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Hey there guys. I am ready to join the Rebellion!

I have a similar origin story to most, yo-yo dieting, misinformed guidance, trying every pill and shake in the book. And unsurprisingly none of it has particularly worked in my favour. Some buddies a few years ago told me they were going Paleo, and i can remember just thinking "Why the hell would you give up all the best things in life!" Well, after moving halfway across the country chasing some quality Vitamin D, I found a job i love, a very supportive boyfriend and have never felt more ready to stop making excuses and start leveling up!

Two months ago i joined a gym, and instantly made the same mistake it seems a lot of us lass' do and jumped straight onto the elliptical machine. Calories in < calories burned = weight loss right? A month later i was frustrated, hungry and losing motivation again. So i decided to talk to a PT. What she was saying started to ring bells, and I finally decided to do my own research. This lead me to NF and it was love at first article! "You mean to tell me there are geeky people out there who are into fitness!" I thought to myself, as all my geeky friends back home were more into blackout curtains and beer.

I started transitioning to Paleo two weeks ago and i have never felt better! As a sushi chef, giving up white rice was one of the hardest things i have ever had to do, when constantly snacking at work is the norm. But i have FINALLY stopped craving rice, and with it, bread, pasta and sweets. WTH! I never thought this was possible.

Tomorrow the 6 week challenge starts, and i knew it was now or never. Time to lvl up, fight some of my biggest bosses and gain the stats i have always wanted, but have been too scared to try for. (If it's not too late to join that is! - time zones and such)

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It's not too late to join. The FAQ would be a great place to start.

Just sign up and you're on the way! (If you link your log in your signature, more people will support you!)

Welcome to the Rebellion! We'll all be here to help you with your bosses.

Any questions, just ask.

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Thank you Shortstuff! Nice to see some Australians around the board :) Obviously it means little in such a huge and diverse community, but i am starting to feel a little at home already. Just a quick question, Ghost suggested i put a link in my sig to my challenge, like yours. It's been so long since ive coded, how do you change it from just being a long link address to something similar to your "Current Challenge"?

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Welcome Cinda. So, are you a Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Slytherin? Always been a Ravenclaw, myself. :)

(And why after all these years does my spell-check not know these ubiquitous terms?!)

For my confession they burned me with fire and found I was for endurance made.

-My favorite card from Magic: The Gathering, and apparently from Arabian Nights too.

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*waves her Slytherin flag* I could never decide between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, but Pottermore decided for me :P

Welcome to the boards!! Excited to have you here. :D And man, a sushi chef - what a great job!


Wannabe Aiel Ranger

Level 2 - Second Challenge in Progress

.: STR: 3 .:. DEX: 3.5 .:. STA: 7 .:. CON: 2.75 .:. WIS: 4.5 .:. CHA: 6 :.

.:Donate to my Down and Dirty Run :.

τὸ χρεὼν ἐπήρτηται· ἕως ζῇς, ἕως ἔξεστιν, ἀγαθὸς γενοῦ.

Death hangs over thee: whilst yet thou livest, whilst thou mayest, be good.

"Hey, at least you are going out there pooping on elevated surfaces and giving your best! That's what matters right?" - Elefevers the Wise

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Welcome Cinda!

Definitely give Paleo a go, and after the challenge reintroduce milk slowly to see how much it affects you. Primal diets (a modification of paleo) allow for milk as long as it is raw or minimally processed (VAT pasteurized, non-homogenized). I don't know how easy is that to get in Australia? Here in the States depends a LOT on where in the States you are.

Also, your challenge is good enough, a couple push ups are always challenging. Later we'll see you doing the 1k pushups per day challenge that is going on in assassins right now!

Have fun, and remember that Wit without measure is man's greatest treasue (proud Ravenclaw here!!!)


Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insanity. Or practice.

Infinity Knight Assassin

Because not only the World but the Entire Universe is my playground

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 2 | WIS 4 | CHA 2

I Cook! Kinda...

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Thank you all for such a kind welcome! :D

I've always thought I would be a Hufflepuff, but never for any positive reasons. When Pottermore put me there, I rolled my eyes and was sad i didn't make the Ravenclaw cut. But then i read all the info on their common room and how Helga was particularly good at cooking charms, and how they are generally happy, accepting people and I knew i belonged! Hufflepuff and proud! Rah!

Hey Coonskee, thanks for your welcome! Being a sushi chef is pretty great, though like i said, perhaps not the best profession if you're keen on going Paleo! And on that note, thanks for your advice Alan713ch. If you had told me a year ago i would be able to go even a day without bread and cheese i would tell you to get off the drugs. I used water to cook my oats thismorning, not a huge difference, but a step in the right direction i hope :) 1k pushups! I see stars just thinking about that!

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Welcome! I love your drive! That is something that people need. The drive to get things done and the courage to face what comes next. With that said, I can't imagine the thought of me giving up white rice. I am like 80-90% Paleo now though and I started minimizing my white rice. Hey, it's working for me so I don't think I'll be giving it up soon haha. I probably will go full 100% Paleo once I get my own job after college but thats still a few years from now.

anyway, good luck to you!!


Human Bare-Knuckled Dragon Warrior

Level 1

STR: 4, DEX: 3, STA: 3, CON: 1, WIS: 2, CHA: 2

A Mans Challenge to Becoming Manlier

"When you hit a wall, crush it"

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Wow, thanks MasterRay. No one has ever said that to me before. I guess that would half be because even i'm not sure i've ever had drive until recently haha But it's really encouraging to hear all the same :)

Giving up white rice wasn't fun, but i knew there was no way i could just limit myself when i work around it all day. If it's working for you, stick with it I say! Different things work for different people. I sort of know how you feel about waiting for your independence (in your case a job) to go full Paleo. I'm hoping to move out as soon as possible and gain my own independence which hopefully will lead to being able to make the right choices for myself, as apposed to accepting those (like what's for dinner) the people i live with make. Thanks again, May the Force be with you.

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