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It looks like this is the best place to post my first post. To start Howdy!

Little about me I'm a 29 year old college student... No I'm not dumb I just did a decade with the Navy. The Navy forced me to run some but honestly not much. I had a desk job and fitness wasn't as important to the job as my cognitive ability was. After I got out one of my friends told me about the Warrior Dash. It sounded like fun so we did it. And another... And another... They are an incredible amount of fun. Anyway I decided to start running a little further and started running with a group that was training for a marathon... I've been at it for a few months now and Really like it, Buuuut I want to go further. I want to be able to lift heavy thing, Climb things (most likely trees... I live on the coastal plains... Not may mountains handy), do things, fight things. So yeah I'm trying to work on specific goals for the upcoming challenge. I think they'll revolve around push ups, sit ups, maybe some pull ups, and there is a rope in my back yard I still can't climb... And it's mocking me so I'll have to conquer it at some point... We shall see.

So while I'm working on goals a much more important topic is at hand. I have no freaking clue what race/occupation to be! I have never played a role playing game before so maybe that's why this eluding me. Dealing with occupation I would initially think Scout because of the running... But I like some of my goals I think would tend to be more like Rangers, since I want to do some warrior like stuff but keep the running. Other of my goals would I think lend themselves to Assassins, such as the Warrior Dashes and tough mudders, and of course that stupid rope.

Also, is there an issue with uploading pictures... I've tried on two computers with three different browsers and I can't get it to work. I was going to post a picture to get ideas on Race... I'm 6' 185# I'd say Im average build. I mean I think I look Human... But that seems like it would be a little boring. And as cool as it would be I don't think I could pull off Saiyan... Yet. I guess sky is the limit here huh?

It's possible I'm over thinking this.

Anyway That's a little about me, my goals, and my questions. Enjoy and thanks in advance for the support!

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Welcome to the Rebellion!

As far as race, just pick what you want, that part is just for fun. And pick your guild based on what you want to do, not where you are at right now. You can always change to a new guild for a later challenge if you want.

Good luck with the rope! I have a pullup bar in my bedroom that is currently mocking me, so I know what that feels like. MUST. DESTROY.

Emptyknight - Level 4 Human Adventurer
Str 9 | Dex 5.75 | Sta 5.25 | Con 9.25 | Wis 10.75 | Cha 7.5
Highest Wt 301lbs - Challenge Start 270 lbs - Current 260 lbs | Highest BF% 38 - Current% 33
My Current Challenge


Life before Death. Strength before Weakness. Journey before Destination.


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Hooray for friends joining NF!

Let me know if I can help or if you want to lift heavy things :).


Titanium Bulwark

Level 4 Goliath Warrior

STR: 14.5 DEX: 7 STA: 12.5 CON: 8 WIS: 9.5 CHA: 5

Out of 100 men in battle, 10 shouldn't even be there, 80 are just targets, 9 are real fighters,

Ah, but the one,

One of them is the WARRIOR, And he will bring the others back.

- Hericletus 500 BC

Isaiah 40:31 "..but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

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