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Hello, all. I am DBKoopa, a 36 year old female from Portland, OR. I found this place when searching the web for paleo recipes, then spent about the next 6 hours of my workday reading articles (oops). I decided I had to join after reading the article about the underpants gnomes, and found that it hit a little too close to home.

I have been overweight to a greater or lesser degree since puberty, but I always thought of myself as some epic valkyrie, and kept thinking that soon, I would be that person. I love being active, my favorite pass times are swimming in the river and roller skating. I've never met a fence or tree that I didn't want to climb. When I decided to pick my own epic journey (which I just completed, yay!) I chose to take a 5000 mile round trip road trip to Cedar Point in Ohio and ride roller coasters for three days straight. So my problem has never been that I can't find fun ways to exercise. My problem is exercise consistency and (of course) diet. I had all the information and read all the studies and could argue carbs vs. fats, cardio vs. intervals, but why would anyone listen to me? I'm fat!!!

About six months ago I decided to get serious about fitness, and bought a BodyBugg. One of those armbands that track your calorie expenditure. It went great! In no time at all (about four months) I'd lost thirty pounds and was half-way to my goal weight... and I've been stuck there for about two months. I know that cracking down on my carbs is the solution. I think I could use the encouragement of some like-minded folks.

My next big goal is to be able to compete in a Warrior Dash by next summer. I can't think of anything more fun than that!

I'm a classically trained cook (although I no longer do that for a living), and I've been having a blast playing around with paleo recipes. I plan to blog about my kitchen adventures as they happen, and maybe help out my fellow rebels.

TLDR - I'm an overweight 36/f/Oregon. I've recently lost thirty pounds, then stalled. Want to get more serious about paleo and fitness. Want to do Warrior Dash. Darned good cook and will share insights on blog. Would love to chat with rebels in the Pacific NW. Thanks for being here!

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Oi! Another PNW nrrd here. Also doing Paleo, also a former career cook, running the Dirty Dash on August 4th and then Tough Mudder Sept 29!

I hated exercise pretty much all my life until I accidentally found something that clicked last year. When that genie was let loose, it was let loose with a vengeance. I just hit the 50lb mark a few weeks ago and I'm feeling better than I ever have in my life.

I was starting to lose a bit of motivation until I found this site while, just like you, I was researching paleo. It's pretty much populated by super amazing and supportive people. Kind of weird, now that I think about it... it's a nearly snark-free zone. Populated by nerds. Huh.

Anyways, welcome! I'm by no means an authority on anything fitness or paleo related, but I'm happy to answer any questions I can or help you research stuff I don't know :)

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Welcome! Good luck on your Warrior Dash training (let us know how it goes next year!) and I'm interested in this food/kitchen adventure blog you mentioned...make sure you post a link when you start it!

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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It's mostly going to involve my experiments with Paleo recipes, but also good information for laypeople (laypersons?) about the how and why of cooking technique. I think I need to make posting on the blog regularly one of my big goals. :o)

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Not only did I live in Portland for several years, I worked at Cedar Point one summer in college. You want to kill your love of amusement parks FOREVER? Go work in one. (shudder)

You don't mention if you're incorporating any weight-lifting into your exercise regimen. Building some lean muscle would definitely speed up the fat-burning.

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I live in Portland! We should be friends *sends friend request* I'm just now trying to pull myself back up onto the fitness and paleo wagon after a fair hiatus, so I may not be much help, but I can point you to lots of people who know things if you need it :D

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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