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Thanks! Here we go...


I started making a conscious effort to watch what I eat last June.  I started tracking my meals (even the unhealthy ones) and have lost about 16lbs on average over a course of 7 months, but I never complemented this with training.  I'm currently 208lbs, but not a lot of that is muscle.  I'd like to bring my weight down to about 190lbs.


I'm looking to build up muscle around the usual guy areas (arms, chest, abdomen) as well as improve my aerobic fitness through cardio and shifting fat through a diet change.  I'm getting married next January so I want to look good in the photos!


In terms of diet, I've been following paleo as close as I can for about a week so far.  I've not been craving junk food as much I thought I would, and I've rather enjoyed the challenge of making new meals (cooked my first steak last night!).


Having said that, I'm still struggling with a few things.


Firstly, I am having a hard time kicking my rice addiction - I spent 2.5 years living in South Korea so it's become second nature to have a daily portion of the stuff.  I also find myself reaching for skimmed milk to have with my 2 cups of coffee a day.  I've tried using green tea in the past (while living in Asia) but it reminds me of pond water.


Lastly, the biggest hurdle for me is my office.  When I'm at home, I have my fiancee to support me - she eats the same meals I eat and we go to the gym together - but at work, my colleagues are all larger than I am and there is a strong junk culture; mid morning muffins are a tradition.  When I pull out a salad box I made the night before, I'm met with derision.  I've tried to get myself into shape before and negative reinforcement has always been a big pull factor.


So, that's me.  I probably should have said all this in my first post, but at the same time, it's been really beneficial to actually think about my goals, and the main issues that I believe are holding me back, and put it all into writing.

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Thanks for the tips! I've taken some of your advice this week and steered away from traditional rabbit food as much as possible. Instead, I've been making food I enjoy like stir fries and a pretty decent turkey curry.

Thanks again!

Now I just need to decide on a "guild" before the next challenge starts.

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