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Hi there,


My name is Chelsea, I'm 22, and I'm mother to a darling 9 month old baby girl. I'm here for a lot of reasons, but mostly to take some responsibility for my actions and to quit being a lazy bum. I was always a skinny nerd. I was never over weight, but dear god I was not in shape. I hated gym. In fact, in high school, I opted out of gym class and instead received exemption for P.E by volunteering with the special education classes. (Which was awesome!) It never really bothered me much, my lack of any physical prowess. I was fine sitting on the couch for hours in my Martian Manhunter pajamas, drinking my 3rd Mountain Dew. I worked as an entertainer at Universal Studios, so I justified that as enough exercise for me, and never really tried to improve. Then I got pregnant. I left my moderately physical job to now begin sitting at a desk for hours at a time. It was okay, I was pregnant... I was taking it easy. Then I had my daughter. And I ate the same amount of food, worked the same crappy job... for months. It was a really slow progression, everything creeping up on me. Then one day I bent over to put a dish in the dishwasher and collapsed on the floor (Geriatric/Life Alert Style) and was hospitalized with two fully slipped disks out of my back. I was that lazy that I hurt myself, trying to put a dish in the dishwasher, wow. So something had to give, and apparently my back was it. ;) My diet is one thing that I'm pretty good with. I've been eating Vegan for a while now, due to other health related issues. And no, not crappy Vegan where you justify eating Oreo's and over processed foods because they don't contain animal products... But real Vegan, whole foods, fruit, lots of raw veggies. (I promise, I get TONS of protein.) The exercise part is a whole new thing. I'm still in horrible, horrible shape. I have trouble picking up my daughter. I couldn't run a mile to save my life. While I'm a great shot with my rifle, I'm positive I couldn't run/climb/skedaddle away from a zombie invasion. (Which sucks, caused I live in Florida. Obviously where it will all start.)  I want to weight lift. (Which is how I wound up here, after reading Staci's article!) So I signed up for my first training session tomorrow morning and I'm excited to see how it goes. 


My biggest goals are to be capable of running a mile, able to do a pull up, and to get back my pre-baby body.


So I'm glad to be here. I'm excited for the opportunity to get to know other people on their own fitness goals.

So alas, here goes. :)


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Good luck with your goals! I used to hate PE too, and only really started enjoying activity once free from the horridness of the lesson. Usually I take up running each summer, unable to run for more than 5 minutes at the start, and gradually build up. It feels so great when you hit those milestone distances, I bet you'll be doing a mile before you know it. Are you planning on doing 6 week challenges? I'm planning on starting one, so maybe we'll see each other in the Adventurer's room! :)

Level 2 Gnome adventurerSTR 3|DEX 3|STA 5|CON 8|WIS 11|CHA 3


Challenge 2

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Hi ZeldaZonk :)

It's awesome that you chose to take steps toward a healthier life. First and foremost I want to wish you the best of luck in accomplishing your goals. Welcome to the Rebellion!

Getting away from those pesky (and hopefully slow) Zombies should always be a priority, since the alternative is beeing eaten. You're on the right way!

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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