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Introduction of self and goals. Seeking supportive community!

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Hi. I'm obviously new. Looking for a bit of support and a community where I can talk about my goals and accomplishments without criticism or questions.


I've spent a large portion of my life being underweight, especially while training daily, for multiple hours, in dance. I was 78 lbs up until I was 15, when dancing took over my life and bounced me up to 125lbs in the space of a year. That was actually a really good weight for my height, 5'5. However, throughout college and now into my office days my weight has fluctuated. I know a lot of weight fluctuation is not healthy or good for your body. This is where my first goal comes in to play. I want to find a healthy and maintainable weight for my body. Summer 2011 I was 108-112lbs, then in Winter 2011 I was 120-125lbs. August 2012 I was 5'5 and 105lbs, December 2012 I was 5'5 and 128lbs. Mid-February 2013, I'm 120lbs. I'm now 25 years old and have watched my father and grandmother (who fluctuate more drastically in weight) have both had to have their gallbladders removed; Doctors believe it was due to the massive fluctuations in weight. Though I am not so drastic, I am still concerned I am not treating my body the best I can.


My diet remains pretty stable throughout the course of the year. Which makes me think that it's my activity causing the weight differences. I've had a gym membership that I use 1-2 times per week for yoga. However, I used to lift with my dad and would like to start up again. This is my second goal; get a stable gym routine involving cardio and lifting. The motivation behind this mainly rests in the fact that my entire life I have had wonderful levels of good and bad cholesterol. However, my levels are no longer that of an athelete, but levels typical of a desk dweller. I do not want to be the typical desk dweller!! Sounds like a third goal is coming up...research shows that people whose jobs consist of sitting, rather than people whose jobs consist of standing, are more prone to heart attacks. I want a healthy heart. My goal is to regularly do cardio. I haven't done enough research yet, but so far I'm thinking run daily or every couple of days, for 30-45 minutes.


This brings me to my next goal! Fourth goal!! I want to run. I want to cross a finish line. I want to race. Possibly start out with a 5k? A couple of my friends are doing the ColorVibe 5k in 8 weeks; I want to start training. I may need a lot of help and advice on this one. I want to be comfortable in the race. I can run/jog/walk almost 3 miles in 35 minutes so far. However, I want to know how to prepare my eating habits and resting habits for the "big day".


Now you know a little about me and my goals! I can fill you in a little more on my life...I work full time, M-F 8:30-5 at a desk job. I get up every half hour-hour and walk down the hall, just to get my legs moving and keep my heart awake. I rarely drink anything besides water or tea. My job is not the best environment for weight loss or healthy living, sadly (especially since I work in a hostital). My coworkers are all very much overweight and unwilling to change this, minus one coworker who is working very hard towards living healthy. Besides her though, no one is supportive in my goals. They often question why and jest about them. To them, I am skinny (though I am merely average and have a very normal BMI). They try to push sweets and candy and eating out. So I will have to avoid temptation!! I don't have THE best eating habits, but I am mostly a good girl when it comes to my meals. I am anemic and trying very hard to get more iron and protein in my diet so I can feel better/less fatigue throughout the day. I eventually will work my way to trying the paleo diet, but for now eat mostly vegetables. In addition to my job, I take night classes for graduate school. Outside of school and work, I try to be social but struggle with juggling it all. I try to go to the gym twice a week for yoga or at least one to three times to run and do a few weight lifting exercises. Currently, I am 5'5 and 124lbs.  I just want to love the way I look. Of course, there's no easy way to make thighs thinner or hips bigger...so this may be a struggle.


I suppose that is all for now!


Goal Five: Stabalize weight at 120lbs until the end of February!

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Hi! Welcome to the group! 


From what you've said above it seems like your weight always fluxes up in the winter time and then drops down in the summer, I'm not sure but I think that's a fairly common trend. Cold/flu season, stress, temperature flux, how much sleep you get can all affect your hormones which have just as much bearing on your weight as your diet and exercise routine. If you're really concerned about the flux you could talk to your doctor and have them do a hormonal blood panel to see if anything is out of whack (just to make sure)?


Regarding your goal to run, for a 5k start out eating normally and see how you do but add in starchy veggies after your workouts to replenish your glycogen stores. (I like sweet potatoes with cinnamon and a spoonful of almond butter while I'm waiting for the potato to cook after my runs) Everyone is a bit different, a friend of mine cannot run with anything in her stomach, I find that I need to eat about an hour before hand, test it out and see what works for you. Crossing the finish-line of your first race (and subsequent races) is an awesome feeling!! 

Redcat, Hero of Rivertown (once known as Teabunneh)

Shapeshifter | Scout | Lvl 2 STR +4 | DEX +2 | STA +6 | CON +7 | WIS +7 | CHA +2Vanquished Challenges: 1 Current ChallengeA Tale of TeaRunning Paleo; Accountability group: Shiny New Scouts

"Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right." - Henry Ford



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