat. Ugh. I love natural and unprocessed food!

I love your avatar picture too. Great composition!


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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Hey! I'm new as well, and your story sounds quite similar to mine! I'm also a West Coast transplant to Kentucky (about to start at UK this Fall!). I may try the C25K plan as well, as it sounds like we have similar issues with running preference vs. actual capability. I know this thread is super old, but I was trying to find *anyone* else in Kentucky, and so am glad to have found this! Hopefully you're doing well and seeing results for your efforts thus far!

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