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Your 5 favorite TV shows...

Loren Wade

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"OK, get ready for the crappiest TV on this list. I don't have cable."

Whatever! Crappy old TV is the best. :) 90210 Beverly Hills may not have cracked my list, but man do I ever LOVE putting it on Netflix and snickering and how dramatic it is. And the outfits...amazing!

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I don't watch TV unless I'm watching with others at their house, but I have some shows that I like catching on DVD or Hulu. We actually don't even own a TV. That being said, here's the list in no particular order...

-Good Eats



-Tied: Stargate SG-1 & Stargate: Atlantis


Yes, they're all completed shows. I have some current ones I enjoy watching, but I wouldn't say I like them enough to be favorites. I can take them or leave them.

I do have a bit of a desire to see more Dr. Who, but there's soooo much I would have to catch up on....:nightmare:

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I just got caught up on The Newsroom and I already love that show. We'll see what Sorkin does with it and if it goes the way of The West Wing or Studio 60. I have to imagine that, since it is on HBO and judging by how good it is, it will succeed.

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These are the shows I have enjoyed recently/Loveforever.

Archer, Ren and Stempy, MST3k, Outlaw Star, and Burn Notice.

Not in any order, though Burn Notice is a new show I have found and enjoyed. Gotta love bruce cambell :o

Lv. 1 Canine Warrior

STR: 3 - DEX:2 - STA: 2 - CON: 2 - WIS: 3 - CHA: 3

"Every dog has his day. Guess I better make every day that day!"

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I can't believe I forgot SOA!!!

forgot SAMCRO....wow. You might have to ride with Clay now!!! Hopefully they won't kick ya to the Mayans!!!

"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye" - Koloth

"Ya can't grill it until ya kill it" - Uncle Ted

"If it ain't Metal...IT'S CRAP!!!" - Dee Snider

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I had to come back and add Dollhouse. It's a show a lot of people either don't know about or they thought it sucked, but I really enjoyed it.

Gotta love Joss Whedon!

Work it HARDER, Make it BETTER



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Hmmmm.... the order of these change over time naturally, but my top 5 would have to be...

1. Bones (I'm a nerd for the original books as well)

2. Lost (I actually didn't watch it when it was on air because I was working and going to school full time but now husband and I watch an episode like every night, we're almost through the series now)

3. Mythbusters (I spend way too much time on Netflix watching old episodes)

4. House (Refused to watch the last season, shit just got out of hand)

5. NCIS (I also haven't watched any of the newer ones after season 6 or so, I'm still in camp Kate and I can't help but like her better)

No matter how slow you're going, you're still lapping everyone on the couch.



Hobbit Adventurer
STR - 4 DEX - 3 STA - 4 CON - 5.25 WIS - 5 CHA - 6.5




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so much firefly and arrested development love; whenever a show gets cancelled you know it's gonna be awesome :P

breaking bad isn't for everyone, it's very dark and grim and deals with some pretty nasty issues. but it's amazingly well written, directed and acted. it's like The Wire with tighter focus and bigger narrative. it might be a bit hard to understand the praise if you're just picking up the series now, but part of the reason it has the following it does is because it grew so well. i started with the show when season 1 came out, which was like 6 episodes long and was this quirky story of the malcom in the middle dad going crazy and cooking meth. watching walt get bigger and badder with every season while jesse gets more and more endearing is pretty amazing :)


AZSF - lvl 4 assassin

STR - 9 | DEX - 12 | STA - 10.5 | CON - 7 | WIS - 8.5 | CHA - 1

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1. Doctor Who

2. Primevil

3. Red Dwarf

4.Big Bang Theroy

5.How I met your mother

'The young ones' would be '4th' but as it has ended and there was only two series I haven't included it. (I know Red Dwarf has ended but it had to be on the list!)

Live the life you love because it's the only life you'll lead.

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1. Homicide: Life on the Streets

2. The X-Files

3. Star Trek: Deep Space 9

4. Doctor Who

5. Oz*

More recently I've been enjoying Spartacus, Burn Notice, Game of Thrones, and Dexter, but it's hard to call new shows favourites since I don't know how I'll feel about them in another year or two. I also have a soft spot for the vampire detective sub-genre, so an honourable mention to Forever Knight, Angel, and Moonlight.

*Although if mini-series count then maybe a toss-up between Bleak House and Generation Kill instead.

Wood Elf Assassin
  -- Level 10 --
STR 26 | DEX 13 | STA 19 | CON 7 | WIS 14 | CHA 14





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3. Red Dwarf

(I know Red Dwarf has ended but it had to be on the list!)

Red Dwarf is having 10th season and it will be airing this year on Dave.


I'm not sure how I feel about it, I wasn't crazy about the specials they did back in 2009. Hoping that it works better as a series of separate episodes rather than one 90 min episode split into 3 parts.

Follow me on Twitter: @garth_green

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I was just thinking it would be fun to do a tournament to decide on the official nerdfitness favourite TV show.

Something along the lines of you PM your top 5 or 10 to someone, and they'd have to ranked lets say 1-10, with 10 points to each no. 1 vote, 9 points to a number 2 vote, and so on. Once all the ballots are in it can be tallied up and we can determine the overall favourite shows for the board and have a run down.

Does anyone else think this would be a good idea? I've seen it done on other boards, and it's usually pretty fun.

Follow me on Twitter: @garth_green

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Ooh, tough.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Sports Night


Gilmore Girls


Well spotted: there is nothing currently on telly that garners a win spot in my top 5, though American Horror Story, Sons of Anarchy, Big Bang Theory, and Parenthood get time on my DVR (and I remember to watch things, which isn't as often as many, I think).

the power of [geekhood] compels me:

"Oh, I'm gonna hit you so hard, your children will be born bruised!" -- Tank Girl

"Do you know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later." -- Zoe Washburn

"No, people are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to anymore of them." -- Michel Gerard

"A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. Have fun!" -- Willow Rosenberg

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1. Dexter

2. Spartacus

3. Hard Knocks

4. Matt Groening Cartoons (yeah that's right i cheats) Oh and I am putting Archer in here too...even though Matt Groening didn't make it... hilarious cartoon category ftw!

5. Big Bang Theory

To be fair I only included shows with multiple seasons otherwise i would probably have put Kino's Journey on there.

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I had to come back and add Dollhouse. It's a show a lot of people either don't know about or they thought it sucked, but I really enjoyed it.

Gotta love Joss Whedon!

That show was awesome!! I just wish it had more than 2 seasons :-( I got hooked and watched it and then one day it was just gone...made me sad. American's don't like the idea of people "selling" their bodies for years I guess....I thought the whole premise was brilliant.

Reach your limits and then surpass them.

My Current Challenge:
Class: Ranger
Race: Human
STR:13.5 DEX:8.5 STA: 10.5 CON:6 WIS:5 CHA:6.5

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