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Warwolf Reporting for Duty

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Hi folks! I'm finally taking the plunge and getting involved after a while of lurking around and collecting articles (That's kind of a big step for me cuz I never post on forums. Serial lurker status). The name's Warwolf and I'm an avid musician (Drums mostly) and I love exploring and adventuring be it in a park I've never been to or in an abandoned building.

Quick Backstory:

I battled a lot with Asthma as a kid and it kept me from doing most sports. I worked through it and ended up wrestling in high school (the workouts were unreal, I got in the best shape I'd ever been in, and I got to fight on behalf of my school, how cool is that?)

Fast forward to now, 4 years out of high school. I stumbled upon this site looking for some parkour workouts and I thought it was the coolest thing. I lurked around for a bit, I’ve been eating sorta paleo since April (very, very, loosely), I’m now in the best shape of my life.

Two years ago I did an overnight walk for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in honor of a friend I lost in High School. I walked 18 miles in around 4 hours, with no training or preparation. It kind of made me realize that I'm capable of doing extraordinary things if I actually try and don't give in to self-pity and make excuses. So I've got a new outlook on life: If you want something, work hard until you get it. Simple. Instead of saying "I wish I could go exploring a temple like Lara Croft", I'm going to work out and train until I can BE like Lara and climb walls and become a lady(jknotthatthere'sanythingwrongwiththat) and hang off tree limbs.

(TLDNR: Was fat, wrestled in HS, got into shape, got into better shape, wants to turn ‘what if’s into reality )

So here I am. Ready to put in the effort to makes some changes for a better me. If I lose everything else I own, I’ll still have my Mind, my Body, and my Soul, and I’m going to work on leveling them up. And although I don't really know that much, if I can help other people too that’d be pretty sweet. Thanks for listening!

For the Rebellion!!

My Long Term Goals:

Mind- Learn Japanese

Body-Body fat under 10%

Soul-Meditate for 1 hr every day.

The body is just a vehicle for the soul...

I wanna build a racecar!

LV. 4 Lycan Assassin STR: STA: 10CON: 8.25  WIS: 5CHA: 4.5   DEX: 3.50


Past Challenges: {1} {2} {3}

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Thanks! For languages like Spanish and German, you can kinda figure out what words mean because they're similar to the English words, but you can't really do that with Japanese so it's a fun challenge. I originally set out to learn Chinese (I work with vendors in China at my job) but it's like really hard. Like REALLY hard. And since I'm not taking classes and trying to teach it to myself, I figured I'd start with the easier of the two (I also want to know what the guys at the sushi bar I go to are saying about me @_@)

The body is just a vehicle for the soul...

I wanna build a racecar!

LV. 4 Lycan Assassin STR: STA: 10CON: 8.25  WIS: 5CHA: 4.5   DEX: 3.50


Past Challenges: {1} {2} {3}

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(I also want to know what the guys at the sushi bar I go to are saying about me @_@)

That is an awesome reason alone to learn Japanese!!! I started learning Japanese online about 2 years ago, but got sidetracked due to too many things happening at once in my life. I used this website that is somewhat like a social network and people that are native in one language and are learning a new one will actually teach you their language (and you do the same with your native language) It's a nice knowledge exchange! I dunno about posting the links here, so if you want the website message me and i'll give it to you :)

Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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I have asthma myself. Did it go away completely for you or has it come back in some form?

It got progressively better through high school. I wasn't having asthma attacks on the mat anymore but it still bothered me sporadically senior year.

I haven't had an attack in like 3-4 years and the only time I really feel it when I work out super hard like running 5 miles and then lifting heavy weights with no break in between (which I don't do, like, ever).

The body is just a vehicle for the soul...

I wanna build a racecar!

LV. 4 Lycan Assassin STR: STA: 10CON: 8.25  WIS: 5CHA: 4.5   DEX: 3.50


Past Challenges: {1} {2} {3}

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