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There is no work!


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So I'm in a very difficult situation right now. I have $14,000 a year in bills (not counting food, gas, or car repairs), and I'm currently working a "full time" job that is going to put me around $12,500 for the year. In the past couple weeks I've put in 28 job applications, none of which are looking very promising...I made sure they were hiring before I put in the applications.


Right now I'm a working minimum wage at Sears, and for those who don't know, mega-corporations don't EVER give raises...I was even told as much when they hired me.


I tried looking into a personal $15,000 loan do consolidate all my debts into one smaller payment made directly to the bank, it would have ended up saving me around $200 a month if I were approved. When I talked to the loan officer (who was an awesome guy), I told him my situation straight up and asked him to give me a straight up answer in return. What he told me was "basically, unless you have very high income, you are not going to get a personal loan of that size."


From a business risk perspective it's completely understandable that I wouldn't qualify, but I would have been able to pay off ALL my debts, and have a little extra to help me actually better my situation in a hurry, so I was wicked bummed out :(



Anyways, I'm here living in Rapid City South Dakota. Moved out from San Diego for a number of reasons, but unless I can get a second job within the next month or two I'll be left with either living out of my car/storage unit or moving back to San Diego. Quite honestly, living out of my car/storage unit is far more appealing than going back to SoCal.


The bulk of my work history is pretty much useless, I mean that in a literal sense. I worked for 11 years at an auto repair shop, but I would never be able to get a job at another one...long, sad story. It doesn't have anything to do with crime or anything illegal, but I simply would never be able to work at another one.

Aside from auto repair I've got 2 months at a golf course, 3 months at Sears, and 5 months housekeeping at a hotel. No degrees, no certificates. I am basically starting out at square 1 at twenty eight years old.


Ideally I'd get work in a fabrication shop somewhere, that's something I am very good at. I'm a really creative guy, I just lack the experience that shows it.



I guess my question in all this is if anybody knows of any legitimate home-based income systems that don't require you to sell useless crap to people who can't afford/don't need it? I only need a couple hundred a month...but I'd happily take more!


Preferably I'd like to start my own small business, but I just don't have the money to invest in a MIG Welder, grinders, and a shop...unless, I put that all on what remains of my credit cards. It'd be a huge risk with a potential of wrecking me for the next good long while, but if it pays off it might save me!

Level 1 elf adventurer.

  • Strength (STR) -  1
  • Dexterity (DEX) -  3
  • Stamina (STA) - 2
  • Constitution (CON) - 2
  • Wisdom (WIS) -  3
  • Charisma (CHA)  - 4

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So to get this situation correct:


$15k bad debt

$14k per year in expenses

$12.5k per year income.


You need more money! Granted that you can't work in auto-repair, you should have a good deal of product knowledge to be able to work as a sales-rep or store hand/warehouse guy in a car supermarket? Or is that out too? You don't really need experience to get a sales job, you only need to be personable and friendly, and to be able to build rapport with a customer fast (which generally means you have to like people). 


If you're determined to work at Sears though you can look into doing work for a telemarketing company on the side. I'm not familiar with the details, but there are companies that don't sell things, instead they do "customer experience surveys" so yeah, you're still annoying people but you're not trying to get at their wallets so at least it's a little better.


edit: 28 isn't old! Stop telling yourself that because you're subconsciously telling your future employers that. You're still young, competent and motivated and you have heaps you can offer a new employer.

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You do live in the Dakotas' and could aqquire a job on the rigs. The traveling sucks, but the money is great. They are always looking for people. If you think that they won't hire you because you live a state away from the rig, you would be wrong. I know a dozen people here in my hometown of Riverton, WY who have or have had jobs on the rigs.

I'm an athiest and I thank God for it. -George Bernard Shaw 

If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor. -Voltaire 

'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes. -James Morrow

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So to get this situation correct:


$15k bad debt

$14k per year in expenses

$12.5k per year income.

Wait, was that correct?  or was the 15k debt what you would have taken on if you were approved?

Otherwise, it looks like you have a smaller ($1,500/yr plus grocery, gas, auto) shortfall, which is a much more manageable problem.  Perhaps you could pick up a second job?  You'd be surprised how many more companies you'd hear back from if you were looking for part-time work. 

Also, January is when everyone cuts hours, so don't be too discouraged that you're not finding work right now.  Hiring will pick up in Spring.  (I know that doesn't pay the bills now, but wanted to make sure you remembered that not hearing back probably is not because of you, it's because they're not hiring anyone right now.)

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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I miscalculated. With my current job, i'm probably going to make around $11,300/yr. My current debts not including gas and food is around $14,000. I was hoping that I could get a $15,000 loan which would allow me to completely pay off all my other higher interest debts. Doing so would, yes technically, put me into more debt...however, the monthly payments on that loan would be much smaller than the amount i'm currently paying for me various other debts. If I remember correctly, it'd save me about $200/mo. That'd give me the ability to at least keep my noggin just slightly above water.

Level 1 elf adventurer.

  • Strength (STR) -  1
  • Dexterity (DEX) -  3
  • Stamina (STA) - 2
  • Constitution (CON) - 2
  • Wisdom (WIS) -  3
  • Charisma (CHA)  - 4

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How funny, I live in Box Elder :)


Other places you might attempt to apply are the Base Exchange and NAF jobs for jobs available at Ellsworth. Those positions are almost exclusively part time, but they do occasionally have full time opportunities.


You can also check out postings on SDWorks, or even schedule to meet with the folks at the Department of Labor office to help you find things. They also have a computer lab where they can help you with resumes etc.

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In addition to the links from PrincessHeather, you could also apply to fabrication shops that aren't local - if you end up having to leave S.Dakota, that would give you options besides SoCal. If there's no pressing reason to stay in Rapid City, you may as well open up any options you can.

Also, if your bank can't help you get a loan, you may be able to through one of those non-profit credit counseling places. (For almost everyone, this is not an ideal choice. Non-profit does not mean that they have your best interests in mind, and the fees they charge may make it not worth it. Also, while I've only ever seen adverts for one company in this area, I know there are more companies out there, which implies that some are better or worse than others.)

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Might I suggest you look around for work at a sign shop? If you're good with fabrication, some sign shops could use entry level work and it would likely pay much better than 12K a year. It doesn't seem like an obvious place to start, but there are usually dozens of sign shops in any city and some are usually hiring for some positions.

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Adding insult to injury....this morning I get a call from a friend of mine, she's having contractions just a couple minutes apart so she needs a ride to the hospital. I fly out the door and start driving to her place. I was pushing my car a little harder than I should have, given the snowy road condition...long story short, I hit a curb and practically ripped my front left wheel off. There's fender damage and a 6 inch chunk of steel missing from my rim.


Gonna cost me $500 out of pocket and my insurance will cover the rest. Now I need to go rent a car for the next however long.


Fortunately, my friend was able to get a ride to the hospital with someone else.

Level 1 elf adventurer.

  • Strength (STR) -  1
  • Dexterity (DEX) -  3
  • Stamina (STA) - 2
  • Constitution (CON) - 2
  • Wisdom (WIS) -  3
  • Charisma (CHA)  - 4

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with your background in welding and fabrication you would be hired on the rigs in a minute and could pay of you r debts in no time.


What exactly are you doing as far as getting a different job or better job?

I'm an athiest and I thank God for it. -George Bernard Shaw 

If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor. -Voltaire 

'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes. -James Morrow

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I was in the same situation a couple years ago, but add a useless college degree and some student loans on top of that debt. 


Judging by your numbers, you don't need a little extra income on the side, a loan, a budget, or credit counseling. That's like sticking a band-aid on a bullet wound. You need a new job.


I second the oil rigs suggestion. The lifestyle sucks but the money is really, really good. With discipline you could pay off that debt and have some short term savings within a year or two. You're young and (I presume) single so now is the time that sort of setup would work in your life.


When I was facing a couple years of unemployment/underemployment, I joined the military. I'm not suggesting that you call up a recruiter, just throwing it out there for a lifestyle comparison. Sure, I don't have my own apartment and a dog and a crew of hip friends like I "should" have back home, but I paid off my credit cards, started a savings account, investments for retirement, and now I'm tearing into my student loans. That was just the first year. If I stay on track, I'll be set up to buy a house by the time I'm 40. Had I stayed home and struggled in that job market, I'd likely still be in debt up to my eyeballs, working in a grocery store, with no stability or plans or hope for improvement in the future.


For comparison, when my car was broken into a few years ago, I only had a $100 deductible to get it fixed, and it took me 4 months to save that up. Four. Months. to come up with $100. Yesterday I bought a Kindle, just because I wanted to, because I had the extra cash and I didn't have to sacrifice anything or compromise any of my goals to make it happen. I can't complain about my lifestyle when I have the liberty to do things like that.


tl;dr: try something new. It's not about now, it's about the next few years. Do whatever it takes to pay off that debt and secure some savings. You will not regret it. You never know what is going to happen, but if you have your finances in order you will be able to deal with it.


ETA: I forgot to address this: My dad was laid off at age 48 from a company he'd worked for 25 years. He used his severance check to start a very successful business. It's never too late. 

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I've looked around some at rig jobs, all the ones I've found online required a few years experience. Truth be told, I'm a scrawny guy...roughnecking seems like something that would get me killed because I simply lack the strength to work those hours in a highly physical job.


A problem with welding/fabrication jobs is that I don't have any welding certificates (honestly, there are about fifty billion different welding certificates) and they generally charge a few hundred bucks to get one so far as I can tell. I can't afford a certificate right now; this month I'll have about $1000 more in bills than I usually have due to my car being smashed up and needing a rental car.


I've filled out close to 40 job applications in the past few weeks now, and I've only received 1 call back from an business that turned out not to be what was advertized. I just don't get it, I have been constantly employed since the age of 15..never more than a week or two without a job of some kind.


I will have friday and saturday off from work and I'm wondering if it might be worthwhile to drive up to North Dakota somewhere and physically look for work? I'm not having much luck online.


Right now, joining the military really does seem to be my best bet...and I've got alot of issues with military and authority. :(

Level 1 elf adventurer.

  • Strength (STR) -  1
  • Dexterity (DEX) -  3
  • Stamina (STA) - 2
  • Constitution (CON) - 2
  • Wisdom (WIS) -  3
  • Charisma (CHA)  - 4

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I've looked around some at rig jobs, all the ones I've found online required a few years experience. Truth be told, I'm a scrawny guy...roughnecking seems like something that would get me killed because I simply lack the strength to work those hours in a highly physical job.


Right now, joining the military really does seem to be my best bet...and I've got alot of issues with military and authority. :(

That first paragraph is exactly the attitude I had about joining the military, that I wasn't qualified or wouldn't be good at it. Turns out I was. A lot of jobs will ask for experience, but if you show them that you're motivated and trainable, they will hire you regardless.


And as for that last paragraph? Unless you actually WANT to be in, like really, truly want it badly, DON'T do it. You will be miserable, you will bring down everyone around you, and you're stuck for at least 4 years. I was not in any way suggesting you join the military, just using it as a personal example because it was something I was sort of afraid of, but wanted to do and it turned out to be an awesome decision for me. 

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My $.02.


First, about me:

I am a 26 year old, married father of two. I am currently  a recruiter for a staffing company. My focus is in industrial work (warehouse, construction, plants, welders, fabrication, mechanics, etc...) and technology (autoCAD, IT, programming, etc). I basically act as the HR/hiring for most of the industrial companies in my area. That being said, I'm also an avid personal finance student.


Here are my suggestions: (what I would do in the same situation)


First 2 rules of Personal Finance:

     1.) Make more than you spend

     2.) Pay yourself first

- Stay away from credit cards 99% of the time. My only advocation of credit cards is if you have a rewards card and pay off the balance in full each month, but that takes incredible discipline.

- Do not use debt to finance anything that doesn't appreciate in value. This includes cars (as long as you can help it).

- Cut your expenses to a minumum. Cut the cable, gym membership, make sure you are paying the lowest rates on insurance premiums, etc (esp since you are a healthy, or at least getting healthier, young person).

- Save at least 5% of everything you make. Have it directly taken out of your checking account each month and deposited into a savings account (I like ING/Ally) that is completey SEPARATE from your current bank accounts.

- Use Mint.com... do it.


- I got my start in restaurants. That's what I did through college. Working ~36 hours a week at the restaurant, part time jobs and projects on the side, and going to school, I managed to make about $25k a year. Restaurants aren't for everyone, but the skills you can come away with are incredibly transferrable to many professions. (People skills, cash handling, multi-tasking, high pressure, etc.) They also work incredibly well around your schedule and any other part-time job you have.

- Apply with staffing agencies... tons of people are put off by the idea that the staffing co. takes a % of your pay for the first year or something else like that. My company (a top 3 staffing/recruiting copmany nationwide) doe not do this. All of our fees are employer paid. The recruiters/staffers/etc have good relationships with hiring authorities at most companies in your area. Be sure that when you meet with a recruiter you are very polite, personable, and eager. These qualities go much farther than skills/experience. Skills can be trained, personalites and attitudes not as much. Be honest with them and yourself about your goals, and what you want to accomplish in the future. Recruiters weigh the intangible skills very high and they play a huge role in you getting hired.

-Job applications rarely get seen. Make connections. All but one of the jobs I've had came from personal connections. (Also while bartending in college, I met the future VP of Operations of my current company...)


If I interviewed someone with your background in my office on Monday, I feel certain I could have 3+ interivews set up within a week.


Just my $0.02, I hope it was helpful. Feel free to PM me any questions!



Wood Elf Assassin

Level 2

STR: 2 | DEX: 4.5 | STA: 5 | CON: 5 | WIS: 6 | CHA:3 |

Challenge #1

Challenge #2

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     1.) Make more than you spend

This is important! It's usually phrased "spend less than you make" but when you don't make a living wage, there are only so many budget cuts you can make, and you still won't keep your head above water no matter what you do. Sometimes the answer isn't to spend less, it's to make more. I think that's key to this situation.

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An update -


Okay, so two days ago I had an interview at a local bank for a teller position. It'll only be 30 hours a week, but I'll be starting out at at least $11/hr. Since it's only a 30/hr a week job, I'll still be able to get a second evening job if I'm lucky. The interview went very well and I made sure to send a thank you letter and some chocolate (who doesn't like chocolate?) on friday. I'll know by next friday at the latest if I have the job or not. On my next day off I'm going to have a drive down to the Department of Labor and see what I can get rolling there. I'm definately a people person, typically my interviews go really well, the problem I've got is actually being able to GET the interview.


I've cut all the expenses that I can think of. I'm not paying for my internet, I changed my phone plan so that'll save me about $50 a month...though it's still going to run me $100 a month and I don't know exactly why it's so expensive...I need to go back and take another look.


Unfortunately, since I have NO cash at all...I had to put about $1,200 onto a 26% interest credit card because of the car accident I was in...that is going to hurt me alot.


Right now the only things keeping me afloat are my credit cards, though if I can't find a decent job soon, they'll ultimately be my undoing.


So far my favorite idea is to make more money than I spend...I'm working on it :)

Level 1 elf adventurer.

  • Strength (STR) -  1
  • Dexterity (DEX) -  3
  • Stamina (STA) - 2
  • Constitution (CON) - 2
  • Wisdom (WIS) -  3
  • Charisma (CHA)  - 4

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Woot!  :)

I'm glad to hear that you've got a lead!  Especially one with hours that will still let you look for a 2nd job - that's becoming more and more rare.


(Your best bet with the credit card debt is probably (for now) to make the best of a bad situation.  Make your payments on time, which will boost your credit history - that way, when you're working again, you can get a better APR (or a loan).  Do all you can to avoid running up the balance.  (It's easy to look at how bad it is and think it won't matter, but it will!)  And as soon as you have a new job, start paying more than the minimum balance.  Remember, too, that you can make a payment every paycheck, not just once a month - with the 'average daily balance' method they use to calculate your interest, every little bit, as soon as possible helps!)

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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That's great news! 


Bank jobs can lead to a decent career, there is a little bit of upward mobility there if you decide to stick with it. And the starting pay is not bad.


I thought of a few more small tips that may help:

Don't hesitate to offer to pick up shifts. People call in, quit on short notice, mistakes are made on schedules, so put it out there that you're willing to take extra hours and you'll probably get them.


Some great advice up there on that last post, and I'll repeat this loudly: MAKE YOUR MINIMUM PAYMENTS. Do it. Whatever it takes, at least pay the minimums. I'll spare the details, just know that I learned the hard way.


And a tip on the phone--if you have an old phone (not a smart phone) or could borrow one to have activated for just a few months until you get on your feet, you might be able to cut back to a basic talk/text only plan that's around $40-50 a month. Even if there's an activation fee (usually around $30) you should be able to change your plan without any hardship.

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So right now I've got an iPhone 4S. My plan is costing me $60/mo and the phone is $40 a month. I completely forgot that I had to pay for the phone and not just the plan *bonk*

Level 1 elf adventurer.

  • Strength (STR) -  1
  • Dexterity (DEX) -  3
  • Stamina (STA) - 2
  • Constitution (CON) - 2
  • Wisdom (WIS) -  3
  • Charisma (CHA)  - 4

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The phone bill can be a huge unnecessary expense for most people. Most of us pay for more phone than we need, just like we almost always own more car than we need.


I don't mean to be all preachy or mom-like here, and I certainly don't know all the details about your situation or what your priorities are--I'm just putting my experience out there as something to consider. Most financial hardships aren't just bad luck, but a combination of bad luck and bad decisions (both intentional and unintentional). I've been there. I just want it to be clear that I'm not saying give up your iPhone or criticizing you for having it, but seeing the word "iPhone" in a finance post instantly raises the "this is a place for potential savings" flag in my own mind. I know those suckers are expensive, and if you're willing to give up the coolness of having an iPhone vs. something else, you can save TONS of money. On the other hand, you mentioned you don't pay for internet at home, so in that case it could actually be saving you cash to have a functional 3G or 4G connection and not own/maintain a separate computer. I'm not here to make that decision, just mentioning it in case it's something you haven't considered.


I save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars a year because I use things as long as they're reasonably functional, wait for my upgrades, and don't go chasing after the newest stuff. I got my first smartphone ever this year, and only paid $100 after rebates and upgrade discount. I just replaced my 5 year old netbook (my primary computer) with an i3 laptop--a huge upgrade for me, but not the latest, greatest computer. I'm also pretty careful/lucky and tend not to break or lose things prematurely, so that helps keep costs down too.

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I know your post is older, but I work from home currently at a place called parameds.com. We should start hiring for the spring season very soon. 

i call doctor's offices all day and get them to send insurance companies medical records. Not the most fulfilling thing on the planet, but I'm making about 1200 a month after taxes. 


It doesn't make much, but if you can get a late shift at Sears and work early for parameds, it might work well for you. :) Since I've worked here, I've gotten a heap of promotions and raises, too, so they're really good to their employees. Supervisors make $15 an hour from home! I hope to get jumped to supervisor after about a year of working here. I've been here since October.


Drop me a jingle if you want some more information. :) 

Level 4 Human Ranger


Str: 8 Dex: 2  Con: 4.5  Int: 9.5 Wis: 8.5 Cha:  2  Sta: 5

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Well it looks like the bank job might not pan out. My only guess is that someone with a degree applied and they were given the job instead of me. I'm going to call again on monday to see where my application stands.


SuperToga...you'll be gettin g a jingle in the next couple hours.

Level 1 elf adventurer.

  • Strength (STR) -  1
  • Dexterity (DEX) -  3
  • Stamina (STA) - 2
  • Constitution (CON) - 2
  • Wisdom (WIS) -  3
  • Charisma (CHA)  - 4

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Ok, here's what I've found in 5 minutes on the internet

Utility Repair Person I - Water Reclamation - Public Works Administration
Machine Operator
Automotive Parts Driver
Roustabout for Electrical Contractor



Check those out... don't seem too far out of your skill set, and  you could learn a trade....


If you like, PM me and I'll give you my email address. You can send me your resume and I could critique it for you.



Wood Elf Assassin

Level 2

STR: 2 | DEX: 4.5 | STA: 5 | CON: 5 | WIS: 6 | CHA:3 |

Challenge #1

Challenge #2

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Hey - best of luck with this job hunt of yours.  


I can tell you that where I am (Yukon, Canada.  Yep, next to Alaska...) there are a tonne of job vacancies.  There are also a lot of people that come up this way to work for the summer.  If you are still having problems come the next month or so, seasonal employment here (or in Alaska since you wouldn't need a work visa etc) might be another viable option.  If you get "lucky" you can probably find a job that provides accommodations.  If not you could try house sitting (I know people that come to the Yukon for the summer and house sit all summer, one house to the next.)  I've also known people that come here and camp all summer, although that option never really appealed to me.


Regarding those rig jobs - everyone wants 1-2 years experience.  People just throw that on their applications.  I would say just apply.  It costs you very little to apply for a job - and if someone is really looking for someone, especially someone with your welding/fabricating skills (drill rigs break all the time.  having someone around that can weld and fix them is pretty invaluable) may be a big bonus for them.  Especially if they only have to pay you as a labourer and get some mechanic work out of you.


Whichever way you end up going, best of luck!

Level 2 Half-Orc Ranger

STR 4|DEX 2.6|STA 5.8|CON 8|WIS 2|CHA 3

MyFitnessPal|My Endomondo


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I want to move to Canada. Canada seems like a nice place. At least that's how the internet makes it seem! Too bad I'm on the wrong side of America!

Well, it has its problems just like anywhere.  I love it though.


How attached are you to carrying handguns around?  That's quite a bit harder to do around these parts, if I understand things correctly...

Level 2 Half-Orc Ranger

STR 4|DEX 2.6|STA 5.8|CON 8|WIS 2|CHA 3

MyFitnessPal|My Endomondo


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