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Are there many tabletop gamers around?


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That is definitely a better idea than what i had in mind, especially since just thinking about my aspects caused me to rethink my powers. Lol. I guess i know what i am going to be occupying my mind with for a couple of days.

Lvl 1 Elven Minotaur Druid
Str: 3 |Dex: 1 |Sta: 4 |Con: 3 |Wis: 2 |Cha: 2

"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Capt Malcolm Reynolds

"When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself", Shunryu Suzuki

"Why do we fall down, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again." Thomas Wayne

My second-ish challenge: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/29825-harness-rebooted/
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OMG - missing D & D right now. Will go for a run and pretend I'm my Jedi Sentinel.

Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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Aaron Joshua Stone, Phase 1

Aaron was born 35 years ago at Mount Carmel East, the son of the Archangel Uriel and Catherine Maria Lucca. A day after Catherine gave birth there was an explosion in the Maternity Ward. Goons in service of a Denarian were sent to kill the mother and the son, but the baby unbeknownst to them wasn't in her room at the time and narrowly escaped his early demise. Catherine wasn't so lucky and she died in the attack. The goons thought that they had accomplished their mission and informed their master that both the mother and child were dead. Aaron's father obviously couldn't directly raise him, so he set things in motion to have him adopted by Father Paul Joseph Stone, a young priest who's only regret in answering the Call was sacrificing having a family of his own. Father Stone was visited by Uriel and was told who and what the child was, and was given the choice to adopt him with full knowledge of the blessings and burdens that it would entail. The Father Stone answered the call with great joy in his life and proceeded to raise the child as if he was his own child.

Father Stone never hid what he knew of Aaron's heritage from him, which was all the better because at a very early age, it was apparent that Aaron experienced the world a little differently from normal kids. He was able to see the souls of the deceased, in fact they sometimes sought him out, somehow knowing that he could hear them. He also had the inexplicable ability to hear the prayers that people sent to heaven. When his adoptive father asked him about what they sounded like, AJ replied that they sounded like the most beautiful choir imaginable. Father Stone raised Aaron with all of the wisdom of the Church, and the child had a near unnatural understanding of it. The priest was secretly a member of the Ordo Malleus as well, and was tasked by the child's father in teaching him all about the monsters that prey upon the flock and how to combat them, when he reached an appropriate age. That happened to be when Aaron was 16, right when one evening he was attacked by a Red Court Vampire, and was only spared because the priest happened to be near enough to scare the monster off.

---I will finish the rest of phase one soon.

Lvl 1 Elven Minotaur Druid
Str: 3 |Dex: 1 |Sta: 4 |Con: 3 |Wis: 2 |Cha: 2

"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Capt Malcolm Reynolds

"When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself", Shunryu Suzuki

"Why do we fall down, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again." Thomas Wayne

My second-ish challenge: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/29825-harness-rebooted/
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...phase one continued

After the incident with the vampire Father Stone taught Aaron everything that the Ordo knew about the monsters that prey on humanity, how to identify them, and how to hunt them. He even had him train with Sanya the wielder of Esperacchius, one of 3 Swords of the Cross. When Aaron turned 18 he decided to receive more advanced training in order to help him in this war to protect the uninformed masses, so he applied to the USNA and majored in Chemistry. Upon graduation he went into the SEALs, with which he served for 7 years. During this time he continued to train himself on the weaknesses of various monsters, and also tried to learn everything about his own abilities. His father came to him during these times offering him counsel, and tutelage. During one of these sessions, it was revealed that Uriel couldn't really do anything in the war, because if he did it freed up other powers to acting as well. He didn't have free will to do as he pleased, but that Aaron being born of a human, had free will and was free to act however he wished. Evil knew that as well and would try to either kill him, or trick him into giving up his free will, by trying to force him into drawing too much into his powers and giving up his humanity in favor of being a full angel.


That is what I have for the first phase, I don't really know yet what I want his first "real" adventure to be. Being in the military could very well be phase 2 as well, I will kinda see what other people have for their characters so we can try to coordinate something.

Lvl 1 Elven Minotaur Druid
Str: 3 |Dex: 1 |Sta: 4 |Con: 3 |Wis: 2 |Cha: 2

"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Capt Malcolm Reynolds

"When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself", Shunryu Suzuki

"Why do we fall down, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again." Thomas Wayne

My second-ish challenge: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/29825-harness-rebooted/
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Honestly, your Phase 1 looks like Phases 1 and 2. Might want to split it up into those.

That had thought that, and wasn't really sure so I decided to post the whole thing. The most natural breaking points, I think, would be when he was attacked by the vampire or when he went to Annapolis. I can see a case for a breaking point being when he graduated and went to BUD/S also. Hmmm...I think that the easiest would be the vampire attack, that was the event that led to him being taught about the Secret War.

Lvl 1 Elven Minotaur Druid
Str: 3 |Dex: 1 |Sta: 4 |Con: 3 |Wis: 2 |Cha: 2

"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." Capt Malcolm Reynolds

"When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself", Shunryu Suzuki

"Why do we fall down, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again." Thomas Wayne

My second-ish challenge: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/29825-harness-rebooted/
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Name: Bree Caillte

Template: Emissary of Power

High Concept: Last Child of Tir na Nog

Trouble: It's because of family

Musts: Marked by Power

Phase One: Three generations ago Bree's family came to American from Ireland. Bree's mother though rejected her Catholic upbringing and became Wiccan. Bree was born and raised within a Celtic Wicca Coven in Colorado not knowing who her father was and when she was little thought everyone was her mom, dad, brothers, and sisters depending on their age. It wasn't until Bree was older did a feeling begin to grow in her that the hippy version of the craft the coven was practicing wasn't right. As a teenager this feeling grew and Bree became too rebellious over her opinion that true Celtic powers, the old gods, weren't peace loving helpful creatures but violent and powerful that the Coven asked her to leave when she became of age. Phase one Aspect: F* that Hippy Sh*t

Phase Two: The world outside the Coven was hard and cold and college was a reality check about people's true natures. In her second year, Bree was diagnosed with schizophrenia because she would hear voices in the shadows, see strange looking creatures out of the corner of her eyes, and on occasions see what she first described as "windows to another earth". Bree was almost at the end of her rope with all the distractions and was about to hospitalize herself, when an old man in an local occult bookstore handed her an old leather bound book about the Fae and Nevernever. The book, Bree later realized, really was a grimnoire all about the Fae and the Courts, the current and past powers, and their struggles. Knowing that the book was powerful, Bree has told no one about it but has used it knowledge when she had to. Phase Two ascept: I believe in Faeries

Phase Three: Bree first realized she was a player in a bigger game when she moved to Ohio for a job as a architect and pixies invaded her home. With the help of the Book of Fae (as she likes to call it) she was able to save the pixies' home and stop a small ley line convergences point from being used by some minor talents intent on malevolent desires. After that other things would draw her attention, generally it was when something out of the Nevernever came over and started causing problems whether on purpose or on accident she was never sure. Again with the help fo the book and some natural talent in dealing with the fae she has always walked away from her encounters most of the time unharmed. As a joke Bree wanted to put an ad out saying "Strange things pest removal service. Specializing in brownies, hobs, and gremlins." (She got the idea after seeing a Chicago ad for a Wizard.) After getting her feet wet and more comfortable with the idea of something else is in the dark the problems that Bree finds herself facing seem to be getting bigger. Phase Three Aspect: Pawn in a Bigger Game

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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So I am leaving a little mystery in my characters past. Her trouble is connected to being of an ancient bloodline and who her true patron is can remain unknown for now as well. I figured, with GM approval, also work Bree as a Minor Talent or focus practitioner. Her main supernatural profession is dealing with all the little creatures of the faerie that are modern day pests. The book Monster by A. Lee Martinez is the bases of this idea.

I also figured that since this is 10 refresh game she is also really good at dealing with faerie things and some magical things but until this adventure has mainly stayed out of any big fights or struggles and whatever is happening is going to cause some kind of life changing experiences.

I know there are some details missing but I am trying to just do a summary of her life instead of going into all her motivations and stuff.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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I've been a pen & paper gamer my whole life. Well, since I was five or so when my oldest cousin (he's about ten years older than me) let me play D & D with his buddies in 1977-ish. I spent a stupid portion of my youth memorizing tables and whatnot. As I got older I played less and less - the last real campaign I participated in was in college and that was 19-ish years ago. Since then I've played casually and started think and write more - I had wanted to do some freelance work for Steve Jackson games, but the follow-through just wasn't there. I have started a pamphlet that I call "The Diceless Gaming Manifesto"... again I'm finding the follow-through difficult so I'm thinking about open sourcing it. Would anyone be interested in reading what I have so far?

Ion Aurum 0th Level Viking Monk

STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

"Prepare for victory! Our minds have been awakened. Rid your life of tyranny. We are The Resistance." - Iced Earth's V

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Hey all!

I'm still a 3.5 D&D gamer, not really liking what 4th edition has to offer. (Additionally, I hate the way the Forgotten Realms has changed since fourth, as irrational as that is for not liking the system I acknowledge that it's still a factor)

Although I'm very curious what 5th edition has to offer.

Do you think they'll ever do world reboots like comic books do? What if suddenly the next edition brought Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Grayhawk, Darksun, etc all back to the "beginning"? What would that do for your favorite heroes? How will that effect your world? What if all popular characters re-lived their stories and made different choices? Comic books do it all the time, why not fantasy novels? Why not ANY novel?


Half-Dragon Ranger

Level 4 

Total: Str: 6.75 Dex: 6.75 Sta: 7.5 Con: 4 Wis: 5 Cha: 7.5

~ Here be Dragons ~

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5th edition, from what I can tell, basically ignores that 4th ever happened and goes back to Vancian magic, linear non-casters, and near-impenetrable system complexity. Yaaaaaaaay... (in case you can't tell, I actually like a lot of what 4e did)

Can't say what they might do for the settings. I've only read up on Eberron and Dark Sun. I like what they did with the latter in 4e, a little less so what they did with the former.

Hmm...we seem to have only two people interested in Dresden Files. I hate to say it, but I feel like this game isn't getting off the ground. Sorry, guys.

Level 4 AssassinStr 8.50, Dex 7.25, Sta 6.75Con 6.00, Wis 8.00, Cha 6.00

My tumblrtumblr for silly band names

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5th edition, from what I can tell, basically ignores that 4th ever happened and goes back to Vancian magic, linear non-casters, and near-impenetrable system complexity.

^ that

(I'm lucky enough to have a DM who scored the play-test.)

there is never a sudden revelation, a complete and tidy explanation for why it happened, or why it ends, or Why or Who you are. you want one and I want one, but there isn't one. it comes in bits and pieces, and you stitch them together wherever they fit, and when you are done you hold yourself up, and still there are holes and you are a rag doll, invented, imperfect. and yet you are all that you have, so you must be Enough. there is no other way.

Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

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5th edition, from what I can tell, basically ignores that 4th ever happened and goes back to Vancian magic, linear non-casters, and near-impenetrable system complexity. Yaaaaaaaay... (in case you can't tell, I actually like a lot of what 4e did)

I like the idea of this. It's far more efficient to play World of Warcraft on a computer than with dice.

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