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Hi Everyone,

Well, it's been about a week since I joined NF and started primal/paleo. I have moved from "diabetic and distraught" to optimistic, which was what I had hoped. I am thinking I will post to the boards about once a week, just to check in. Also, I'm thinking about doing a blog, but I have know idea how to do this. Can anyone tell me where to start? I'm pretty good tech wise, just new to all this.

My main goal is to get off of medications I am taking. Weight loss is important, but secondary to my overall health and blood glucose readings. I am trying to stay off the scale but once a month, but it's hard. I am used to weighing myself once a week (my mother insists a person should weigh themselves everyday!) I hopped on a few days ago and it appears my weight is way down, maybe 6-8 pounds. Really? I thought the scale was broken. 6-8 pounds is like 100 for me. Weight just doesn't drop off without a hammer and chisel.

I know, I know, it's probably 'water weight.' I've been through the diet cycle a million times. I know real results show up better in inches and how your clothes fit.

Anyway, I am doing the 80/20 rule, where I allow myself about 2 meals and 2 snacks a week of whatever I want. I ate paleo about 90% all wek, so last night, I told my husband he could bring home 'crap' food. He is supporting me in this diet, but he still kind of wants me to eat junk with him. Does anyone else deal with this? Anyway, he brought home pizza, chicken wings, and salad (the kind with pepperoni, blue cheese, and mozerella all over it.) I tried eating the salad, but it was too gooey and gross. I ate one square of pizza and four wings. On the fourth wing, I started to feel sick.

I threw it away and made organic popcorn. (Not paleo, but better than more pizza)

This morning I woke up with a high blood glucose reading (they've been lower all week) and a sore muscle in my back (sort of in the right flank.) Funny, I did no overly strenuous exercise yesterday whatsoever, nothing different other than the dinner.

Is junk food really that toxic?

Change #1: I am taking a practical approach to the 80/20 rule. Meaning....I will only eat 'crap' when it is totally impractical to eat paleo (fairs, festivals, certain restaurants, parties). No more planned junk food nights.

Thoughts? Have a good day.

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I allow myself a couple of taco nights on weekends. My stomach does not thank me the next day.

I would not be surprised if the weight started coming off faster than expected. I wouldn't recommend weighing yourself more than once a week, but Paleo and weight loss tend to go hand in hand. Mix in some lifting, and change can be very dramatic. It sounds like you're on a solid path already and are really thinking about what you eat, so woot for you already.

I lived with a girl for quite some time who was not too into Paleo, but it was very easy to control because I cooked all the meals. When she was left to her own devices, she would order egg sandwiches and Thai noodles and lots of Indian food, but most of the time, since I was cooking all the dinners and breakfasts, she had to eat Paleo or fend for herself. I've found if your SO is being served seared tuna with horseradish aioli, roasted curried cauliflower, and a caprese salad, they generally have little complaints even it is Paleo. If, when you leave it up to your husband, he chooses pizza and wings and "salads," take control of the meals and start cooking lots of meats and vegetables.

Dealing with venues out of your control like parties is still very manageable if you plan ahead. Load yourself up to the brim with veg and nuts and fruits so that when you arrive, you can still enjoy the occasional treat but won't feel the need to eat junk as a meal.

Finally, Nerd Fitness does have a blog section, but if you want something more public, Wordpress can get you started with very minimal effort.

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My wife does not eat paleo/primal at all...and she told me the same thing about 'water weight' at the beginning. 40lbs+ down now...and 2 1/2 years later...she at least admits it is not water weight :)

to be honest....yes junk food can really be that toxic, especially if you are eating clean for awhile. Of course, it could just be you moved/picked up something wrong, or something else entirely.

Your change #1 is what I follow, and to be honest, it serves me very well.

Talk with your spouse, and let them know that you fully support how they eat...just let them know, they need to support how you eat as well, with no judgment either way.

good luck to you!

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Plenty of us are in single player mode here when paleo/primal is involved...no worries! :)

And welcome! Many people have had great success with it :)

I like that term, "single player mode"!

My husband is not following the paleo plan with me either, ItalianGirl. He eats the meat and (sometimes) the vegetables that I cook, but he still loves to eat pasta and bread. He is diabetic as well, and I have been trying to convince him to go paleo and see how much better his blood glucose levels would be. He does a good job regulating it with diet alone, as he's not on any meds for it, but I know he would see less of the constant up and down with his levels if he would just cut out all of the rice/bread/pasta.

Good luck! :positive:

Work it HARDER, Make it BETTER



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I'm happy to see how well things are going :) especially your optimism! That's probably the number one thing that helps with making such a big change. Sounds like you're on the right path, full steam ahead!

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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