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Newbie intro

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Hi guys,

Been lurking for a while and have finally got up the time and courage to register and hopefully make myself a bit more accountable. I normally live in urban central Scotland (though am away this week in the Balkans).

I was always a skinny, badly coordinated wee weakling at school and last to be picked for any teams, though I did one make second reserve for the school under 9 "c" netball team (woot!). Sine my mid teens when I had the money and independence to buy my own sweets I've put on the pounds slowly but surely. This has been counterbalanced by an interest in sport I never knew I had - I now regularly run, swim and sea kayak, as well as bits of strength training, climbing, hill running, bike commuting etc - and by doing a job where time to eat is often an issue.

I've lost a couple of dress sizes over the past 2 years but intermittently put it on again when my sugar munching gets out of hand. I've always been a healthy weight but am insulin resistant, have PCOS, and am a bit pudgy round the middle. My long term goals are to build healthy eating habits that let me be not obsessed with food, and avoid type 2 diabetes, to be strong and fit enough to enjoy the sports I do whenever I like without injury, and to have a body that I like enough aesthetically to stop caring about what it looks like.

I'm always a Bit short of time cause of work commitments but hope to be able to offer a bit of support to some here, and would love any encouragement others can offer me. My shorter term goals are to do a short strength/core workout 6 days a week, swim at least 15 mins twice a week, and not binge on rubbish (the last one is subjective but I'm pretty honest with myself about what constitutes a binge).

Let the rebellion begin!

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Welcome! (not sure if I can officially welcome you since I only joined today but I'm excited you are here!)

I share your unfortunate lack of coordination. In fact, I ran my shopping cart into a mid-isle display last night, and have an impressive bruise on my shin as a result. Not to mention being stared at... I share your fear of diabetes. It runs rampant in my family. My brother was recently diagnosed with type 1 and he is only 25. So I am determined not to let myself get there. I wont let the knife and fork dig my grave.

It sounds like you have an awesome environment to work out in! I am green with envy. There are no hills to run where I live....usually people use parking garages to run in, but I don't live anywhere near one of those either. I love kayaking! I usually kayak on rivers (full of gators) when I have friends to go with.

Your goals are awesome! Keep working towards the life you want =) best of luck!

Level 2 Ranger

Unknown Race

STR: 4  DEX: 5  STA: 6  CON: 6  WIS:  3  CHA: 1



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Hi Steph :) Glad you are here! You sound like you are on the right track. The being hard on ourselves for how we look is soooo common, and so sad! I hope we are both able to overcome that during our stay here :)

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Thanks for such a warm welcome guys! I'm on holiday at the moment so have a bit of free time- have just done the latest Zuzana Light ZWOW workout in my hostel room and feel great for it. Meeting some pals for a wee jog later, so I just need to keep the grub sensible!

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