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New chick on the block...

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I've been all over this forum for the past hour and still haven't quite figured out how you pick what you are? Elf, ranger, half dwarf, spectral?? Anyways, I'm 40 with 3 kids, single and was looking into plastic surgery for a quick fix until a friend of mine got me hyped up about the paleo diet a few months ago. I stuck to it and then cheated big time when family came to visit. I'm not aggressively strict with the paleo but I have completely rid my diet of dairy, whey, soy, breads, pastas, yada yada. I joined here after I read Staci's awesome story and now I'm inspired. I'm at 147 5'4", curvy. I say that because I can gain or lose weight and it's equal everywhere. What I loved about her story is the strength training and I have begun to do Steve's beginner body weight routine. I managed, although I hate to say this, but I couldn't do a push up! That's why I'm here. So...I've got the diet where I'd like it to be but I'm weak (physically) and that makes me mad!

So what guild should I join and how do I join it??


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I'm a newbie as well, and most of us start off in the Adventurers Guild before moving on to one of the other classes. A better description of each class is here. The ranks (elf,pixie, fairy, ogre, etc) are all just made up, no special rules.

Staci's story is pretty amazing and sounds like you're off to a great start with your diet and Steve's BW routine! These forums are amazing and the folks are spectacular. Looking forward to following your work-outs and progress!


Level 1 Amazon Adventurer

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"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" - Mahatma Gandhi

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Padawan here as well. But from what I've picked up, your class is determined by your goals. Want to gain a lot of muscle and learn how to do olympic lifts? Warrior. Want to become extremely flexible? Druid. Want to have good muscle but have endurance as well? Ranger.

As for your race, it's determined by where you're at now. I'm super tall and super skinny, so elf. Others are larger and tall, so orc. Shorter and larger is dwarf. Shorter and skinnier is perhaps imp? And I think just plain ol' average would be human, but there's no fun in that.

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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I too joined after reading Staci's story. It was linked to me and since it's exactly the kind of goals I have, it was very inspiring. Sadly I can't do weight training right away, but I'll get by with bodyweight training in the meantime.

If you can't do a full push-up, have you tried a push-up from your knees, or a wall push-up? We all start somewhere, what matters is where we wanna go, and not getting discouraged on the way :)

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