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5 Months of Power Leveling, Pics Inside! [ -45lbs, -17% Body Fat, Quit Smoking, Quit Drinking ]

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I can't believe it took me so long to find NF! I really love this site... I believe that nerds have insane potential to become powerful forces once they master fitness and health. Life truly is THE best MMMORPG!


Last night I read a bunch of NF articles and was really inspired to join and share my Power Leveling adventure. 


I've changed so much in the past 5 months, both inside and out. I have so much to say but I'll try to keep it to a few bullet points and whats on my mind now. Feel free to ask questions, I will answer them.







Hardcore PC, PS3 and Board Gamer. I have a maxed out character in just about every mmorpg in existance going back to EQ and most recently GW2. I enjoy playing Healing, CC and support classes. Don't play much PS3 anymore but I still am a harcore Board Gamer (doesn't get enough love).


My favorite PC Games (DayZ, SWOTR, Anarchy Online).

My favorite PS3 Games (BF3, Dungeon Defenders, Dungeon Hunter Alliance).

My favorite Board Games (Twilight Imperium, Mage Knight, Ecliplise)





  • 192 to 145 lbs
  • 29% to 12% Body Fat


  • Max Push-Ups 6 to 48
  • Max Pull-Ups : 0 to 3


  • Maximum distance run in 1 shot: 3 blocks to 20 miles
  • Maximum distance run in a 24 hour period: 1.5 miles to 41 miles
  • Maximum distance run in 1 week: 2.5 miles to 62 miles
  • Maximum speed: 1 mile in 14 minutes to 3 miles in 21 minutes.


  • Wake up time 9-10 AM to 4:00 AM
  • Depressed to Happy
  • Negative to Positive
  • Anti-social to Outgoing
  • Dead to Alive
  • Complete slob with lack of self-control to Samurai
  • Slow to Sharp
  • I've read over 15 self development books during this period of time (Skill Points!)


  • Smoker for 10 Years to Non-Smoker
  • Drinker to Non-Drinker
  • Addicted to Marajuana (Daily Smoker) to Haven't touched it in 2 months
  • Pizza, Ramen, Taco Bell and Mountain Dew Diet to Superfoods and Tea only.
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Nov 1st 2012

About 60 days into P90X I stepped outside one morning and ran my first 2 miles at about 13 minutes each. This blew my mind! It felt so good, so primal, so right. I already knew it was what I was made to do.


I was so inspired that I signed up for Tough Mudder (10-12 Mile Obstacle Course) in Oct 2013. I told myself, OK Mori, even though you have no idea how you are going to run 12 Miles and do pullups just sign up and figure it out!


Jan 1st 2013

By this time I was able to run 8 miles with little trouble. I also ran 3 miles in 21:19. Tough Mudder didn't seem so tough anymore... in fact it I was dissapointed with it. All that was left was to be able to do pullups, I couldn't do any but I knew I'd get them down in a few months.


Month of Feb 2013

I decided to sign up for a Marathon when a friend told me to look up Ultra Running on youtube. I did and I immediately knew in my heart that it was the class I wanted to be (Plus Ultra Runner sounds so much cooler than Marathon Runner lol). I loved the philosophy and discipline behind it. So technically any distance greater than a marathon is considered an ultra marathon but all the ultra runner blogs, articles and videos I've studied (And I studied A LOT of them) feel that 50 miles is the true minimum distance.


So I found an entry level 50 mile race and signed up for it a few days ago. I was scared and had no idea how I'd do it but I signed up anyway (I was all pumped up on Bruce Lee quotes). After I signed up i spent the next 4 hours absorbing powers from ALL the top ultra runners on youtube, trying to get into their heads and think like they think.


By the next morning (yesterday) I realized that I could finish the race. The problem with that is it no longer feels like a challenge. So I looked up the times and race results for the previous years and made it my goal to place in the Top 10. It was definately do able if I pushed myself 100%.


The race has two 1337 runners that straight up destroyed everyone else in the race last year. How the hell do they run that fast over 50 miles!? As much as I want to place in the top 3, there is no way I could beat those 2 guys... or is there?


By a stroke of luck a friend sent me yesterdays front page article of NF talking about becoming a hero (first time on NF). It chained off into another memory that my dad told me about where our last name Igarashi came from.


"Back in feudal Japan a samurai heard the emperors screams as he was being mauled by wild boars in the forest. The samurai ran as fast as could through the forest and killed the boars just in time to save the unconscious and bleeding emperors life. After recovering, the emporer thanked the samurai and made the his personal body guard and change his family name to Igarashi. It means 'Speed of 50 Hurricanes'"




For some reason, I woke up this morning at 3:30 AM and did 50 minutes of Interval Training (I usually wake up at 4:00 AM). As I was wiping off my sweat and making my post-workout shake it hit me...


There IS a hero within me. 

That samurai's blood is in me

I am his decendant

To not tap into that power would be a shame. 


I have already begun formulating a plan which I will post later in the Scout section because that seems to be my class.

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Amazing transformation. Well done and Welcome!!


How long did it take for you to get used to waking up so early?? The hardest part of my day is getting my lazy arse out of bed!!

str 4 - dex 4 - sta 3 - con 2 - wis 2 - cha 1
Level 1
Epic Challenge #1               Quest list
"Fitness is not 80% diet and 20% training, its 100% dedication to your diet and your training."
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