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I fight as a warrior in my spare time, does that count?

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I've been reading at this forum for a long time and probably would have continued reading without much action as I've lost over 200 lbs already and had been feeling pretty comfortable with myself. Recently, I had a reality check. I participate in foam fighting, specifically Belegarth. I'd been looking forward to an event (new armor and all that jazz). But when I got there, I was constantly referred to as "that fat black chick in armor". I realized that while I wasn't comfortable with people defining me by "fat". I'm very active and have a few very niche but interesting hobbies and can't deal with the fact that all people see is overweight. I can't do much about the being brown and female part, but I can change the fat. I'm extremely insulin resistant and already eat a low carb diet. Until recently, it had been subsidized by some pills that helped me to eat a more "normal" (higher carb) diet but they started causing more problems than they solved. So, I'm back to basics.

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Yeah, I'm a total noob here and don't know anything about anything, especially about these forums, but I do know that if you've been doing Belegarth then you're pretty badass to begin with. If you're overweight and still getting out to do Belegarth, then you're just that much cooler. I'm sorry people were jerks. Care to share the details of your weight loss?

For my confession they burned me with fire and found I was for endurance made.

-My favorite card from Magic: The Gathering, and apparently from Arabian Nights too.

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Wow, I'm sorry they were such jerks to you!! I seriously hope you don't take those stupid words inside your mind, though....it makes me a teensy bit sad (as a total outsider who has absolutely no idea who you are and therefore this is actually none of my business!) to read that you want to "change the fat" in some way as a reaction to these idiots. You are clearly awesome x10, motivated, interesting, and the kind of person makes their life about pursuing the things they like to do no matter what. What "size" you are doesn't matter at all! What matters is that you're living your life with intention and vigor, which you clearly are! Now, I am overweight too and so I totally applaud your efforts to get healthy and your amazing progress...I'd just hate to see you do it because someone else made you feel bad about yourself. On the other hand, there is something to be said for using that bad experience in a way that can reclaim it for yourself and turn it into something good. I am someone who is very NOT comfortable with myself and I often don't do things because I fear people will think I'm stupid. The fact that you put so much energy and intention (new armor ftw!) into doing something you really enjoy is inspiring to me. You are welcome here!! :)

P.s. the short version of all that is: they're blithering idiots. You're awesome. Welcome. :)

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Panurge- Sure! When my insulin resistance was in full undiagnosed swing, my weight got to be well over 400 lbs. My then doctor kept putting me on a high carb low fat diet which is the exact opposite of what someone who is insulin resistant should do. I'm severely insulin resistant so without some sort of intervention (pills or whatever), once I eat more than 50 g of carbs a day I start developing problems. With the pills, I could eat about 100. Once I got a diagnosis, I changed my diet to something more appropriate. Low carbing saved my life. I also started walking a few miles a day. I used to be hide the cheese cake fat, balding, and a whole host of other issues. I had lost 236 lbs, putting me right around 200 lbs. But as stated earlier, I recently stopped taking the pills and re-adjusting has been hard. I've gained about 20 lbs while trying to adjust to controlling things with diet alone again.

Caution- If you would have told me two years ago that I would be foam fighting, I would have laughed. I took up fencing a few years back. Someone saw me fencing and said "You're really aggressive...I have something you should try" but didn't tell me what it was (probably because he knew I wouldn't go for it). It turned out to be loads of fun and it's AMAZING cardio. Give it a try sometime. Hitting things with other things is always fun.

Sambie- What I posted probably sounds teenager overdramatic. I'm still pretty cool with myself. When I lost the bulk of my weight the first time, I got to go through all of my male friends who always insisted I was "like a sister" to them suddenly seeing who I actually was because you know, fat blocks things like personality. All of the sudden I was a human that might not envelope them in some roll of fat but rather something they would consider asking out. Don't worry- they all got shot down but it's made for some good laughs now. I view this very much the same way. The easiest way for me to get people to see past the fat is for it not to be there.

Thank you all so much for the support! I wish I had started a little sooner with you all.

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