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Trying to figure out where to get started

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Wow, you actually click on my thread!


I'm not new to working out, just returning to it.  I have a tendency to injure myself and then have to take time off.  =(


I am however, new to Nerd Fitness.  I really like the blog.  I appreciate that it can make you think, offers advice but still encourages people to think for themselves.  I've delt with so many fitness know-it-alls that I avoid the gym like the plauge. 


I work a boring office job then workout after work 5 days a week (if I'm being good, which I usually am) and try to go running a few times a week as well.  My current addiction?  MUD RUNS!!!!  I am not nearly fit enough for them but I still go and push through it.  I've got another one tomorrow and I've still got bruises from the last one two weeks ago.  I just can't get enough. 


When not working out I sew, watch tv with my cats, or teach my corgi stupid tricks, and other little old lady hobbies, despite being neither little or old.


So, now that I've introduced myself... where is the best place to start on these forums?

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Hey Stormie,


As a fellow crafter (knit and crochet) and a crazy old cat lady (at 26 years old), welcome!!!


The best place to get started is the challenge coming up on Feb 25th.  Make sure you check out the rules and think of goals that are clear and measurable. For example, I'm working on my pushups so every other day I do 4 sets of pushups. Once I get to 20 reps at a certain difficulty (I started with incline pushups on my kitchen counters), I can move on to more difficult push ups (like off a coffee table). Eventually, I will move down to the floor. The key is to make small changes and keep track of them. A good basic goal is to drink more water. So buy a water bottle and keep track of how many ounces you drink during a day. If you drink 32 or more, that's a good day. If you drink 32 or less, that's a bad day, etc.


I also work a boring office job and it sucks. Also, everyone says I should do a mud run but I'm a total chicken when it comes to heights and I'm not sure if I could haul my body over those 20ft walls without pissing myself. Perhaps that would be a good thing to work on - my fear of heights!


Other than the challenges, just jump in! Since you aren't new the fitness you probably have some knowledge that you could share with someone who is brand new, so chime in, answer questions, and state your opinion. These forums work best when everyone is participating.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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I went ahead and signed up for the challenge.  I made chin-ups a goal of mine.  Thankfully drinking water is not one of my issues.  I drink over a gallon a day.  People wonder how I manage to do it; I don't know how people can't.  I get thirsty, I drink water, repeat, 1 gallon later... hah.


I'm glad I'm not the only crafter and cat person on here.  I'd hard to find other people that like working out, crafting, and nerdy things.  Sometimes I meet people that are two out of three.  I added you as a friend, I hope that is okay.  =)

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I'm the same way with water! I drink from a 32 oz nalgene and I've already had to refill it twice today, so I'm at about half a gallon and it's just after lunch here. One time I forgot my water bottle and had to drink from a stupid cup. I was up getting more water every half hour.


I'm sure there are other cat people around, they're just hiding under the bed :)

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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I wouldn't survive having to drink water from a tiny cup.  I would go to the quickie mart and get a 32oz cup of ice to use to refill.  I get irritable when not hydrated.


I love that nerd groups generally contain cat people.  Cats, the only creatures as socially awkward as me.

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