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PS3 vs XBox 360


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I am thinking of getting one. I leaning more towards the PS3, but I haven't ruled out the XBox 360 just yet.

Game wise I am a fan of Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, Pokemon (although I know there won't be a game for either platforms) and Fire Emblem. I have enjoyed Need for Speed and am thinking of trying out Call of Duty.

What do you guys think?

What one do you perfer?

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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I'm currently a PS3 only owner, but I did have a 360 for awhile. I prefer the PS3 because of its exclusives like Infamous, Uncharted, Resistance, etc.

That being said, a lot of third party games run better on the 360. In particular, Bethesda's games (Fallout, Elder Scrolls) are WAY glitchier on the PS3 than on the 360. Although, most of those have been patched to fix a lot of the issues by now. There are a few other notable examples as well. So, that's something to consider. For me, it's been a minor inconvenience, but nothing too bad. I have heard that people have had "game-breaking" bugs in the PS3 versions of Skyrim and New Vegas, but this might be exaggerated.

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I have a 360 and love it (and the controller is definitely more comfortable than the PS3) but as others have said for the titles you want PS3 might be your best bet. The other thing to remember is that the next-gen consoles (PS4/Xbox 720?) are just around the corner, release dates/specs/etc. haven't been confirmed yet and they may still be a year or two away but the PS3 and 360 are closer to the end of their lifecycles than the beginning



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I'd say look at all your friends and get what they have. I have both consoles and of the two I'm far more likely to use the xbox because most of my friends have one of those. Also if you like arcade games then xbox is far better, much larger selection than the ps3 has. I have no complaints about the ps3 (got it first cause it was free, got the xbox cause it was super cheap - both were new when I got them) but my preference is to the xbox, just because I can play it with friends online.

This too, shall pass.

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I'd say look at all your friends and get what they have. I have both consoles and of the two I'm far more likely to use the xbox because most of my friends have one of those. I have no complaints about the ps3 (got it first cause it was free, got the xbox cause it was super cheap - both were new when I got them) but my preference is to the xbox, just because I can play it with friends online.

I have two friends that have at lest one of them. They both have xboxes, and one of them lives with her boyfriend who has a ps3. I am not too sure if she plays the ps3 much though. Game wise though I feel like I have more in common with the one who has both. She was the one that got me playing kingdom hearts and final fantasy, where as the other one had never played kingdom hearts until late last year when I sat her down and made her play it. To this day she is still yet to play final fantasy. While she does like Zelda, I get the feel that she likes arcade games more. I know she loves Merio party, and I think she plays the wii or 64 more.

Also thanks for all your tips and advice everyone

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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Traditional RPG's are better on the PS3 in my opinion. Whilst, first person shooters and sandbox RPG's are better on the 360.

I much prefer the 360, but only because the control design fits me a lot better than the PS3. The off axis analog sticks make sense to me. I also believe the Xbox has a better online service (though you do have to pay).

Hardware-wise the PS3 beats the 360 due to the addition of Blu-ray, but that's not really a factor for me.


LVL 2 MartianWarrior

STR 9/DEX 2/ STAM 3.75/ CON 3/ WIS 6/ CHA 3

"Fads come and go, but the barbell remains the same. Respect it accordingly." - Jim Wendler

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Regarding New Vegas, I think that was ridiculously buggy on every platform. Skyrim suffered on the PS3 but both have been well-patched at this point.

The PS3 is supposed to be better hardware wise and I don't know anyone who has one that has broken, whereas several of my friends with Xboxes have had the RROD error which is fatal.

I also have no complaints to make about mine. That said, if it were not for the exclusives that there were at the time (MGS4 being the major one for me) and some of the ones that there are now (Infamous), the 360's cheaper price would probably win if I hadn't already made the decision.

The point about the new generation is valid: it's probably not too far off. But if you haven't yet owned one from this generation, you have a lot of catching up to do so it shouldn't be too much of a worry



Jack Blog | The Blog of Jack

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The point about the new generation is valid: it's probably not too far off. But if you haven't yet owned one from this generation, you have a lot of catching up to do so it shouldn't be too much of a worry.

I haven't gotten one yet and there are some games out that I want to get, such as the Final Fantasy games (yes I know they are bad, but I still want to try them out for myself) and some games that I want to try out as I have heard good things about them such as Call of Duty, and there have been other games that I have enjoyed on the PS2 such as Need for Speed.

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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I third the Next Gen argument. I'll be making my next console decision based on what platform Kingdom Hearts is on.

Xbox is much more online (alas, you must pay) and has a more user friendly feel to it.

PS3 is great for the exclusive titles, and you can go online without cost.

I would say the PS3 is better hardware wise though.

Remember, the big games like Call of Duty are universal.

FFXIII and XIII-2 are the same.

Sadly, there is no Kingdom Hearts on either.

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I'll be making my next console decision based on what platform Kingdom Hearts is on.

Sadly, there is no Kingdom Hearts on either.

I read somewhere that they (they being the team that made Kingdom Hearts) were busying working on Final Fantasy Versus XIII, but Nomura said that he felt like it's time that Kingdom Heats should go back to being on a console.

Heres a link to a story on it, it's not the one that I am talking about but it says the same thing.

So I am thinking based on this the next Kingdom Hearts game will be Kingdom Hearts 3, and they MIGHT start working on it as they have finished Final Fantasy Versus XIII. I say might because who knows some thing may come up.

I could be wrong, but I am going to say that Kingdom Hearts 3 will most likely come out on the PS, thats not to say it won't come out on the XBox, I mean look at Final Fantasy, but if it were going to come out on just the one, it would have to be the PS as 1 and 2 came out on the PS, and there is yet to be one on the XBox, or at lest one that I know of anyway.

I am a Kingdom Hearts fan as well (if you haven't already guessed), in the past I have said that Kingdom Hearts 3 will the reason that I get a PS3, but since than I have became a fan of Final Fantasy as well.

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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I wouldn't hold on for next-gen. Neither Microsoft nor Sony has announced a new console yet, meaning neither would have one would until the holiday season of 2013 at the earliest. Even then, the first year for a new console is usually pretty lacking IMO, there probably won't be a killer game for either platform until holiday season 2014. You should be able to get a PS3 or 360 now for pretty cheap and you'll have access to almost a decade's worth of games, most of which will be under $10-20. There are a lot of rumors that the next gen consoles might not be backwards compatible, so your options might actually be more limited if you wait for the next gen.

I have no idea what's going on with Kingdom Hearts or Versus XIII. But, I didn't think FFXIII was as bad as everyone said it is. I don't think it was perfect (the story is incomprehensible, even by FF standards), but the battle system was pretty fun. Haven't played XIII-2 yet.

If you're into RPGs, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are the best this gen has to offer IMO. Demon's Souls is a PS3 exclusive, but you can get Dark Souls for either 360 or PS3. And, if you're into JRPGs specifically, I'd actually suggest looking into the Wii, since that console seems to have been blessed with a few JRPG gems at the last minute (The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles). Although, if the WiiU is backwards compatible, you might be better off waiting for that.

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I have a question are any of those duel voltage. I am also in the market for a game system (PS3, 360, or PC) but I would like to know if any or duel voltage. I am pretty sure 360 isn't but what about the PS3?

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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Personally I prefer the PS3, its free to play online, built in blu-ray, more exclusive titles, controlers feel better to me and have built in bluetooth with rechargeable battery

This! Plus it has a variety of games from the adorable Little Big Planet to Skyrim

...I would love to see a sackperson skyrim game.

They/them please

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I've owned both. And my preference is the PS3, coming from a Mass Effect fan who can no longer play the first title in the series because I now only have a PS3. And I miss that game a lot.

I had my 360 for a good few years. 2 or maybe even 3, never had the RRoD but it did have a very noisy disc drive towards the end. I read up on it and this was due to the magnets inside it becoming loose. You can try to fix it yourself or buy a new harddrive but it was just going to be wasted money on an old console for me. And by this time I had already bought a PS3 which I thought I would only use for the exclusives but that completely changed once my 360 kicked the bucket. It also helps that the PS3 has built in blu ray which means I don't ever have to worry about wanting to buy a blu ray player.

The PS3 is cheaper. With the 360 you have to buy the rechargable battery packs or keep buying batteries and you have to continually pay to play online. The PS3, as you know, is free to play online. Sony also offer Playstation Plus which is a service that you can choose to pay for and with it you get the chance to get access to betas for upcoming games, there are occasionally FREE downloads of games (I don't know how often these are but certainly they aren't holding back on giving them to you), and you can store your saved games online so that when you play on a different PS3 you can pick up where you left off. So you can either pay Microsoft to allow you to play online or you can pay Sony to give you these extra goodies.

One of the few advantages of the 360 for me was having the removable harddrive because I did play at other peoples houses a lot. But I've found that a USB stick works just as well when transferring your saved games from the PS3, so really that advantage isn't all that advantageous. The 360 also has party chat where you can chat with friends playing different games, which I think is only available for PS3 users with Playstation Plus(?), but you can still talk through mic with friends if you're playing the same game.

Also I find the new user interface on the 360 to be ugly and the avatars are horrifying. Just throwing that out there.

Edit: Also since you're a Final Fantasy fan, you can download a lot of the old PS1 games. I imagine you may already own some, but if there was one you hadn't played it could be worth just downloading it. I think they are priced about £8.99 for download and I got FFIX for £3.99 in the sale a few weeks ago.

Rilo, level 3 adventurerSTR 5 | DEX 5 | STA 5.75 | CON 8 | WIS 7 | CHA 5.50

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Short Stuff it really comes down to personal preference. I've played both and like both though right now I only own an Xbox 360. Would love to get a PS3 as well for games I can't get on Xbox and some that just don't work that good on Xbox. Plus I've had every type of of Playstation since they came out years ago. It seems like what you've written that you really enjoy the games that are more exclusive to the PS3 than Xbox. I'd go with PS3 because that would give you access to more of what you'd like. Since you have friends that own both systems, try them both out and pick what best feels good for you. The price tags on both are comparable but you do get the added benefit of a bluray player with the PS3.

Sue, both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 are 120V power supply. With the Xbox you can get a german power supply for a european version of the Xbox and the power system adapts. The supply output is the same for both power american and european xboxs. With the PS3 you need a step down converter because of PS3 internal power supply system. A European PS3 is dual though. Hope that helps


You wanted Sack People Skyrim, here you are


Level 1 Human Ranger

STR: 2|DEX: 2|STA: 2|CON: 3|WIS: 4|CHA: 2|

It's a TRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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i own both. had the xbox for years and just picked up the ps3 this year. i dont think you could go wrong with either to be honest, they're both brilliant. just pick the one with the exclusive titles that you want (uncharted series, journey etc for ps3, not sure which titles are exclusive on xbox...) and go for that.

the only thing that bugs me about the ps3 are the install times and the controller shape isn't quite right (but no controller has been right since the game cube imo).


AZSF - lvl 4 assassin

STR - 9 | DEX - 12 | STA - 10.5 | CON - 7 | WIS - 8.5 | CHA - 1

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I have no idea what's going on with Kingdom Hearts or Versus XIII. But, I didn't think FFXIII was as bad as everyone said it is. I don't think it was perfect (the story is incomprehensible, even by FF standards), but the battle system was pretty fun. Haven't played XIII-2 yet.

Thats good to know. I don't really care if eveyone thinks it bad, I still want to try it out to see for myself.

Edit: Also since you're a Final Fantasy fan, you can download a lot of the old PS1 games. I imagine you may already own some, but if there was one you hadn't played it could be worth just downloading it. I think they are priced about £8.99 for download and I got FFIX for £3.99 in the sale a few weeks ago.

I have X, X-2 and XII, all of which I have enjoyed - I am actully replaying X-2 but I don't think it's as good as the other two.

the only thing that bugs me about the ps3 are the install times and the controller shape isn't quite right (but no controller has been right since the game cube imo).

I have never played the game cube, but I have a ps2 so I am thinking I might be ok with the controller

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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I totally forgot about the PS3 install times! That is the one thing that I hate about PS3. It's okay if you have other stuff to do, you just have to remember to start the game up before you intend to play it.

And have you looked at any of the older FF games? They're a whole lot of fun.

Rilo, level 3 adventurerSTR 5 | DEX 5 | STA 5.75 | CON 8 | WIS 7 | CHA 5.50

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