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I’m new here and excited about joining the NF rebellion.

I have a pretty standard story of a life of excess in poor food choices and non-existent exercise habits. I’ve yo-yoed on several “diets†and joined many gyms only to quit from boredom and cost. I’ve made some progress and then gained it all back and then some.

Used MFP for a while, quit due to food tracking inconvenience and then came back. The community there seems pretty hit or miss as to supportive, positive people so mostly I’ve been using their calorie tracking section of the site for general purposes.

With the help of my doctor (medication), food journaling, counting calories and cutting some poor food choices I’ve dropped about 22 lbs in the last month and a half. My current weight is 231 and my weight goal is 150 (woman in her 30’s) and then seeing where my body wants to settle naturally from there with good eating and exercise.

I want to start focusing on building muscle and not just cutting calories. And I think I need somewhere to share my progress and interact with members who can cheer me on and hold me accountable. I hope this can be that place. Still learning my way around so suggestions are welcome.

I plan to continue to track my food since the accountability helps keep me honest about what I am eating. But I also plan to start a beginning weight routine 2x a week. I want to build up slowly as in the past I have been so excited about starting to work out that I go overboard and end up hurting myself or making myself so miserably sore that I quit almost immediately.

As for cardio my plans are to do more walking and some bike riding when the weather permits. Someday I might even aspire to try running. However I discovered that at my current weight running causes me a lot of joint pain and I don’t enjoy it as much as I do just walking.

Thanks for reading.

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Murphysraven, level 1 Dwarf adventurer

Challenge 1


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Hi and welcome to the Rebellion! The people here are awesome and supportive and great!

Have you seen Steve's BBW (Beginners Body Weight) routine and video? Its all I can at the moment (Im about your size) as far as strength training (and I cant even finish the entire 3 circuits) and I'm walking about 3 miles a day (with really ambitious days doing walk/jog intervals (about 30 sec jogs every 5 minutes throughout the walk, but it GREATLY reduces my distance with the walks because well, Im fat and out of shape!)

So, anyways, you aren't alone, everyone is awesome and I'm glad you showed up today!

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Thanks for the welcome Bekah.

I did see the beginners body workout video and it may be something I try. However I have a youtube workout video saved that I wanted to try for my first challenge. here's the link

I would love feedback as to if this would be a good beginners weight program.

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Murphysraven, level 1 Dwarf adventurer

Challenge 1


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Thanks for the welcome Bekah.

I did see the beginners body workout video and it may be something I try. However I have a youtube workout video saved that I wanted to try for my first challenge. here's the link

I would love feedback as to if this would be a good beginners weight program.

I REALLY like her lunges, I SUCK at them because of balance...so I'm actually going to try those. The only thing that is questionable about her video is the weights, but if you can handle it and want to use them, go for it. It wont hurt you. I like the drop-sets too, because they will get you strong quick, but most people don't push themselves with what they can do in a drop set, but if you really work till you are tired, and not just until it feels a little hard, but till you really CANT do another single rep...then they will be fine too.

You are on the right track, in my opinion :) I am going to love to see you going along :D

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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I don't know that I'll be very good with the weights at the beginning. but hey, that means there is LOTS of room for improvement right? I have a set of 3,5,10 & 15 lb weights. For someone who has little to no strength I am not sure if I should be trying my heavy weights at 10 or 15 lbs to start. I guess I'll just play it by ear and see if I can even do the full reps with the heavy weight first.

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Murphysraven, level 1 Dwarf adventurer

Challenge 1


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I don't know that I'll be very good with the weights at the beginning. but hey, that means there is LOTS of room for improvement right? I have a set of 3,5,10 & 15 lb weights. For someone who has little to no strength I am not sure if I should be trying my heavy weights at 10 or 15 lbs to start. I guess I'll just play it by ear and see if I can even do the full reps with the heavy weight first.

Yeah, I think 10 or 15 lb weights would be killer. Maybe start with the 3's for the low/medium and the 5's for the medium/heavy and see how that goes? If thats too much even, start with no weight on your drop-set and the 3 lb weights for the first set (you can do all those with no weights just the same as with them) I do the BBW with 3 lb weights.

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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