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Comic Books and Graphic Novels: What are you reading?


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A book folder on a nerd forum with no comics thread? Is that even possible? ;)

Whether it's artsy indie books, American superheroes, French sci-fi, Japanese romance or anything in between: What are you reading? What are your favourites? What do you hate and what do you love?

Wood Elf Assassin
  -- Level 10 --
STR 26 | DEX 13 | STA 19 | CON 7 | WIS 14 | CHA 14





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COMIC: Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe; Walking Dead

Japanese Manga: Blue Exorcist, Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, Fairy Tale, History's Strongest Diciple Kenichi, and a few others that have been completed like Black Cat and Satan 666(written by Naruto creators brother)

Thats not including books that I read but that didnt seem like what you were asking.

Ogre Warrior
STR 6 | DEX 3 | STA 4 | CON 3 | WIS 6 | CHA 3

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If it's a book with sequential illustrations, it counts! :)

The only mainstream serial I'm reading these days is Stormwatch, more out of nostalgia for the old Authority books than anything else - although I do think Peter Milligan writes interesting stuff in general - and because I like to have at least one cheeseball superhero book to read every month (and to be geeky about - I've been known to mutter under my breath about the changes to the Engineer's backstory and to the Midnighter's costume).

Of the recent GNs and trades I've picked up I was most impressed by the collected edition of Alejandro Jodorowsky's Megalex (which I love only slightly less than I loved La Caste des Méta-Barons) and the adaptation of Jane Yolen's The Last Dragon (drawn by Rebecca Guay) that Dark Horse put out last year. I was wanted to like The Silence of Our Friends (The American civil rights story from Mark Long, Jim Demonakos and Nate Powell) but it didn't go deep enough for me - what was there was good, but there just wasn't enough to it. I admired Alison Bechdel's Are You My Mother? more than I liked it (and I wonder just how much autobiographical material she's going to put out).

My current guilty pleasures are the Dragon Age tie-in books (which are actually serialized, but I'm reading the trades) which are written by the game's lead writer and are surprisingly well-done for what they are. I'm also liking the Jean-Charles Gaudin and Laurent Sieurac adaption of Robin Hobb's Farseer books L'assassin Royal - it's not a series that really needed an adaptation, but it's done well and I'm enjoying it.

My all-time favourites are probably mostly 90s Vertigo books - Preacher, Transmet, books like that (I still pick up most of any Garth Ennis war comic and most of Warren Ellis' weird crime-magic stuff).

Wood Elf Assassin
  -- Level 10 --
STR 26 | DEX 13 | STA 19 | CON 7 | WIS 14 | CHA 14





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I collect graphic novel (though it is not that big and I currently not in a location that I can easily buy them. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COMIC BOOK STORE)

Akira- All six volumes


V for Vendetta

Civil War

Wolverine Orgin

All time favorite is the Flight Anthology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_(comics)

My next graphic novel/comic series is going to be Sandman.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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I just read the latest Hellblazer and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen graphic novels, and I've got the most recent Crossed books on deck. I also just ordered Vertigo Resurrected: Hellblazer to get a handful of issues that aren't otherwise collected in TPB form.

We had a few other threads that have gone dormant - check them for some good suggestions.



Repairing a lifetime of bad habits...

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Yup, there are some good recomendations in those (although they both have a bit of the "recommend a bunch of 80s classics without regard for the questioners taste" thing - not everyone likes Frank Miller and/or Alan Moore, for example). I was hoping we could have more ongoing discussion here about what people like and why they like them though. :)

I've got the most recent Crossed books

Lapham or Spurrier? Or is the new Ennis series collected already? I was going to pick up that trade, but I was thinking that wasn't out for another couple of months.

My next graphic novel/comic series is going to be Sandman.

It's funny, I've always really liked the few Sandman trades that I've read, but I've always been (unfairly, I know) slightly turned off of them just because of how stereotyped the fandom was back in the 90s (it seemed like if you were female and walked into a comic book shop, you'd have Sandman and Strangers in Paradise recommened to you, regardless of what else you were buying :ambivalence:).

Reading through the Walking Dead Series right now.

Do you watch the tv series as well? What do you think about the differences?

Wood Elf Assassin
  -- Level 10 --
STR 26 | DEX 13 | STA 19 | CON 7 | WIS 14 | CHA 14





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I want to pick up the Sandman Series because I like Neil Gaiman. I enjoy his novels, the movies his has worked on, and generally anything he been involved with. I have not read a lot of Sandman but the character concept and other aspects on the series that makes me want to read it.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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Do you watch the tv series as well? What do you think about the differences?

I do indeed watch through the TV series as well. I like seeing the differences because I see it as a different interpretation to the characters. I equate it to how Marvel has the Comic Universe and the Movie Universe. At least that's how I see it. Also like the additional characters and extended dynamic between Rick and Shane in the series

I want to pick up the Sandman Series because I like Neil Gaiman. I enjoy his novels, the movies his has worked on, and generally anything he been involved with. I have not read a lot of Sandman but the character concept and other aspects on the series that makes me want to read it.

Have you read the Gaiman book American Gods? Awesome interpretation of ancient gods living in modern times.


Level 1 Human Ranger

STR: 2|DEX: 2|STA: 2|CON: 3|WIS: 4|CHA: 2|

It's a TRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Have you read the Gaiman book American Gods? Awesome interpretation of ancient gods living in modern times.

I own it. I bought it along with Neverwhere. I am going to read it when I take the train next week.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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My current comic book pull involves Invincible, Walking Dead, Chew, Hack/Slash, Hellblazer, The Boys (even though the final issue is out soon :( ). Used to have Suicide Squad in there too but removed it cause I was hoping for a replacement to Secret Six, which I love. As for graphic novels I already own....I'm gonna need to make a list cause it's too many to remember off the top of my head hahaha It many involves Batman, Watchmen, Maus, Preacher, Crossed, Punisher Max...and yea, can't remember off the top of my head so will update later :P

"We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."

-- Charles Bukowski

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Just finished Absolute sandman by Niel Gaiman

I can really recommend The Invisibles by Grant Morrison. And Doom Patrol by same. And just about anything by Alan Moore

LVL 2 Ranger: Steppenwolf

STR: 5,0 | DEX: 5,0 | STA: 3,0 | CON: 4,0 | WIS: 3,0 | CHA: 3,0

Height:175 | Weight: 97.5 kg


Those who have seen, knows.

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I'm going to bump this thread to comment on how much I'm enjoying Kel Symons' book I Love Trouble - really solid storytelling, solid art from Mark A Robinson, and - if you buy the physical copies - gorgeous paper stock.



And can I also have a moment of pure geekery, and say that I'm so pleased that the new Stormwatch has finally brought back Midnighter's trench coat?  And Hellstrike is back too!  :triumphant:

Wood Elf Assassin
  -- Level 10 --
STR 26 | DEX 13 | STA 19 | CON 7 | WIS 14 | CHA 14





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Hmmm. Walking Dead, America's Got Powers, Mara, Todd the Ugliest boy in the World, Superior Spiderman, Young Avengers, Teen Titans, Night Wing, Batman, Batman Incorporated, Sledgehammer 44, East of West, and a bunch more I can't think of right now.


Seriously I drop 20-30 bucks at the comic shop a week I think.

Level 5 Orc Citizen Soldier

STR 7.5|DEX 9.5|STA 11|CON 12|WIS 20.5|CHA 8.5

Old Challenges 15/4 3/6 7/25

"Do it now."


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my friend just gave me last night the "Dr Horrible" mini-graphic.  :D

there is never a sudden revelation, a complete and tidy explanation for why it happened, or why it ends, or Why or Who you are. you want one and I want one, but there isn't one. it comes in bits and pieces, and you stitch them together wherever they fit, and when you are done you hold yourself up, and still there are holes and you are a rag doll, invented, imperfect. and yet you are all that you have, so you must be Enough. there is no other way.

Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

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My comic reading tends to be mostly webcomics anymore.  Though I still read Bleach and a few other shonen pieces.


I do have a soft spot in my heart for Uncle Scrooge comics though. Grew up with those, believing in being "smarter than the smarties, tougher than the toughies  and making money square".  My Carl Barks favorites are "the Horseradish Story" and "Prize of Pizarro".  My Don Rosa favorite being "The Lost Library of Alexandria." His Eisner winning "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" is really awesome too.


Level 1 Undead Dwarf Adventurer

STR:  3   DEX:  1   STA: 2    CON: 4.375   WIS: 6.75   CHA: 1



Fire Flower Power Up

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I picked up Fables while visiting Chicago, however, I'm still looking for the beginning of the series before I really delve in... I may have to look for some kind of anthology of the earlier ones, the actual ones aren't in the budget right now :/

Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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I have Walking Dead and The Dark Tower comics on my laptop but am not liking the page sizing on my small screen.


I prefer to read Manga and Korean webtoons online where I can scroll or one click.

USS & NBAC Masters swim coach

Current: lifter, runner

Former: triathlete, cyclocross racer, NCAA swimmer


Current games: Borderlands 2, Runescape, Star Ocean, Dragon's Dogma

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My boyfriend and I are currently getting through Fables together. I'm not a real comic book fan but I love traditional fairytales and the plot(s) of the series are really cool. 


The bf also wants to start The Sandman series since he heard that was good. 


I read the Japanesse manga Vampire Knight when I was... 17? Lol it's a corny vampire romance novel with incest. Once I have more money I might start buying copies of Sailor Moon since I loved watching the show when I was little and heard that the manga was much better. She was my hero growing up (along with Xena the Warrior Princess). 

"If you die, you die. A man must constantly exceed his level." - Bruce Lee

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The main ones I'm currently read are Cardcaptor Sakura, Bleach and Pokemon Adventures. I have recently read the first Fairy Tails book and really enjoyed it. I have also read a couple of books in the Sailor Moon and Ouran High School Host Club series

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
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I'm biding my time until I can sink my teeth into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, managed a few issues here and there.

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


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