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2013 reading goals?


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I'm working to read 50 books this year. As much as I love to read and own books, I left reading behind last year so I want to get the good habits back. :)

I'm ahead of schedule for now as I'm currently reading book #12! Yay! Go me! :D


I'm only starting book 5 now (out of 52)...the two Game of Thrones books threw me off, because they're so long...I should be able to catch up soon hopefully!

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I *love* Lord of the Rings, and the History is great for referencing, but I don't think I could read them straight through. It's just sooo dry and there's so many pointless notes that Christopher felt the need to include.

 Agree. Anything published before he died, I loved. Anything his son touched, I disliked or hated.


I have a goal to read the things that have been made into movies/series. Game of Thrones being the first on the list.

Running goal - Dopey Challenge 2015

Training to complete an Ironman by 2017. I can swim .5, bike 112, and run 26.2, separately.


Buckland Hobbit, Level 4 Scout

STR 10.25 | DEX 6 | STA 12.75 | CON 8 | WIS 9.75 | CHA 5.75



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I'm only starting book 5 now (out of 52)...the two Game of Thrones books threw me off, because they're so long...I should be able to catch up soon hopefully!


That pretty much puts the argument of counting pages rather than books back on the table! Not that I only read short novels/books, but a 200-page book shouldn't count equally as a 1000-page one!

What are you reading now?

Level 6 Amazon Assassin Ranger



challenges: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

the rebuilding of the Amazon: #6


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Does anyone have any issues not with the number of books they read but with the number of *new* books they read?


I keep track with Goodreads of what books I read each year, and after looking at this thread, I went to see how many I read in 2012, thinking it would be in the 150-200 range (I read a ton of teen fiction so its pretty easy to get through multiple books in a week), and I saw my total count was 55.......


My first thought was that I must have just not really paid attention to logging every book...


Then I realized while I may read a book every other day, or even every day, it doesn't really make a difference if I'm just reading the same books over and over. I mean, I think I read the entire Harry Potter series like 5 or 6 times last year. And the Hunger Games trilogy maybe 4 or 5 times. And the City of Bones 5 book series 4 or 5 times. That would easily be another "67" books. 


I think, even though Im getting a late start since its almost the end of Feb. that my goal for 2013 is to read (from here on out) only new books. 

Lvl 1 Khajit Ranger

Str - 4.5 Dex - 3 Con - 1 Sta - 3  Wis - 4 Cha - 5

It's okay to be happy to see me. Just because you're English doesn't mean you need to hide your emotions.

I'm Irish. We let people know how we feel. Now f*** off.

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Does anyone have any issues not with the number of books they read but with the number of *new* books they read?


I reread a lot of books, but I think I've only read a book twice in the same year once.  But I do have that problem. I think, "Oh, it's been a while since I've read The Lord of the Rings," and then spend the next month reading that instead of something that I wanted to read for the first time.  And since I buy a lot of books, my bookshelf is full of books I've never read.  And it seems like everything I reread is either really long or part of a series...

Level 3 Ranger

STR: 6 | DEX: 3 | STA: 9 | CON: 4 | WIS: 6 | CHA: 5


Current Challenge

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Does anyone have any issues not with the number of books they read but with the number of *new* books they read?


I totally get what you mean! I have a few books that I really love to read and have read several times (the HP series included... I actually started the year with them!). This year I made a wishlist of books I want to read. There are about 50 of them but keep adding to it every time I read about a good book, so the plan is to not read any book I've already read this year although I doubt I'll manage to go a whole year without re-reading the HP series or the Lord of the rings/Hobbit...

Level 6 Amazon Assassin Ranger



challenges: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

the rebuilding of the Amazon: #6


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Hehe, yeah, I think Im going to have a hard time going throughout the whole year without re-reading something, but if I just keep tempting myself with new books, hopefully I can resist the urge! :)

Lvl 1 Khajit Ranger

Str - 4.5 Dex - 3 Con - 1 Sta - 3  Wis - 4 Cha - 5

It's okay to be happy to see me. Just because you're English doesn't mean you need to hide your emotions.

I'm Irish. We let people know how we feel. Now f*** off.

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My goal for this year is 65 books, and I've currently read 7, making me 2 books behind target apparently. Made the goal of 60 and met it in 2011, failed 60 in 2012 (only managed 54 - Anna Karenina took me a lot longer than I thought it would), but I'm hopeful for this year! Got lots of books I'm required to read for university over the next few weeks for starters, and then I can pick whatever I want and actually get round to reading all the books I've bought over the last few years (about two small bookcases full >_>'). Currently reading four: The Noonday Demon: An Anatomy of Depression by Andrew Solomon, Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature by Richard Bentall, Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, and The Cell Phone: An Anthropology of Communication by Heather Horst and Daniel Miller. Hopefully will have the last one finished by tomorrow (because that's when we're discussing it in class :P)

dreamtoinspire - Level 1 
STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

Challenge 1Twitter | Blog | Fitocracy

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My goal is to start reading different genre of books other than the normal books that I like to read. I also hope that I can read about 50 books within this year. So far I'm at 6 so I know I have a long ways to go. 

KK, level 1 Land Nymph. Assassin at heart, training with the Adventurers


]“Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it.  So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that’s where you will find success.â€

— Thomas J. Watson


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I read a tremendous amount of fiction so this year's goal is to read at least 70 pages of non-fiction, theology, or philosophy each week. Currently doing pretty well, having worked my way through 3 non-fiction books and starting my fourth.

"If you would improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid." - Epictetus

"You just gotta listen to your body, unless it's saying anything about stopping, pain, your joints, or needing water."

Level 20 Pilgrim (Adventurer 7, Assassin 3, Druid 2, Monk 10, Ranger 5, Rebel 9, Scout 10, Warrior 4)

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I read a tremendous amount of fiction so this year's goal is to read at least 70 pages of non-fiction, theology, or philosophy each week. Currently doing pretty well, having worked my way through 3 non-fiction books and starting my fourth.

That's really cool! What are you reading atm?

Level 6 Amazon Assassin Ranger



challenges: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

the rebuilding of the Amazon: #6


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That's really cool! What are you reading atm?

I just started reading Afghanistan: A Military History by Stephen Tanner.

"If you would improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid." - Epictetus

"You just gotta listen to your body, unless it's saying anything about stopping, pain, your joints, or needing water."

Level 20 Pilgrim (Adventurer 7, Assassin 3, Druid 2, Monk 10, Ranger 5, Rebel 9, Scout 10, Warrior 4)

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This year, 100 books. Have read 68 books last year.
So far this year, I have read 32 (having 3 month long summer break helps a lot with reading!) 

Level 1 Wood Elf Assasin




"Knowledge does not grow like a tree where you dig a hole, plant your feet, cover them with dirt, and pour water on them daily. Knowledge grows with time, work, and dedicated effort. It cannot come by any other means." 

-- Ed Parker

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32?!  I'm only at...*checks Goodreads*...4?!  Oh man I need to start reading more...

Well, 34 now. Spent most of January just reading books and doing body weight training. 

Anyway, good luck to you in your reading endeavor!

Level 1 Wood Elf Assasin




"Knowledge does not grow like a tree where you dig a hole, plant your feet, cover them with dirt, and pour water on them daily. Knowledge grows with time, work, and dedicated effort. It cannot come by any other means." 

-- Ed Parker

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My Unofficial Reading Goal: 2 books a month. Mostly because I'm a non-fiction junkie and I need to cut down on the amount of time I spend parked in my favorite spot with a good book.


My Super Sentai Awesome Reading Goal: 8 books a month, not including my somewhat ambitious audiobook listening goals. Working my way through A Song of Fire and Ice series right now. Thinking of maybe listening to some C.S. Lewis science fiction or maybe Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson if I feel I need a break from George RR Martin-verse during my morning walk.


My More Realistic Reading Goal: Finish my audiobooks and finish that Infinite Crisis omnibus that a friend loaned me around Thanksgiving. Since it took me about 2 months to finish that Batwoman: Elegy (kept getting distracted by the art, then it fell underneath my nightstand and I couldn't find for awhile...), I'm thinking that Infinite Crisis might take me awhile to read...



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