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What keeps you going?


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Hey guys, just a topic we can all talk about. So the question to start off this topic is, what keeps you going to reach the fitness goal you are going for? And do you guys have any inspirations? Mine is I want to compete in crossfit games (tough i know, so hopefully i wont give up lol) And also to compete in Tough Mudder next year so those are two goals that make me go and push harder to better myself. I started off four years ago with fitness to lose weight, was 85kgs and till March this year it has been on and off battle with weight with it going up and down and never below 65kg, so March i kicked my butt till June and lost the extra weight for sure, slowly and surely i reached 60kgs. I went on holidays few weeks ago for two weeks and kind of gained some weight and then got sick one week after coming back home so i started the fitness again this Monday. Im hoping to lose the extra fat i have and get ripped, regardless of the weight. I dont get on scales these day anymore as its not really important unless i can see by clothes i really am gaining weight lol. So go ahead guys, sorry for the ramble but do share your fitness goals, your inspirations etc. By the way my inspiration was my Mother, she stood by me, pushed me and was positive for me and even taught me to eat healthy for life and make healthy choices. :)

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I want to join the navy, so for me that is what helps keeps me motivated to keep working on my goals. I also like the feeling of getting a new pr and doing something I thought I may not have been able to do

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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I was always intrigued by parkour, even before I knew what it was, and wanted to be able to do what they were doing. I even had a brief period in my childhood where I wanted to be a stuntwoman (that was a long shot though, I was in pretty horrible shape, plus I'm a major klutz). These days, stuntwoman is a little unrealistic, but I'd like to be in the best shape that I can be in so I am prepared for the zombie apocalypse :eagerness: A lot of times I get down because I'm nowhere near fit enough to pull off those moves, but then I realize how much progress I've made already, and get excited and want to get even stronger. Those tutorial videos are a lot of help too, makes it seem more doable :)

Level 3 Timelord Ranger


STR: 10 | DEX: 7 | STA: 11.5 | CON: 6.5 | WIS: 5.75 | CHA: 2.25


1 2 3

"The thing is, Adam, time travel is like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book. You've got to throw yourself in, eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers - or is that just me? Stop asking questions. Go and do it!"

"Don't ever judge me by your standards."

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Performing. I'm an amateur aerialist, and I stay motivated by showcases and other amateur performance opportunities, and by having a doubles partner who keeps me involved and striving to do more. And friends. I have friends who are active doing similar things as I do, my husband is active in martial arts, it's just good to have a community around you.

And as a mom... that last sentence warmed the cockles of my heart! :love-struck:


NF: Treedwelling assasin. Druidish leanings. Gnome.  

IRL: Amateur circus geek.  Mad cook. Mom. Mad Max junkie. 

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I always wanted to join army but couldn't because they dont let hard of hearing join which basically sucks. Good luck with joining Navy, never give up on your dreams guys! Now thats another motivation to keep for future... Zombie apocalypse, i seriously hope that we Nerd are together as a group kicking their asses in future lol :P Now Parkour might be a bit advanced but if someone really loves it they can learn it, yes it might take some time but then it will be worth it in the end I'm sure. "Thatgirljj" it is always good to be surrounded by healthy and active peeps who will lift you higher, i need to do the same but being in this small town where women are afraid to lift heavy weight in fear they'll get "bulky" is just not possible to have a gym buddy let alone an active friend who does the same things I do lol, maybe ill get lucky, who knows. Mothers and their children might get into arguments or the kids might be difficult but the kids always love their mothers and are thankful for what they do to push kids in the right direction even though the children dont particulary thank their mothers all the time.

*toast* Guys all the best to all of us for future, we are also in a great forum surrounded with Nerds who all dream big and arent stopping to catch their dream, although we will need other Nerd members courageous words, wisdom etc... As long as we push each other in the right direction and stick together we will achieve anything. Carpe Diem. :)

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Hey cool! This is exactly what I'm doing and keeps me motivated too. I'm enlisting in 2 weeks.

I tried out 2 mouths ago but didn't get in, on the bright side I can try out again, but the down side is I have to wait 11 month. I've been told it will go fast, so far it's been a month and feels like time is going slow. It's great motivation though and helps with goal setting

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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1) I'm a cop, and deciding at 43 you want to be a cop is like "wtf are you thinking" but I did it. I'm on a University Police Dept (yes we're real cops NOT security) so most of the people I deal w/ are litterally 1/2 my age or younger (I'm now 44), so I gotta stay in shape in case I have to skulldrag some football player.

2) I have a 4yr old and an 18month old. So I want to be around as they grow up. So, gotta stay in shape for that.

3) My wife thinks I'm like a lot hotter since I've started working out (and yes this Klingon is damn hot!!!) so I get more "Action" now...which is always a good thing.

4) Once I started really trying to get stronger and better shape...I really love it and want to keep doing it.

"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye" - Koloth

"Ya can't grill it until ya kill it" - Uncle Ted

"If it ain't Metal...IT'S CRAP!!!" - Dee Snider

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because I LOVE the way I feel!

Also, I have been on both sides of the fence. One where I was in such horrible shape, I had no energy, little strength, and generally unhappy. And now, I am in ...eh..'okay' shape(my own worst critic), much better strength, and I love the way I feel.

Being on the healthy side of things gives me so much FREEDOM to do what I want. I can play, I can workout, I can run, jump, swim, goof off, be lazy, hike, be lazy...did I mention lazy?

When I was on the unhealthy side of things, whenever I tried to do much other than be lazy, it felt like crap and hurt.

so I guess freedom with my body is what keeps me going.

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It makes me feel tough to do things I couldn't do before. I've always been small, skinny, and weak. It's awesome to see muscles and pick up heavy things and run fast.

I don't want to be sick and fat when I get old.

It's a way of taking ownership of my body. My body is MINE, MY OWN, my precious, and no one else's. It's not a pretty picture or a sex toy or a political argument, it is the shell that I live in. I choose what to do with it.

That's about it, really.

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Hey cool! This is exactly what I'm doing and keeps me motivated too. I'm enlisting in 2 weeks.

That was the last bit of motivation I needed, too. I enlisted last year, and it was the best thing I've done for myself. Not least of all for my fitness, because being fit is mandatory!

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Ready for the hugfest?

This community.

There, I said it.

Also: my fat pants. No, not like that. They're the biggest pair of pants I ever wore. They were my favorite pair of jeans when I was as heavy as 267lbs. Now? Now, I keep them by my dining table to remind me how far I've come. When I put them on, I can pull the waste out so that there's literally seven inches of empty space between the jeans and my belly. When I've had a bad day and just want to eat ice cream and a grilled cheese sandwich and think I can't do it anymore, I put my fat pants on and I can't help but think "There really is no going back." It doesn't magically turn a bad day into a good one, but it gives me the strength to make a salad for dinner and have some dark chocolate with a cup of coffee instead of ordering pizza and eating a sleeve of oreos after.

I've also started... wait for it.... flexing in front of the mirror. I know! I know.... it's bad. But I've never had arms before! Now all of a sudden there are biceps and, and shoulders there! And no more bingo wings! It makes cleaning the bathroom take forever, always having to stop and look at yourself. :redface-new:

You can't take the sky from me...
Level 4: Coyote Skin-Walker, Hunter, Ranger, Maker Of Dust
6'0" | white female | age: 25 | 42-35-42
CON: 7 | DEX: 8 | STR: 10 | STA: 8 | WIS: 10.5 | CHA: 7
Heaviest: 267.2 | Current: 206.1 | Final goal: 190

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Because being fit is pretty damn metal in my books \m/ -_- \m/

Nah, these days it is pretty much a combination of a newly discovered sense of competitiveness, a slight case of narcissism, and loving how good it feels to be at this stage after years of just putting in the minimum required effort. I need to see how far I can take this before I peak, and after that I'm gonna be that gnarley old senior who work out harder and smarter than all the youngsters.


Battle Log - Fitocracy - Twitter -

Anti-villain extraordinaire

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To be better than I have been. To feel better, look better, & to perform better in all aspects of my life.

I like the looks that I get walking down the street now. I enjoy the reaction I get from people who haven't seen me in at least 6 months.

But honestly, I love the feeling I get from pushing myself harder and harder every day. I love remembering how much I used to hate exercise and pushing myself physically... more or less reshaping the person I am into what *I* want.

And yeah... Tough Mudder in September. Rawr.

EightDigit - Level 1 Dwarven RangerSTR: 3 | DEX : 3 | STA : 3 | CON : 2 | WIS : 2 | CHA : 2Gardens are not made by singing "Oh, how beautiful," and sitting in the shade.-Rudyard KiplingBattleLog | G+ Account 

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To be better than I have been. To feel better, look better, & to perform better in all aspects of my life.

I like the looks that I get walking down the street now. I enjoy the reaction I get from people who haven't seen me in at least 6 months.

But honestly, I love the feeling I get from pushing myself harder and harder every day. I love remembering how much I used to hate exercise and pushing myself physically... more or less reshaping the person I am into what *I* want.

And yeah... Tough Mudder in September. Rawr.

Yeah the same goes for me, people i havent seen in ages either dont recognise me and it makes me feel awesome to hear them "How did you do it?" They expect a miracle pill but theres none hah! And Tough mudder is what ill be doing next year! :D Good Luck! :D

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