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Glad to Have found this/Workout Game

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Hey all, I just stumbled across the forums whilst developing a nerdish work-out regiment and I was delighted to find that the RL-RP system dovetails beautifully with what I've got planned. If you've got any suggestions, propositions or additions to my workout game I'd love to have them (feel free to skip past the crap about bettering myself and move right on to the bold, dice rolling workout section!).


Well, I've always been a fat kid, not really socially awkward but still into general nerdery (i.e. gaming, comics, learning, grammar, and various collecting), generally I fit in as well as any fat kid can. I weighed quite a lot in my sophomore year of high school and got into a weight-loss program with my mom which left me fairly happy with my weight by the time I graduated.

College went well aside from mound of financial aid I accrued. I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Psychology and am currently a writer, putting almost none of my schooling to use, while making no money. Luckily I'm married, my wife works part time as a banker at Wells Fargo and is currently in her Senior year of college. 

While I enjoyed school intellectually I went from a Large shirt to a 2X; soon to be outgrown, you might say I gave birth to a big-ol' fat-ass degree and now I'm tore up from the floor up.


A friend of mine introduced me to Magic: The Gathering in college and I started frequenting tournaments at game shops; always curious about D&D I picked it up about 7 months ago wherein I was sucked into the vacuum of the game. I participate in 4 campaigns a week and have a strange love for the dice that I can't really explain to the point that I've been attempting to integrate them into everyday situations; selecting numbered on my wife's homework to help with, deciding how many beers I get, activity gambling with a friend.

Now that I'm self-employed and large as ever I thought that there might be no better time to try to get into shape than now; as I've tried in the past and lacked stick-to-itiveness I thought employing the dice would make the activities enjoyable. I'd like to lose weight, eat better, and be more active whilst maintaining my love for Whiskey, and Meat!


Dice Roll Workout

In the past I've attempted to workout without being able to stick to it, I've acquired an elliptical, a Kiect for the Xbox as well as the Wii Fit so, I'm hoping to put them all to use through my somewhat unhealthy fascination with dice. So here's the plan (also why I love this RL-RP system), the exercises and reps/time will be adjusted as I become better at exercising and as I level up, i.e. die sizes will increase as will the modifiers associated with them.  

I'f you have input on good low-impact, at-home exercises I would greatly appreciate them (I'm really open to suggestions because I haven't a clue how to work out) but the gist of working out is this:


After an Extended Rest

Roll 1d6+(mod)-----This is the number of exercises I will complete today (D) (may increase to 2d4)



  • Exercise may be completed in 1 of 2 ways
  • Intervals throughout a session/day
    • To calculate intervals--- (E-S)/D       Where E=end of session/day and S=Beginning of session/day


Set alarm to correspond to time intervals or roll after each workout in continuous session 

Roll 1d20


I can't seem to get the table to post but if you care to look I've attached it as a word doc.


Dice Roll Workout Table.doc

RiotBricker - Level 1 Adventurer                        Stats

Strength--------2         Dexterity--------1                     Height: 5' 10"         Weight: 350ish

Stamina--------1         Constitution---3                                  

Wisdom--------4         Charisma------4                      Physical Attributes: Unhealthy, Out of Shape, Surprisingly Attractive

Challenge: Level 1 Questing                                     Habits: Table-Top Gaming, Sarcasm, Avoiding Activity, Couch-Sitting

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Welcome to the Rebellion!


Not terribly familiar with RP with dice (I'm a Disney nerd myself) but if it gets you up and moving I can't see how it's a bad thing. The best thing you can do is create new habits, so if the dice get you exercising X times per week, once you've progressed beyond those types of workouts, you have the habit down and can move on to more advanced workouts with the same consistency.


All of the workouts that Steve has blogged about here, here, and here, are all things you can do at home and can be modified as needed. Also, I've found yoga videos at home to be challenging and great for mobility.


I noticed you don't mention diet however. Are you currrently making any changes to that aspect of your health? I'm not assuming you need to, just curious. 80-90% of your success will come from the way you eat and fuel your body.

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