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New guy weighs as much as two guys

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My name is Michael, I'm here to lose a heap of weight. I've tried before with various levels of success but life always seems to get sh**ty eventually and I end up worse then I started. My best and most recent attempt was 3 years ago where I lost 25kg (55lb) from starting at 145kg (319lb) in 4 months, I was stopped when my sister became very ill. I'm currently weighing in somewhere between 165-175kg (360-380lb for the 'mericans), my scales don't go high enough to be sure and I broke the last set. Looking to get down to 100kg (220lb) just because I like nice round numbers divisible by 10, but the me at 100kg could be potentially so different from double-size me so who really knows?

As for the game plan: I am not yet sold on the whole paleo thing, but I think there is some good advice in there which I will be following. Mainly, more vegetables less carbohydrates. I don't need to be told to eat more meat and fats because I love me some meat and fats. In terms of exercise I much prefer lifting heavy things rather than cardio because cardio is boring and I sweat like an ice-cube in the sun. I'll be starting off on the bodyweight routines posted in the blog before I can find myself I nice chunk of metal to lift or a local gym that isn't too far away to be a discouragement to regular visits. I'm hoping to ensure that the vast majority of my weight loss is from fat, because I'm convinced I must have impressive musculature as a result of carrying around a whole 'nother guys worth of flab around for so long. I'll also be walking around the outside with my girlfriend is also looking to lose some weight (albeit a much much smaller figure) because I haven't convinced her to lift heavy things yet.

I'll be back on the other side of tomorrow. I need to get back to work for some late night science.


Half-Ogre Warrior

183cm (6'0")

Approximately 175kg (385lb)

Sydney, Australia

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Thanks for the welcome everyone. Day one was a cakewalk, only without a cake to be seen. I'm still organising some life things to help me really get into this.

Just checking in so you know I didn't run away at the first sight of a carrot. I'm thinking about goals to set which I might have ready soon.

Half-Ogre Warrior

183cm (6'0")

Approximately 175kg (385lb)

Sydney, Australia

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