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Calories are confusing me

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I am very confused about how many calories I should be eating. I'm planning on (and have started) weight training (only bodyweight for a couple of months, then barbell) three times a week and running three times a week. I want to lose about two pounds a week of fat if possible (though as long as it's at least a pound I'm okay), while simultaneously gaining muscle.

The problem is, I keep hearing things that say 1000 calories less than how many you burn per day would be about 2 lbs a week, and 500 would be about 1. I calculated my BMR, and it came out to about 1660. My LoseIt app says I only burn about 250 calories per workout. 1660+250-1000=910? 910 calories seems far, far too little.

I know I'm missing something important here (like maybe how much I burn walking around/moving during the day), but I have no idea how much to add. I know I shouldn't rely on calories too much (I'm also doing paleo if it matters), but I want to be in the right ballpark to not be starving myself but not be overeating either.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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910 seems far, far too little to me too, especially if you're going to be doing weight training.

Couple of questions:

Is 1660 your base BMR, or is that after it's been adjusted for your activity level? If you haven't multiplied whatever number the BMR calculator spits out by at least 1.2 (for a mostly sedentary lifestyle) you're already starting too low.

Do you know approximately how many calories you eat now? If not, I'd start by figuring that out. If you're maintaining your weight with that, see what the increased activity does before you cut calories. You'll also want to make sure you're getting enough protein to minimize muscle loss. (It is possible to lose fat while gaining muscle, but it's really hard. You need a caloric deficit for the former and a caloric surplus for the later, so making sure your body needs to make energy from burning fat while also giving it enough energy from food to build muscle is tricky. Maintaining muscle mass (and gaining strength) while losing fat is easier, but if you're losing weight you're probably losing a bit of both.) If you're not getting the results you want after that, then start cutting calories.

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Ooh, I think it was just my base. That's probably my problem. I found a chart and I multiplied 1660 by low active, which came out to 2282. 2282+250-1000=1532, which sounds a lot better. Thanks!

I've been losing weight for a while (but it was with little to no exercise and a maybe 60% paleo diet, I also wasn't keeping track very well and there were lots of weird fluctuations), so I don't know how much it takes to maintain. I kept track yesterday just eating when I was hungry (and being more like 95% paleo), and I ate 1437 calories with a split of 48% fat, 30% carbs, and 22% protein (I also didn't exercise yesterday), with 81 grams of protein and 114 of carbs. If I'm trying to build muscle and lose fat (I only really want to be stronger), I'm guessing I should up the protein and lower the carbs?

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Regarding losing 2lbs per week... first, you can't lose soley fat. You'll lose some combination of fat and muscle. However, weight training is helpful in keeping that to a minimum. So, good start there. Otherwise, you may be overreaching at 2lbs/week unless you're pretty overweight. How much do you have to lose? Or are you just trying to do a recomp? Most people on the leaner side can't expect to see that kind of movement.

Regarding food, eat more protein--closer to your bodyweight in grams (so let's pretend 160) and split your carbs and fat to whatever suits you. I tend to eat lower carb on rest days and higher carb on workout days. But for now, focus on more protein.

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

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2 lbs/week probably is overreaching, since I normally consider 1 lb or so a very good week. I'm a 5'6" female currently at 179 lbs, and my ultimate goal is around 145 - so about 34 lbs to lose. 2 lbs/week is kind of the best case scenario, but I'd be fine with just regular losses.

I tried to get a lot of protein in yesterday, and it's hard! Good thing I love dark meat chicken and eggs.

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