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Looking to get fit while having a more than full time theatre job

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Hey all!

I'm pretty new to nerdfitness and just wanted to introduce myself. I just found the site on Tuesday and immediately signed up. I'm looking to lose some weight and get into shape so I can keep up with the guys next summer at my summer gig at Tecumseh! Outdoor Drama.

Quick bio: I graduated in 2010 from a small school in PA and immediately (like 48 hours later) started working 50+ hours a week at a professional theatre. 2 1/2 years later, I'm still going and working at multiple theatres in the DC area on a regular basis. Some days I work 3 jobs, some I work none. Some weeks I work 10 hours and some weeks I work 80 (my record is 104). Needless to say, my schedule is unpredictible and I love it that way!

My biggest struggle in the past has been emotional eating. It's a pretty standard thing for me: when I love my job and have a strong group of friends that I'm with a lot (which ususally happens with acting jobs as opposed to costume jobs), I eat right, am relatively active, and am happy. Therefore, I lose some weight and am in generally better health. When I'm frustrated, stressed, or bored with my work (which happens more than you would think. One of my current jobs is primarily training people and paperwork), I have a harder time controlling what I eat and spend a lot more time zoning out in front of the tv or computer because I don't want to deal with people. To top it off, I'm in a profession where people bringing candy, cookies, Starbucks, cake, etc to work to share is common and getting late night bar food and beers happens at least once a week.

I'm using the Walk to Mordor as a starting base for getting my physical activity up and am adding in strength training on the days when I work fewer hours. I'm also making sure that the only things I keep in my apartment are healthy and primarily paleo (I'm finishing up the whole grain pasta and such that I have instead of throwing it out though because I can't afford to waste food and it isn't that much).

My biggest struggle is avoiding those at work snacks. So if anyone has any advice on building that self control, please share! I'm very much an out of sight, out of mind person, so having things in front of me all day is difficult.

Also, I'm primarily as Sci-Fi nerd. Give me Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Song of Ice and Fire, Mists of Avalon, or anything of the such any day and I'm super happy. I never played video games growing up, but enjoy watching my friends play them. Also, board games are my thing. Oh, and I spend my summers running around as a Shawnee Indian, which is hilarious since I'm a blond haired, grey eyed white girl.

If anyone's been in any similar situations as me, I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice. Also, I'm periodically tracking my walk to mordor on my tumblr: thoughtsofawanderinggirl.tumblr.com

Theatresara: Wig Stylist and Interactive Performer extraordinaire 


Current Challenge Thread   http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/73790-theatresara-joins-the-scouts/


Main Quest:  Lose 30 Pounds

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Hey Sara, welcome to the forums! Sounds like you have a great (and freeing) kind of life! I always loved jobs that allowed me that freedom, although I'm definately not in one anymore. It can be hard to live a good lifestyle when your schedule is all over the board, but it looks like you've already found a few things that don't work for you, so here's to finding some that do.

For me, watching my calories (I know, I know, terrible terrible evil phrase) and bringing my own snacks have helped. Because I give myself the freedom to say yes to it if I want it (I just have to track it) I also give myself the freedom to say no to it if it doesn't really line up with what I'm trying to do. It's not a perfect system, but it has helped me a lot in the past 9 weeks. Don't worry so much about "white knuckling" it with your self control...instead find some ways to decide if it is really what you want, and not just something that is convenient. Being more mindful of those things will help you make better decisions without feeling so deprived. ((In fact, over 9 weeks I've actually started to lose my sweet tooth! Just because of how much sugar I've chosen not to consume, my body has resensitized itself to sugar sources and no longer wants them the way it did before...I don't know if it works for everyone, but it really has helped me.))

I love that you're walking to Mordor. Good luck with your plans! I look forward to hearing about your progress.

Hiraedd the Twice Risen:

Hamadryad; Pilgrim

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Hi Sara, another fellow newbie here *waves.

I'm also walking to Mordor, I'm tracking my miles on a spreadsheet at the moment and making myself mini goals to get to each stage. If you are looking for some other quick exercises check out these links http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/top-posts/ I'm starting the Angry Birds Workout this week, aiming to do them when my Son naps.

As for the snacking I can only agree with Hiraedd and suggest you bring in nice things to snack on such as grapes, carrot sticks with maybe some healthy dips, a small handful of nuts and such like - not sure about the Paleo diet and what is allowed. You could also maybe try either moving the tempting snacks away from you or maybe bring in some dark coloured bowls for people to put the snacks in, effectively hiding them.

Wishing you luck :)

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Metal Violet, level 1 Satyr monk



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I don't spend as many hours working as you do, but add in my commute time (5 hours total a day) and I think I have you beat =).

Do you get time to take lunch or do you eat on the go? There's a gym right by my work, and although it's a bit pricey I make a point of going either at lunch or in the morning before work. I find that helps a lot with maintaining a healthy lifestyle (I believe this is common for a lot of people, that exercise helps keep them on track diet wise).

The snack thing is highly personal, and though Hiraedd's advice is sound I find a slightly different strategy works better for me. I can't snack (other than coffee). If I do I'll end up overeating. I bring a LARGE meal in and eat it for breakfast at my desk (today was about 3/4-1 lb of apple-cinnamon meatloaf and ~1 cup of garlic mashed potatoes, all covered in sriracha). For lunch I'll have a protein shake, and my dinner will be extremely light if I have it at all (usually a bag of frozen veggies cooked up, and covered in pepper and sriracha). This works very well for me because if I eat a massive meal at breakfast it holds me over throughout the day. If I don't or skip breakfast, I often end up overeating at lunch. This type of strategy works for me and helps me combat the urge to snack on junk food and the like. Again it's personal, but it may work for you too.



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Welcome to the rebellion!!!

As for the food thing.... the snacks, have you tried having your own healthy snacks? Fruits, nuts and alike? It is easier to resist if you have other options! So i am basically repeating what Hiraedd said... but it does help!

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Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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Thanks for all the welcomes and advice! I'm currently using myfitnesspal to help me track calories as I'm transitioning into healthier eating, so that is helping with the at work snacking. I resisted a piece of chocolate cake this evening! (I still had two starbursts, but that was only 40 calories, so not too horrible). I love the advice about taking the lunch break to excercise. I don't often get more than 30 minutes for lunch, but will try to at least stretch my legs and go for a short walk if nothing else. I do try to pack my own lunches as much as possible (thankfully, one of the places I often work at encourages bringing healthy lunches), but sometimes have to grab food on the run, especially on super long days. Also, I rarely have a desk, so eating at one isn't usually an option (both a good and bad thing).

Also, I can't believe I forgot to mention how much I love Firefly in my first post, which is ridiculous since I was wearing a shirt with the blueprint of Serenity on it at the time.

Theatresara: Wig Stylist and Interactive Performer extraordinaire 


Current Challenge Thread   http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/73790-theatresara-joins-the-scouts/


Main Quest:  Lose 30 Pounds

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Glad to hear it, Sara! And two starbursts are a great alternative to a piece of chocolate cake! Great job!

Also, I can't believe I forgot to mention how much I love Firefly in my first post, which is ridiculous since I was wearing a shirt with the blueprint of Serenity on it at the time.


Hiraedd the Twice Risen:

Hamadryad; Pilgrim

battle log


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