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Hi from sunny Australia!

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Hello hello! :)

I've been reading NF for a little while now - the emails always brighten my day - but I thought it was about time I got my behind into gear and joined the forum. I know how much I benefit from having a supportive community, so I'm not sure why I've been putting it off... Maybe because I know I can just sit and obsessively stroll through threads and keep posting nonsense... But, that aside, I'm here now and looking forward to being part of the Rebellion! I will really value any and all advice and support I get from being here, and hope to give it back in return, too.

A little big of background on my health/ weight/ fitness:

I feel like I've been a steady size since graduating high school in 2005, sitting consistently at a size 14 for the top and 16 for the bottom (though I can no longer fit into a pair of size 16 jeans in a way that I'm happy with how I look... which has meant no more jeans for me!). I had never been particularly active; I had/ have exercise induced asthma and was never the sporty type, until a year and a half ago when I discovered roller derby and knew that I had to be involved. A year ago, I tried out and got in, and have been on a bit of a life-changing experience ever since (including attempting to switch career paths from the arts into nursing). I started doing 2x 2 hour skating training sessions every week and giving a bit more of a damn about the food I was eating. I joined a gym in March, though have gone really infrequently. I bought two PT sessions when I joined and still haven't used them. I feel a bit awkward at the gym, unsure of how to make the most of my time. I use the machine weights because the free weights are always occupied by bulky men. I've just downloaded an App, Nike Fitness, which I already love a lot more and I've only used it twice (and it was free!).

With everyone beating it into me that food is 80-90% of the battle, it's become a bigger priority for me this year. I eat basic but whole food meals constantly - meat, vegetables, eggs, fruit, some nuts and lots of water. I'm lactose intolerant so soy milk is my staple and I've been trying to cut down on my sugar. I also don't eat bread (once in a blue moon) and have pasta/ rice very infrequently.

Why I'm here:

Recently, I've had some comments from people I train with that I'm slimming down - and they see me with very clingy clothing on that doesn't hide much. :P However, I'm not seeing it. My clothes fit the same, and I still can't squeeze my way into a pair of size 16 jeans, which is something I'd love to be able to get into by next winter. I think I will benefit from being able to seek advice and see what other people are doing to achieve their goals. Some of the results I've seen already are fantastic and I hope to be a success story too!

Some other long-term goals of mine:

* Increase my speed and endurance

* Take up HIIT

* Strengthen my legs (slash do anything that will keep me from breaking my legs/ ankles, a common derby injury)

* Slim down my stomach and arms

* Have my upper chest 'looking good' as I want to get a tattoo there soon

* Increase my understanding of the right food for my body

* Expand my food and nutritional knowledge

I know I should break them down further to make them more achievable. Maybe that's something I will ask for help for! But for now, that's enough about me. Looking forward to getting to know you all. :)

Padawan Adventurer: Level 23 STR | 2 DEX | 2 STA | 2 CON | 4 WIS | 4 CHACurrent Mission: Preparing for the Trials"I'm the one with enthusiasm. You're the one with experience, which I'm looking forward to learning from." - Ahsoka Tano

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Hi! Always good to see another Australian here. There are quite a few Brisbane people around, actually.

Roller derby has always been a bit of a mystery to me until one of my good friends started it about four or five months ago - now I'm slowly getting an idea from her frequent FB posts about her training. It looks like fun, though. Not something I'd want to try, as I've never been on rollerskates, but it should be awesome for your legs. Do you have a cool/funny/whatever name under which you skate?

As to breaking down the goals, that's what challenges are for. There is one starting next week, I think, as we've just finished one.


Mist, Level 3 Half-orc Adventurer

STR: 5 | DEX: 3 | STA: 3.5 | CON: 5 | WIS: 8.75 | CHA: 4

Third time's the charm - My current challenge thread

Interested in my progress? - My First Challenge & My Second Challenge

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Hi! Welcome nice to meet people from our side of the world.

I'm really new as well (only beat you by a couple of days!) I felt I had to comment though cause I did the exact same thing with my gym and the personal training sessions. We got 2 free when we signed up and I didn't use them for aggggggges but I finally checked them in a month or two ago and it was the best thing I did. They really helped me feel way more comfortable at the gym, It gave me a bit more direction and although some of the stuff they suggested I don't do, some of their ideas where gold and they weren't some super thin stick bug that judged me either like I was afraid of.

Rolly Derby seems awesome! I have a couple of friends I've gone along and supported and I loved the atmosphere! I can only imagine its even better from inside the... dome...arena(?)



STR: 3 | DEX: 2 | CON: 3 | STA: 3 | WIS: 2 | CHA: 2

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Hi! Always good to see another Australian here. There are quite a few Brisbane people around, actually.

Roller derby has always been a bit of a mystery to me until one of my good friends started it about four or five months ago - now I'm slowly getting an idea from her frequent FB posts about her training. It looks like fun, though. Not something I'd want to try, as I've never been on rollerskates, but it should be awesome for your legs. Do you have a cool/funny/whatever name under which you skate?

As to breaking down the goals, that's what challenges are for. There is one starting next week, I think, as we've just finished one.

Oh sweet! Have you had any Brissie meet ups? Always good to put faces to screen names.

Hah, yeah, that's the derby Facebook curse... It becomes all we can talk about at times! It really is so, so much fun though. My derby name is Jigglytuff!

I'm still getting my head around the challenges and also which class I should go in. So much to wade through on here! It's great!

Hi! Welcome nice to meet people from our side of the world.

I'm really new as well (only beat you by a couple of days!) I felt I had to comment though cause I did the exact same thing with my gym and the personal training sessions. We got 2 free when we signed up and I didn't use them for aggggggges but I finally checked them in a month or two ago and it was the best thing I did. They really helped me feel way more comfortable at the gym, It gave me a bit more direction and although some of the stuff they suggested I don't do, some of their ideas where gold and they weren't some super thin stick bug that judged me either like I was afraid of.

Rolly Derby seems awesome! I have a couple of friends I've gone along and supported and I loved the atmosphere! I can only imagine its even better from inside the... dome...arena(?)

That settles it then; I'll send him a text and tee them up! :)

Well, I'm bias - I think it's great no matter where you're standing! - but as someone who was staring on the outside for awhile leading up to a very nervous try out, when I finally played my first bout in June, I can definitely say it was the most fun I'd ever had! I'm still working my way into getting on a team, which is another reason why I'm here. Shedding some more fat and gaining muscle and endurance is going to really improve my performance.

Padawan Adventurer: Level 23 STR | 2 DEX | 2 STA | 2 CON | 4 WIS | 4 CHACurrent Mission: Preparing for the Trials"I'm the one with enthusiasm. You're the one with experience, which I'm looking forward to learning from." - Ahsoka Tano

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and yes let me also say that I am jealous of your roller derby awesomeness (dig that name too). I thought about it for a while, did some skating and really enjoyed it but finally decided that all that falling on your knees was not going to be something my poor, damaged, knees could handle. Wish they could though.

On that, i would imagine that is why you are still in the same jeans- I bet you have super strong legs and thighs from all the skating. I had the same thing when i first came back from my knee injury and was doing lots of cycling, the muscles built up before the fat came off and they actually got bigger ( yep, small sob at the time!). Just stick with all the good stuff you are doing and the fat will come off.

and completely agree with what KiwiScout said (woot! kiwis!)- do the PT sessions. They are really awesome and helpful and youll find some wicked excercises that you like. I love my PT sessions. It probably helps that my gym is small and not too full of roid freaks but hey- no one really worries about what you are doing and when you are sloggin your guts out you just know that soon youll look and feel awesome and you dont really care.

and ( this is mean) but if the 'bulky men' get to you, just imagine sticking this poster up for those with Johnny Bravo syndrome (i mean that in the nicest well meaning way possible)



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My derby name is Jigglytuff!

Hi just dropping in to say I love your name, how did you come up with it?

PS it's great to see another Aussie on here

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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That settles it then; I'll send him a text and tee them up! :)

Well, I'm bias - I think it's great no matter where you're standing! - but as someone who was staring on the outside for awhile leading up to a very nervous try out, when I finally played my first bout in June, I can definitely say it was the most fun I'd ever had! I'm still working my way into getting on a team, which is another reason why I'm here. Shedding some more fat and gaining muscle and endurance is going to really improve my performance.

Awesome!! you'll have to let us know how these sessions go for you hopefully they're as useful as mine and Wabbits where. Couldn't agree with Wabbit more about the steroid freaks just ignore them...or remember what everyone says steroid do to the rest of your body.... :P



STR: 3 | DEX: 2 | CON: 3 | STA: 3 | WIS: 2 | CHA: 2

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and yes let me also say that I am jealous of your roller derby awesomeness (dig that name too). I thought about it for a while, did some skating and really enjoyed it but finally decided that all that falling on your knees was not going to be something my poor, damaged, knees could handle. Wish they could though.

Hehe, thank you. Sometimes I think even the most healthy of knees are not made for derby... I've been having some minor problems with mine since I started skating but I've been seeing a physio and now an osteo to keep on top of it, so fingers crossed I keep it from getting too bad.

On that, i would imagine that is why you are still in the same jeans- I bet you have super strong legs and thighs from all the skating. I had the same thing when i first came back from my knee injury and was doing lots of cycling, the muscles built up before the fat came off and they actually got bigger ( yep, small sob at the time!). Just stick with all the good stuff you are doing and the fat will come off.

Gosh, I really do wish that was the reason... I really think it's my belly though. But I guess if my thighs were bigger from muscles, that would pull on the fabric and stop the zipper from being able to close right? Heh.

and ( this is mean) but if the 'bulky men' get to you, just imagine sticking this poster up for those with Johnny Bravo syndrome (i mean that in the nicest well meaning way possible)


That picture is so brilliant. I love Johnny Bravo!

Hi just dropping in to say I love your name, how did you come up with it?

PS it's great to see another Aussie on here

Hi Shortstuff! If you mean Jigglytuff, I am a huge Pokemon fan (original 150 though I can't wait for Black/White 2 to come out). My mother and I always played the card game together when I was growing up, and Jiggypuff was her favourite Pokemon (I suspect because she thought I was a little bit like a Jigglypuff - I've always been on the 'more to love' squishy belly side, love pink and used to sing... badly). And I just changed it to 'tuff' (tough) to make it more derby!

If you mean Soleil - have you ever played Soul Caliber? Tira is one of my favourite characters, and the team who designed her has said that she's a bit like a runaway Cirque du Soleil artist, so I use Tira Soleil or a variation of it on most of my nerdy online hangouts.

Cool name, always glad to have another Aussie!

For some reason your name reminds me of sunflower.

Anyway, welcome!

Thank you! Such warm welcomes! So nice!


Hello Jigglytuff! It';s Thundra from WARD! How are you? DERBY AND AUSTRALIAN HIGH FIVES.

ERMERGERD-ERMERGERD-ERMERGERD Hi Thundra!!! HIGH FIVE!!!! So glad to see you on here!

Awesome!! you'll have to let us know how these sessions go for you hopefully they're as useful as mine and Wabbits where. Couldn't agree with Wabbit more about the steroid freaks just ignore them...or remember what everyone says steroid do to the rest of your body.... :P

Oh! So on the PT thing - I went into my gym the day after posting on here and it turns out the guy who was going to be my PT had left, so they're going to find me a new one in a few days and then BAM PT sessions will happen. :D

Welcome! Brisvegas resident reporting in! :) A few NF Brissie nerds caught up at a recent powerlifting comp that Shiggles was in. We have vague plans to catch up at the next one, a women's only amateur powerlifting comp at Northgate (near Nundah) in December. Being a spectator is free. I'm planning to enter! (I won't win. But I think I'll have fun. :) )

Hi! Yay! Great! I'll watch too and be part of your cheer squad. Great that you're giving it a go!

And IMO, free weights are the way to go. Get your personal trainer to show you how to squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press. Those are the basic lifts, and all you need to get started.

Take some photos of yourself! I know. It's scary. But do it anyway, and do it now, even if no-one but you ever sees those pictures. Over time, you're able to see those changes others can see, but you never do when you just look in the mirror.

Sounds like you're 90% of the way to a paleo diet, you might want to look into that diet more for heaps of recipe ideas. My son is anaphylactic to dairy, so that cuts out a lot of stuff right there. We still eat grains, though. FYI, Blue Diamond brand "Almond Breeze" almond milk is another delicious dairy-free milk alternative you might like to trial. Less kJ, and still fortified with calcium. Not as much protein or carbs, though.

I'm becoming a bit obsessed with Instragram for the amount of paleo/clean eating food recipes (thank you The Internet for all the generous people who live in you sharing knowledge out of the goodness of their hearts!). Thank you for the milk tip! I'm always keen to try new things (even though my diet is so repetitive... I do well with suggestions). I'm just on that Australian brand malt-free soy stuff at the moment.

If your primary focus at the moment is on weight loss, you might like to come join the Adventurers, for the new 6 week challenge about to start. :)

Fantastic, thank you for the guidance - I'll come check the Adventurers out. :D

Padawan Adventurer: Level 23 STR | 2 DEX | 2 STA | 2 CON | 4 WIS | 4 CHACurrent Mission: Preparing for the Trials"I'm the one with enthusiasm. You're the one with experience, which I'm looking forward to learning from." - Ahsoka Tano

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Hi Soleil! I'm a Brissy girl too :)

I'm doing my first challenge with the Adventurers starting tomorrow - you should definately join us!

~ Sez

Hi Sez! I just joined! Let's cheer each other on. :D

Padawan Adventurer: Level 23 STR | 2 DEX | 2 STA | 2 CON | 4 WIS | 4 CHACurrent Mission: Preparing for the Trials"I'm the one with enthusiasm. You're the one with experience, which I'm looking forward to learning from." - Ahsoka Tano

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