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Yep, a skip here. A bloke from the land down under, the land of Forex. Not sure if you've got others about the traps, but you have now.

Married with 3 daughters and, so far, indestructible.

40 has stopped sneaking up on me and has chosen to have a crack at me Kato style this year.

I work as a DBA in the mining industry, exploration mostly, and have to travel a lot for work.

Mention computers or data at a mine site and you'll see giant hairy men crying in their beers...

I'm on the road for about 2-3 weeks a month and the other week working from home.

OK; the money is great, the destinations rock, the people are terrific and the conditions are certainly nothing to whinge about.

But... it does have its costs as well. It grossly outweighs other parts of your life. Physical health and weight cycles up and down, there are impacts on relationships and family, fatigue and mental health are always under close attention as well. So, like all jobs, it has its pro's and con's.

Relationships are OK as we've been doing this as a family for a long time. I tell people "It's not bad. Just like having an affair with a married woman..."

Right now I'm dealing with the cons head on and the most major one is my physical health and teaming up with NF is a natural progression for me.

My personal fitness goal is a bit like that American Thingy (Dream?) where the older guy (Kevin I think his name was) just wants to look good naked.

I'm not interested in the bit where he hooks up with a young lass - too much trouble I reckon. Taken me decades to train my wife... ;) ouch!

For me, it's being able to wear a Bonds singlet ('wife-beater' as they are known colloquially) comfortably.

I don't need six pack abs for that, just general fitness and less body bits that laugh with me.

That's the final goal... Got quite a few smaller goals before I get there though.

With 15 concentrated years at the keyboard my entire body has taken a beating due to ongoing neglect. Locked joints, weak muscles, no flexibility, trapped nerves...

I want to

  • work for more than 30 minutes before I feel pain
  • get up without aching
  • not have to recover on a Monday after a weekend of gardening or light work
  • make the time I have with my kids more valuable to me and them (less work recovery (i.e. TV, snoozing))
  • Do 1 rep of the Advanced body weight workout
  • Never pay another Physio due to my own neglect and life choices

I love walking. I do a lot of hiking in my Fila Skeletoes (cheap version of Vibrams that do an excellent job in rough terrain).

Clocked up over 300kms of bush walking in one pair so far and aiming at doing the Hanson trail here - over 1500 kms from memory.

I hate running. Running is for children and the guilty. I mean it. Show me a runner and I'll show you someone who's guilty about something or other, or just a kid at heart.

I've quit smoking, reduced my parmy intake to fortnightly, down to 3 coffee's a day now (instead of 10), exercising as often as I can in small breaks and (insert drum roll) dropped my facebook account.

So far I haven't died of any of these but have needed help on a few and each was done as a gradual step over a period of 6 months or more.

Look forward to being a part of the rebellion and swaying other nerds to the cause.

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Level 1

Dwarf Adventurer


'If you bite off more than you can chew, chew like hell' - Peter Brock


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Another South Australian! Welcome!! I joined a couple of weeks ago - there are plenty of Aussies here but not many from SA that I've seen. Unfortunately I must be guilty of something though, because I'm an amateur runner (doing the City-Bay in less than two weeks)...but also a netball, tennis and squash player, and I started lifting free weights last week, so hopefully I have some cred there.

Am considering getting some vibrams, maybe I'll look into your cheapies first before I decide (there doesn't seem to be Vibram stockist in SA so I'm a bit nervous about sizing). Where did you get yours from?

...Nice weather today :)

Geah, Level One

Troll Ranger w/ Scout Bias


"I get knocked down, but I get up again, and you're never gonna keep me down!"


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Am considering getting some vibrams, maybe I'll look into your cheapies first before I decide (there doesn't seem to be Vibram stockist in SA so I'm a bit nervous about sizing). Where did you get yours from?

...Nice weather today :)

Scout shop on rundle street has them. That's were I bought my pair.

Also, yay! More Australians!

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Yay! More South Aussies!

Mate of mine works at the Scout shop - Phil. Say G'day if you see him - tall bearded outdoorsy type.

We are both scout leaders. I tell the kids that he's the shining example and that I'm the dire warning...

I got my Fila's at Amart's in Norwood and my wife says there are some down at Harbour Town as well.

They get a bit of a beating from places like birthdayshoes.com because they are a bit thicker than the vibrams so less natural for barefoot running. Still zero fall.

For treking though, that suits me fine! Really fantastic for bushwalking. I'll never walk with boots again.

Also, they are only 4 toes so that little toe isn't so hard to get in and doesn't get sore.

Not doing the city-bay. Too many guilty culprits there for my liking.

Check out Trailblazers.org. 50km hike from city to Mt Lofty raising money for Operation Flinders.

I won't make it this year though, too busy,fat and lazy :(

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Level 1

Dwarf Adventurer


'If you bite off more than you can chew, chew like hell' - Peter Brock


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Welcome to the Rebellion! Your first post honestly made me laugh, i think you will fit in mighty well in these parts :) I have a bad habit of calling all singlet tops 'beaters' and have found myself in some awkward situations lately of having to explain to my Japanese work mates what one is; in response to a dinner invite: "Is this a dress kind of event or jeans and a beater?" *facepalm* I must sound quite uncouth to them sometimes haha Anyways, enjoy the community, good luck with your goals and I'm sure you will find what you are looking for!

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Another South Aussie here, but I live out in the country. It's great seeing so many Aussies.

We should have a meetup sometime. :encouragement:

Yay! More South Aussies!

Mate of mine works at the Scout shop - Phil. Say G'day if you see him - tall bearded outdoorsy type.

We are both scout leaders. I tell the kids that he's the shining example and that I'm the dire warning...

You may know my Dad. Adelaide really is a tiny place...

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Another South Aussie here, but I live out in the country. It's great seeing so many Aussies.

Where abouts in the country? I live up north in Gawler but spend a lot of time in the Barossa :) And my bf lives near Adelaide so am in the city quite a lot too.

Geah, Level One

Troll Ranger w/ Scout Bias


"I get knocked down, but I get up again, and you're never gonna keep me down!"


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Cheers for the welcome's.

I've no dramas for a catch up with anyone, anywhere. Got mates all over the traps.

I'll be out 'near' Broken Hill next week, Melbourne after that and then Tassie later in the month.

'near' = about 200kms west...

Any of you interested in having a crack at parts of the Heyson trail, let me know.

Very hard to get anyone 'enthusiastic' (dumb) enough to do the top half of the trail with transport being the main issue.

Arbite, I reckon we could do 3 degrees of separation here in Radelaide.

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Level 1

Dwarf Adventurer


'If you bite off more than you can chew, chew like hell' - Peter Brock


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Strike me down, all the South Aussies coming out of the woodwork now.

Max, welcome, what kind of training do you want to be doing? Apart from setting up to walk the Heysen trail....jeez, and you reckon you're not guilty of something.

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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Gday Pat,

You SA as well? Or St George?

If I don't come back then you'll know I'm from convict stock ;)

Fortunately... Heysen trail is lots of small segments, not all in one hit. Couple of good walks through the Adl hills as well.

Training... hmm... No really tightly held interests - I lose that, along with the plot, easily.

Variety would be the key there.

I'd LIKE to do really cool parkour stuff, Jackie Chan style.

I CAN do the basic workout (2 reps twice a day), on my way (eventually) to parkour in the future.

I NEED to do strength work (all over) for protection from injury and better overall posture.

This weekend I'm going to be moving house.

Gamifying that and making it into a full weekend epic training session is the only way to make it bearable...

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Level 1

Dwarf Adventurer


'If you bite off more than you can chew, chew like hell' - Peter Brock


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Hey Max, I'm an Adelaidean too, just joined the NF forum a few days ago. If you want to have a go at Parkour (and it is truly awesome fun)- check out www.parkour.asn.au for details on classes. My mate TJ runs the training sessions on Sunday arvos in the city, which are an excellent way to get started. In a few sessions, you should have the basics down and be able to practice wherever you are. All the people there are really friendly and supportive, and there's a few of us oldies at the class too :)

We pretty much train exclusively bodyweight for parkour, which is great if you don't have regular access to a gym. Like Steve's "Hotel Workout", you can do that stuff anywhere to build strength and muscle endurance.

Anyway, seeya 'round!

Chris AKA Loquacious B

Eldar on the Path of the Warrior (Elf Adventurer)Level 1 | STR 1 |DEX 3 | STA 3 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 3 |FirmitasUtilitasVenustas

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Hey Max, I'm an Adelaidean too, just joined the NF forum a few days ago. If you want to have a go at Parkour (and it is truly awesome fun)- check out www.parkour.asn.au for details on classes. My mate TJ runs the training sessions on Sunday arvos in the city, which are an excellent way to get started. In a few sessions, you should have the basics down and be able to practice wherever you are. All the people there are really friendly and supportive, and there's a few of us oldies at the class too :)

We pretty much train exclusively bodyweight for parkour, which is great if you don't have regular access to a gym. Like Steve's "Hotel Workout", you can do that stuff anywhere to build strength and muscle endurance.

Anyway, seeya 'round!

Chris AKA Loquacious B

BANG! Sounds great. Was talking to a couple of Burke's about it last night.

Moving house this weekend plus the weather is lousy then out bush for a bit. (Not much parkour action where I'm going. Or trees, or anything)

Will be there in a few weeks.

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Level 1

Dwarf Adventurer


'If you bite off more than you can chew, chew like hell' - Peter Brock


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NSW, and yeah, bodyweight seems to be the way to go for parkour stuff. But mind you, if you want a bigger vertical jump for those crazy leaps, you might want to hop under a loaded bar. Keeping an open mind and all that.

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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NSW, and yeah, bodyweight seems to be the way to go for parkour stuff. But mind you, if you want a bigger vertical jump for those crazy leaps, you might want to hop under a loaded bar. Keeping an open mind and all that.

No argument here! Huge benefits to be reaped by using weights.

I think the bodyweight thing is more just a case of "conventional wisdom"/habit within the community (also, bodyweight can be done anywhere). There's plenty of folks in the parkour community who lift though.

Eldar on the Path of the Warrior (Elf Adventurer)Level 1 | STR 1 |DEX 3 | STA 3 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 3 |FirmitasUtilitasVenustas

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